Be careful about reading health books.

You may die of a misprint.

Mark Twain (1835 – 1910 )

All dental associations are Private Trade Organizations

Something that you may not be aware of, is that all dental associations around the world are Private Trade Organizations.  As such they are only answerable to their shareholders, who are there for the profit.  Why else would anyone invest?  They are not answerable to the public, the patient, the ancillary dental personnel and nor to their own membership of dentists.  They are not government organizations and nor are they scientific bodies.  They are not even spokes-people for the whole of the dental profession, as they only represent about 70% of dentists.  They do not represent dental nurses or any of the other ancillary staff. They are organizations with their own vested interests, and their own propaganda stream to support these interests.  Unless I am quoting a particular one of these organizations, I will simply refer to them as Private Trade Organizations or PTO’s.  

My Frustrated Rave

The issue of amalgam has been around since its creation in 1812.  The warnings have been shouted for over 150 years.  There have been volumes of words and studies and ‘in-your-face’ proof, and nobody wants to listen.  The dental profession, as we know it today, is based on the use of amalgam.  The dental organizations were founded on the use of amalgam.  The American Dental Association still owns patents on the most popular dental alloys used to make amalgam fillings. All that is needed for opposition to be silenced, is a man in a suit or white jacket, representing a private trade organization, to pronounce his belief in the safety of amalgam. I am not being sexist here – it is just that the rest of the profession runs on this sexist attitude and always puts up a male to say how good and safe it all is.

“I personally have no worry or concern about it, for either my patients or my own family,” said Dr Patrick Dalton, spokesperson for the NSW branch of the Australian Dental Association (ADA) in 1999. “This tends to be a very, very emotional issue, there’s a lot of heat generated about this, but not a lot of light.” [1] 

Governments put poison in our drinking water, and we say thank you.  We believe the scam of herd immunization because we are fearful about the coming plague of diseases presented daily by the media. We sit and wonder why rates of autism and Alzheimer’s are going through the roof, yet we condone the implantation into our heads, of the third most toxic substance known to science. We wonder why the rates of cancer are suddenly about 1 in 2, and yet we allow the man in a white coat to leave dead, infected and gangrenous tissue in our mouths, and we pay him a fortune for his service. We watch the planes in the sky leaving chemical trails of nano-aluminium particles and other toxic materials to drop down into our water supply and soil, and yet few ask why.  We just accept that our governments and business leaders know best.  

We are all guinea pigs in a race to the end of our environmental survival, and it is time to take control of anything that we can, in our own lives.  The first stage is to become informed.  None of us are experts in everything, but most of us can at least look at alternative ideas and ask serious questions.

Geoffrey Robertson has been one of my intellectual heroes for a long time and I can only wish that my command of the language was as good as his.  The following quote, from his latest work, inspires many of the concepts I hope will carry through this website.

“I recite the story of the headmistress who sent all her new teachers this letter:

Dear Teacher

I’m a survivor of a concentration camp.  My eyes saw what no man should witness,  gas chambers built by learned engineers, children poisoned by educated physicians,  infants killed by trained nurses,  women and babies shot and burnt by high school and college graduates.  So I’m suspicious of education.  My request is to help your students become human.  Your efforts must never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, educated morons.  Reading, writing, arithmetic are important only if they serve to make our children more human.” From “Rather His Own Man”  by Geoffrey Robertson QC 2018 Penguin

Hopefully the teachers of dentistry will take heed and show responsibility for what they are teaching.  If the teachers don’t get it, then hopefully many other humans will, and learn enough to make changes in their own lives.  It seems that I have screamed for too many years, with too many of my colleagues, and still the status quo is just as firmly entrenched as it was in the 1970s.  Too many have suffered unnecessarily because of the teachings of modern dentistry.  Our society is far less healthy than it was in the 1970s, and part of this can be directly related to what every dentist does, every day, to make a living.  Our cancer rates are approaching one in two.  Autism rates have increased exponentially and are currently running at one in 40.  IQ’s have dropped across the board.  Mercury is still a huge part of our existence, and our environment is more polluted than any of us thought could be possible. We all need to learn too much too quickly.

Dental schools in America, Australia, New Zealand and many other countries are still teaching students to place amalgam fillings (2022).  They claim and teach that this antiquated, poisonous material is still the best mechanical restorative material for large complex fillings in back teeth.  They claim that to teach alternatives will take a long phase down period.  They have claimed this for the past 30 years or longer.  In 2008 Norway completely banned the use of amalgam.  Many other Scandinavian countries have followed suit.  The Nijmegen dental school in Holland stopped teaching amalgam in 2001. 

