I hope the information here, which is not readily available to patients, dentists or medical practitioners, will help to provide health for all people.

The Information on this Website does not constitute medical advice

I told my patients to never believe what I was telling them, but instead to read and become informed. Knowledge is never a burden.

This site is a compilation of knowledge that I have been fortunate to have obtained over many years of research and clinical practice.

Many other people are also trying to disclose the myths about the safety of modern dentistry. Its the same story because it needs to be told.

A Page List is provided Here to help navigation.

Foreword – Dr Mike Godfrey, MB, BS

“It has been fortunate over the years that there have always been a few who refuse to walk away from the truth. I have known Robert Gammal for forty years and consider him to be one of those few. Predictably, just as with those earlier pioneers, there was opposition and ridicule followed by ad hominem attack. However, Robert remained true to his principles, and this book reveals the reasons. … Robert’s very well-referenced book ought to be read by all who, as Huggins succinctly put it, are interested in their health.”

Comment by Dr Andrew Taylor BDS:

“The Garbage Collector will pique the interest of both the dentally informed and the person struggling to recover his or her health in the aftermath of toxic dental interventions. Robert uncovers and lays bare the politics, scientific cover-ups, and money-driven “science” of past and current-day dentistry. You will love the read and knowledge provided. Enjoy.”

A brief summary of the problems associated with this procedure is HERE

Appendices for ‘The Garbage Collector’

Published July 2022

Dentists are taught to leave dead infected gangrenous tissue in the body, in a procedure called Root Canal ‘Therapy’. The aim and the claim of this procedure, is to ‘save the tooth’.

The dental profession whole heartedly rejects the idea that dead teeth, whether root canaled or not, may seriously affect your health. This information has been suppressed for over 100 years.

The Garbage Collector’ explains this disaster in understandable language, and demonstrates what to do about it. This book gives you information with which to make more informed decisions about one of the common ‘treatments’ that dentistry may offer you. The information is relevant for anyone dealing with a degenerative systemic disease. Yes it is fully referenced.

The Garbage Collector’ is available as a soft cover printed book or as an e-book, from Balboa Press and many other book sellers.

Also available at Amazon & they have a Look Inside button which allows you to see some of the book. Click on the Kindle Button – it has more to see.

Read some Reviews Here

“I would rather have ques­tions that can’t be an­swered,

than an­swers that can’t be ques­tioned.”  

Richard P. Feynman

Quecksilber‘ is the German word for ‘quick-silver’ or ‘mercury‘. When amalgam was first introduced to the world in1812, the German and Swedish dentists who used this new wonder material, were called “Quecksilber dentists” or “Quacks”. All current dental associations were formed by the dentists who wanted to use mercury amalgam. All current dental associations today, were originally formed by quacks.

Almost ALL Dental Associations, worldwide are Private Trade Organizations. Throughout this website I will use the abbreviation ‘PTOs’ to describe them.

Many times I have been called a ‘quack’, implying that I rely on anecdotal evidence (or worse), instead of published science. Supposedly, it is only the ‘Clinically Observed Evidence’, which is reliable!

The difference, ’ according to me, between ‘Clinical Observation’ and ‘Anecdotal Evidence is:

‘Clinical Observation’ is what a specialist sees in their practice, which agrees with the status quo

‘Anecdotal evidence’ is what a GP dentist sees in their practice, which does not agree with the status quo

This is not an academic or medical site. There is too much of my opinion in it!

All ‘Scientific ‘Dogma’ & ‘Official Narratives’ should be questioned and tested. Even mine!

‘So ring the bells that still can ring,

Forget your perfect offering,

There is a crack, a crack, in everything,

That’s how the light gets in.’

Leonard Cohen

A Page List is provided Here