& Cell Wall Deficient Forms

“morph” refers to shape/form. “pleon” = more

Beyond the scope of the dental profession’s research, there is a wealth of further research demonstrating that under certain conditions, bacteria and other microorganisms are able to change form.  As mentioned earlier, Dr Price demonstrated in 1920, that if oxygen is removed gradually from aerobic bacteria, they will become anaerobic.  This is called Pleomorphic change.  The concept of Pleomorphism is ignored in the dental literature, although current medical research demonstrates this reality. A quick search in Medline will reveal hundreds of references related to pleomorphic changes in bacteria.[i],[ii],[iii],[iv],[v],[vi],[vii],[viii].  

What this means is that even though a huge range of bacteria have been found in dead teeth, the conditions in the tooth are ripe for any of these organisms to change form, depending on the environment.  The environment inside a tooth is not static – it is changing all the time at a chemical level and in terms of the amount of oxygen in different parts of the tooth.  Micro organisms do have the ability to adapt to the environment and to the chemicals that are used to try to kill them. 

Current research shows that bacteria and other microorganisms can cause cancer.  Much of this literature stresses the likely involvement of highly pleomorphic bacteria as causing cancer. [ix]  Considering this finding it would be wise for the dental researchers to acknowledge that the organisms which remain in the teeth can cause cancer. 

A friend of mine who owned a pathology lab examined a wide variety of extracted, root-treated teeth that I had sent her.  Each tooth demonstrated a range of microbial forms which could only fall into the category of “cell-wall-deficient forms”.  These findings have been linked with various stages and forms of cancer.[x]  This information is rarely mentioned in dental literature with very few dentists or professors being aware of it.  In fact, current dental philosophy strenuously denies the link to cancer.

Cell wall Deficient forms have also been described through the use of dark field microscopy, as being associated with dead teeth.  They have been found in both the teeth and the blood of the same patients. 

“The dangers of these organisms become obvious when you consider that the enzymes produced by the CWD form that maintains their lack of a cell wall, also would break down the cell walls of the red and white blood cells. Even more alarming is the understanding that these organisms not only parasitize our immune cells but can enter into our nervous system and travel to the brain.  These Chips have been verified by Dr Lida Mattman in the cerebral fluid of patients with MS and in a high percentage of cases oral spirochetes were seen in massive amounts in the brain”.

  “… while these organisms are observable in the bloodstream, the surgical extraction of root canalled teeth and the cleansing of osteonecrotic sites nearly always heal with a recurring osteonecrotic lesion. Again this would make absolute sense when one realizes that the infection of CWD forms produce enzymes that use and break down cells that are newly forming the bony matrix. Antibiotics that work by disrupting the cell wall of bacteria are not only ineffective but contribute to the formation of the offending CWD forms.”[xi]

This information is not taught to dental students or dentists!

Dr Royal Rife (1888 – 1971) [i]  was a brilliant microscopist who built microscopes which allowed the light to be passed through quartz crystals on its way to the subject and the eyepiece.  By this means he was able to use specific wavelengths to both demonstrate and affect the viral organisms he found in all cancer tissue.  He named these BX Viruses. 

“This meant that each organism had a signature frequency at which it vibrated or resonated. Rife further developed this technology by building a frequency instrument which was able to reproduce these MOR’s (Mortal Oscillatory Rates) and thus kill the organisms.” [ii]

He found wavelengths of light which caused the viral particles to explode.  As this happened the cancers were cured.  He travelled the world curing cancers. His work was published internationally in the newspapers of the time.  This was of course unacceptable to the medical establishment, which by this stage was already formulating various chemotherapy concoctions.  Light is not patentable! 