“It was not just a change in materials and techniques but also a change in treatment philosophy. The reduced need for preparation and the strengthening effect on the remaining tooth were the principal reasons for the shift from dental amalgam to adhesive dentistry with resin composite at Nijmegen dental school.” [2] 

Purely for the reason that bonded fillings strengthen the tooth, compared to amalgam which weakens the tooth, did they make the decision to stop using amalgam.  That alone undermines the dental association claims, of mechanical superiority for this poisonous implant.  I personally stopped using amalgam in 1987.  My restorations did not fall out or break.  Everything that I did with amalgam for 13 years, I could do 100x better with bonded composites.  Many dentists have given up amalgam, and their fillings don’t fall out.   Perhaps it is the incompetence and stupidity of the teaching staff that maintains the use of an ancient material.   Dumb is just dumb!

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In 1991 I went to Colorado to study with Dr Hall Huggins.  If you can get a hold of his book, “It’s All In Your Head”, you will read the firsthand account of what follows and learn lots in the process.  Dr Huggins was the man who started the third amalgam war in the 1970’s, with his research into amalgam. He was the person who brought the teachings of Dr Weston Price into our current consciousness. He was a genius with a heart bigger than his enormous intellect. When I went to his clinic to register for the course, I was delighted by a young 8 year old girl, who was having a great time playing in the waiting room.  I made comment to the receptionist about what a gorgeous happy kid she was.  The receptionist said, “take a good look as she is part of your course”.   By the time she had come to see Dr Huggins a year earlier, she had been sent home to die, because her leukemia was untreatable. 

Dr Huggins was very thorough.  He had blood tests and biomarkers from the time he saw her, throughout her treatment and follow ups a month, 6 months and a year later.  What was the treatment?  Dr Huggins removed a tooth that had been ‘treated’ with a pulpotomy and covered with a stainless steel crown.  The pulpotomy was performed about a year earlier and she was diagnosed with leukemia a month after the dental treatment.  Within a week of this tooth being removed her white cell count returned to normal. A month later she was told that the leukemia had disappeared.  One year later there was still no trace of cancer. 

Do the deans of dentistry, who teach dentists to do this, take any responsibility for the disasters they create?  Of course NOT.  Would it have been better that this child die, rather than rethink their status quo? 

Graduating from dentistry at Sydney University in 1974, I jumped into my new career with abandon.  I became a “DENTIST”.    I concluded my career in 2014.  It was long and rewarding.  It was a career interrupted by various diversions, which added to the depth and breadth of my understanding of what I was doing on this planet.  One of the main and most rewarding diversions was to delve into the world of what is now called ‘natural alternative treatments’.  The people who I met in this other world of healing, so broadened my knowledge, that I ask the question as to why it is called alternative.  Alternative to what?  Drug company medicine?  It’s time to stop calling it alternative.  Often these modalities are graciously (tongue in cheek) called complimentary.  The same question applies.  When we begin to understand that these other modalities are forms of medicine in their own right, with reliance on hundreds of years of practical knowledge, we will start to respect them, instead of denigrating them with names like ‘alternative’ or ‘complimentary’.  Even forms of medicine which are taught at undergraduate level in Germany, are regarded in Australia as ‘alternative’ rubbish.  Neural Medicine here.

As dentists, we are supposed to believe what our professors and deans teach us.  At the tender age of 20, we do tend to believe these people.  After all they will pass or fail us when it comes to crunch time.  As an undergraduate, we do not have the time or the knowledge to be able to disagree with what we are being taught.  The prestigious position of professor, or even better, dean, is not one that an undergraduate would challenge.  Not only are they academics, but they are usually older than us and there is an expectation of respecting our elders, including the dinosaurs, liars and murderers. 

I don’t claim to have any academic qualification other than my undergraduate degree.  I do have 13 years experience doing what I was taught and another 30 years doing the opposite. I have little respect for those deans and professors, who teach methods that have no scientific credibility, and which also actively damage the health of our patients and contribute to the pollution of the earth. There is only one outcome of the teachings of modern dentistry – poor health which may occasion death, and a guaranteed big spend by the patients and their families, to purchase the relevant medical treatment and pharmaceuticals. 

