EDTA chelation
EDTA should be avoided as a chelating agent as it has been shown that the EDTA/Mercury complex is potentially more neurotoxic than mercury by itself.
Homoeopathic Amalgam / Mercury
Homoeopathic Amalgam/Mercury will potentially mobilize far too much mercury too quickly. This can make you very ill if other detox procedures are not followed or if you kidneys and liver are not able to handle such a mass onslaught. We strongly recommend avoiding this form of detox unless carefully monitored and regulated with a homeopath that really knows what they are doing.
Zinc potentiates the lethal effects of mercury.
N-acetyl cysteine, saunas, vegetarian diets, fasting and excessive sports
All of these have been shown to potentially drag mercury into the brain cells, rather than away from the intracellular environment.