Apart from curing cancer he did something else which to this day, has hardly been spoken of.  Dr Rife worked closely with another scientist called Dr Kellner, who was an expert in bacterial growth mediums.  They grew the BX virus in one of these mediums and by making subtle changes in the formulation of the growth medium, they watched startling changes in the BX Virus itself.  Gradually the virus changed into many different forms but ended up as a bacteria called Escherichia Coli. (Commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms).  By inverting the changes made to the growth medium, they were then able to convert these E.Coli bacteria back to a BX Virus.  This experiment was repeated 400 times.  They demonstrated the principle of Pleomorphism or Pleomorphic Change, i.e. the ability of an organism to change form e.g. from aerobic to anaerobic.   (Aerobic – needs oxygen to live.  Anaerobic – does NOT need oxygen to live.)

Dr Price also set up a clever experiment to demonstrate pleomorphic change.  He had two petri dishes in which he grew two different aerobic organisms.  One had bacteria and the other had a fungus which used vast amounts of oxygen.  Both petri dishes were joined by a tube and hermetically sealed.  As the fungus used up the oxygen the levels of course changed in both dishes.  The aerobic bacteria were now being gradually deprived of oxygen.  Instead of dying these clever little aerobes changed form and became anaerobes.  As the oxygen concentration was gradually reduced, the aerobic organisms changed to anaerobic organisms.

The dentine tubules which make up the bulk of any tooth, are very fine tubes extending from the root canal to the edge of the tooth in the root and the enamel in the crown of the tooth. If placed end to end, the tubules in a single rooted tooth would extend for about 3 miles / 4.5 km. Each tubule will have a different oxygen potential from one end to the other. This allows for a continually evolving microbial population. This is not a static process. Dental research paints a picture of only certain bacteria inhabiting a dead tooth. This concept is inaccurate and leads to a sad misunderstanding of what is happening within a tooth and also the consequences to the health of the rest of the body. This is true of all dead teeth whether or not some great endodontist has performed a miraculous root canal procedure!


[i] https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/files/NaturalHealing/Rife/History%20of%20Dr%20Rife.pdf

[ii] https://www.quantumbalancing.com/rife-historyifhtm

[i] Charlton BR  Channing-Santiago SE    Bickford AA  Cardona CJ  Chin RP    Cooper GL  Droual R  Jeffrey JS    Meteyer CU  Shivaprasad HL  et al  Preliminary

[ii] characterization of a pleomorphic gram-negative rod  associated with avian respiratory disease. J Vet Diagn Invest (1993 Jan) 5(1):47-51

[iii] Cantwell AR  Variably acid-fast pleomorphic bacteria as a possible cause of   mycosis fungoides. A report of a necropsied case and two living patients  J Dermatol Surg Oncol (1982) 8(3):203-213

[iv] Cantwell AR  Lawson JW  Necroscopic Findings Of Pleomorphic, Variably Acid-Fast Bacteria In A  Fatal Case Of Kaposi’s Sarcoma   J Dermatol Surg Oncol (1981) 7(11):923-930

[v] Eisenberg RJ  Montgomery PC  Characterization of an antibody directed against a surface component of normal and pleomorphic cells of Streptococcus sanguis. Infect Immun (1975 Sep) 12(3):668-78

[vi] Maeda N  Anaerobic, gram-positive, pleomorphic rods in human gingival crevice. Bull Tokyo Med Dent Univ (1980 Mar) 27(1):63-70

[vii] Ishikawa O  Aerobic gram-positive pleomorphic rods isolated from dental plaque and gingival crevice. Bull Tokyo Med Dent Univ (1980 Mar) 27(1):71-7

[viii] Bauld J  Marshall KC  Quantitative description of morphological changes during growth of a  pleomorphic budding bacterium. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek (1971) 37(4):401-7

[ix] Wainwright M  Highly pleomorphic staphylococci as a cause of cancer.   Med Hypotheses (2000 Jan) 54(1):91-4

[x] The persecution and trial of Gaston Naessens by Christopher Bird isbn 0-915811-30-8

[xi] Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients  Feb/March 1999

Cell Wall Deficient Forms and Their Association with Root Canaled Teeth and Cavitational Osteonecrosis