A very sad joke that has gone around for a while, is the young oncologist who says to her professor, ‘it would be better than sliced bread if we could find the cure for cancer.”  The Professor answers “yes, but just remember that our current treatments are what provides the butter and jams for your sliced bread.

I have listened to some great researchers talking about the dangers of vaccination and they are equated by the establishment as being ‘antifluoridatiiiionnnnnnnists’.  (There is no such word so I can spell it as I wish.)  I have spoken often against water fluoridation and have been accused of being ‘antivaccinationist’!  The ‘BELIEF’ is that both interventions are validated by science, and only a crazy person would dare to talk against them.  When I was a student, we were taught to laugh at the folk who had to move out of the cities, when fluoridation was introduced. We were taught that these people are crazy, as fluoride was not just harmless, but actually good for us.  In the 1970’s the dean of dentistry at Sydney University, a man called Noel Martin, (also called Dean Martin even though he couldn’t sing), was responsible for adding fluoride to the Tamworth water supply.  He was the ‘expert’.  How could any student question what he taught?

It’s terrifying that In Australia and America, both vaccination and fluoridation are being mandated by the state as compulsory.  There is NO CHOICE!  Could it be anything to do with prime ministers owning shares in the drug companies that produce the vaccines. The reality is that all we are doing with both procedures is producing generations of diseased zombies, so I acknowledge the relationship, but I wouldn’t want to imply a ‘conspiracy theory’.  There is nothing theoretical about it.

For many there is no choice.  Australia is only a step away from mandatory vaccination.   America is already there.  If it were clear that these interventions worked, there would be no need to pass laws to make it compulsory. Only six countries in the world fluoridate their water supply – the rest of the world does not!  There are not many countries that allow mass medication.  Certainly, the Australian Constitution does NOT. But that makes no difference to those in power who enforce a mass medication of scheduled poisons.

In America and Australia Hep B shots are given to babies at birth – within minutes of coming into this world. 

“This shot, administered at the very vulnerable moment of birth, may well be responsible for more developmental or immune system injury than any other vaccine. The federal government’s VAERS database has 15,356 serious adverse events reported for hepatitis B vaccine and 8,477 of them are in children age 0-4 in the US (meaning, the child died or was permanently disabled by the vaccine).  It was banned in France in 1998 because of links to autoimmune diseases.” … “The newborn vaccine contained the adult dose of mercury in it for over a decade — 200 times the EPA limit.”

Jaime Lorraine [3] 

There are NO studies on the effect of mercury being INJECTED into a newborn.  Do you really think it’s a good idea?  If this stuff is injected at birth, there is NO way of assessing the neurological damage that is caused.  There is no Pre- or Post- vaccination state to compare to.  You may never know how brilliant your child could have been! It would certainly be a lot cheaper for litigation payouts! Although Ethyl Mercury is claimed to be a safe preservative in vaccines, this is far from the truth. Read more here

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Fluoride also is mandated.  If fluoride really did stop decay, don’t you think people would love it, considering most people’s hatred of going to the dentist?  Even if it did work to reduce decay rates, it is still a form of mass medication which is ruled unlawful in the Australian Constitution.  Decay rates have dropped in both fluoridated and non-fluoridated countries.  Those without fluoride have reduced their decay rates more than those whose water is poisoned. Fluoridation has been touted as the “greatest public health initiative of the twentieth century”.  Others have called it the greatest case of medical fraud this century.  I plan to give you enough information to make up your own mind.  Why is it safe in Australia and America, while in Europe it has been banned in the water supply and in all imported food?  In Europe it is regarded as a poison and has been officially classified as a hormone disrupting chemicalFluoride is associated with 2,712 interactions with genes in our bodies and with 1,715 disease states, yet it is supposedly good for us! [4] Read more here.

In the beginning of my career, I believed what I was taught, and regurgitated it to my patients like the properly trained parrot that I was.  For 13 years I told people that amalgam was safe, as I developed a nervous tremor in my hands, and acute optic neuritis in my left eye.  I told people that Root Canal Therapy was not just a safe and effective treatment for a dead tooth, but that it was essential if we were to maintain good general health.  I even recommended fluoride tablets for youngsters and pregnant women.  I took far too long to understand, that none of this is true.  Talk about the propaganda of words … I spent 30 odd years calling Root canals by the name I was brought up with – a root canal ‘therapy’ or ‘treatment’.  It took me that long to realise that it is neither therapeutic and nor is it a treatment.   It is a procedure which leaves dead, infected gangrenous tissue buried in an expensive gold crown (porcelain these days) deep within the jawbone.  I am not sure how that is supposed to be healthy. 

In the latter half of my dental career, I was exposed to the teachings of people like Dr Hal Huggins, Dr Horst Poehlman, Prof Boyd Haley, Prof Murray Vimy, Prof Vera Stejskal, Dr Jerry Bouquot and in the written word, Dr Weston Price, to name but a few of the great thinkers with the courage to talk about their knowledge.  They patiently taught me, as I violently rejected their claims.  This is when I learnt about the true cost of leaving dead teeth in the mouth.  This is when I started to learn that the forced medication, called water fluoridation, had no beneficial effects at all.  This is when I learnt that the mercury, I was implanting into patient’s bodies, was causing mercury poisoning, with all the horrifying ramifications that this entails.  I learnt that by using mercury amalgam as a filling material, I was also poisoning myself and my staff.  There was at last a reason for the uncontrollable trembling hands, muscle twitches and splitting headaches, as well an explanation of the acute optic neuritis and rapid mood swings.

My professors, peers and dental association taught me to poison myself, my family, my friends, and all patients.  I do not thank these people.  These people I regard at best, as criminally negligent and possibly pathologically insane.  The mad hatters are the teachers, judges, and jurors of our great profession! These people pretend to be the guardians of dental ethics and education, and are responsible for some of the greatest suffering that mankind experiences. 

“I can’t run no more,

with this lawless crowd,

Where the killers in high places,

say their prayers aloud.”

Leonard Cohen

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As I learnt these things, I found a few other dentists and doctors who were learning similarly, and we decided to get together and try and promote the real science behind these procedures.  In 1994 we formed the Australasian Society of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, a totally not-for-profit association, run totally voluntarily.  No one was paid.  In 1995 we held a huge ‘alternative’ dental conference and for the first time in the Australian dental world, opened this conference to the public.  We wanted everyone to know and understand.  The conference was held in Sydney at the Darling Harbour Convention Centre, and it attracted over 500 delegates who came to listen to the international experts talk about mercury, immune system diseases and holes in the bone.   This was the first time the Australian Dental Association, and in fact the Australian dental establishment, was being challenged on the propaganda they were promulgating.  They held press conferences to tell the public how bad we were and how unscientific was our information.  When backed into a corner the normal retaliation is to condemn the messenger. This they did.  They publicly denigrated the speakers – one was called a dentist from Canada.  This was true in a way, except that this dentist was Prof Murray Vimy, who was also the Professor of Medicine in Dentistry at Calgary University.  He was also the person responsible for the sheep studies in 1991, which showed the transport of mercury from amalgam fillings in the mouth, into the foetus – published in FASEB 1991.  The Swedish ‘woman’ who came to speak, was the late Professor Vera Stejskal, who was the Professor of Immunology at Stockholm University, who developed the MELISA test for autoimmunity.   The American dentist, was Dr Jerry Bouquot, who is still the world leading oral pathologist and authority on Cavitations in jaw bones associated with dead teeth.  The dental establishment was not impressed.  The delegates were comprised of dentists, doctors, naturopaths, masseurs, and a whole lot of people who just wanted to learn.  They gave the speakers a standing ovation at the end.  

Sadly, at present, there are only a few dentists in Australia with the required knowledge to treat people correctly.  It’s not good enough for dentists to pretend that their treatments have nothing to do with the general health and well being of their patients.  It’s no longer valid for the medical profession to not take this bad dentistry into consideration when diagnosing their patients.  Treating the cause as well as the symptoms, seems to be an alien concept for most doctors in Australia and America.  Concepts of medicine that are taught at undergraduate level in medical schools in Germany, are considered nonsense in Australia. Whatever a dentist does to a tooth, is literally being done to the whole of the body.  Dentistry is simply one of the greatest causes, and most overlooked of causes, of degenerative disease.  Medical doctors need to understand what dentists do.  Medicine needs to start taking heed of this most important part of the body.

But why treat the cause when the symptomatic treatment is so profitable.  Mercury poisoning, other metals in the mouth and Root canal procedures often result in long term, chronic neurological pain.  The medical profession love the drug LYRICA (or PREGABALIN) as the state-of-the-art treatment for chronic pain. I was offered it myself, as a first line of treatment, for a pain I had in my foot. This drug was originally sold as a treatment for epileptic seizures.  The way it works is to inhibit the growth and formation of new nerve junctions, called synapses. It inhibits the growth of nerve endings in the brain as well as the peripheral nervous system.  There is thus an association with dementia, which no one wants to talk about.  Why would you be prescribed a drug that causes dementia, for pain control?  Well, that’s the other side to the Lyrica story;

“Lyrica is Pfizer’s top selling drug with annual worldwide sales of over $5 billion. Earlier this year, the company agreed to pay $400 million to settle a shareholder lawsuit, over allegations it marketed Lyrica and several other drugs off-label. The lawsuit stemmed from a $2.3 billion settlement with the federal government in 2009 for fraudulent marketing and illegal kickbacks paid to doctors who prescribed Lyrica and other Pfizer products.” [5]

One of the well known effects that mercury, from amalgam fillings has on the body, is to cause an increase in blood pressure. For this you’ll be prescribed a little tablet, to take every day for the rest of your life.  Have a guess at how many billions of $$$ are made world-wide on this treatment alone.  Often removing the amalgam fillings and detoxifying the body from mercury, will allow a considerable reduction in blood pressure, all by itself.  Instead, we are taught at university, to continue treatments which produce diseases, as these are more profitable than finding a cure.  

Healthy people and dead people don’t buy drugs.

Only sick people buy drugs

I used to tell all my patients NOT to believe a word I was saying.  I used to tell this also to the other dentists who wanted to learn from me.  After all, I could be just another nutter with my own agenda.  Its time to start doing your own research. There is a universe of difference between believing and knowing. This is particularly so for dentists and doctors, who are totally brainwashed into ‘believing’ what they were taught at university.  If you’re a dentist, I would hope that you reach outside of your comfort zone and go read some of the references listed here.  Before you disagree with me, I suggest you arm yourselves with real information.  Once you have, I think that you might just want to put your patients first, as you have until now, but with new knowledge. You might decide to also question your professors and PTOs and make up your own mind. 

Do not believe a word I am saying – read the references and make up your own mind. It would amaze me if any of the deans of dentistry have ever read the references presented here.  It’s too easy to rely on belief.  It’s too easy to pass the buck up the specialist ladder.  It’s too easy to sidestep the legal obligation of putting the patient’s wellbeing first, in the need to appease the specialists.  These old boys clubs are dinosaurs of limited intellect and bottomless pockets.  How can a dentist become a specialist root canal person, without having read the literature associating root canal procedures with cancer?  Wouldn’t that be basic knowledge to have, if you plan make this a career choice?  How about the humble GP dentist who is diligently filling teeth with mercury amalgam? Is this dentist aware that the mercury exposure from the amalgam, is enough to dramatically affect the female dental nurse’s ability to have children?  Why aren’t we taught this in dental school?  Is he/she aware that after only five years exposure to mercury vapour in the dental surgery, their IQ will have dropped by several points?   Have you ever wondered why the rate of suicide is so high in the dental profession, even though this fact is denied by the PTOs?  Have you as a patient, ever wondered about the sanity of your dentist?  How about having delicate surgery done by someone with a neurological tremor in their hands and a psychopathological attitude to humanity? 

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These old beliefs are so violently hung on to, that there is no room to develop an alternative thought.  These beliefs get in the way for most dentists, to even look after themselves and their partners safely. If you have just hit the wall of cognitive dissonance I do apologize for the discomfort. It does get worse.

“You can’t convince a believer of anything;

for their belief is not based on evidence,

it’s based on a deep seated need to believe.”

Carl Sagan

A large part of dental education has to do with ethics.  It is not an actual course but is instead implied in the construct of the ‘profession’.   Surely the teachers of ethics, would themselves be ethical enough to immediately inform the students and the rest of the profession, if the research showed a danger to health!  What if the research showed a danger to the health of those administering the treatment?  Would we not want to be informed by our professors and deans, that the substances we are using in our daily practices, are in fact rapidly poisoning us?  Would we want to be dumb to the knowledge, that the root canal procedure we are performing, may result in cancer or MS, or any of a range of other diseases, in our partners and children?  Wouldn’t you want to know that the water you are drinking is dosed with rat poison?  If you know this information you would surely ask ‘would I do this to someone I love?’  The research has been there for a long time.  Many have shouted about it. 

Research about the dangers of mercury from amalgam fillings has been around since its inception in 1812. Research about the dangers of root canal procedures has been around since the early 1920’s. Research about the dangers of Fluoride has been around for over 80 years. There is no reason to suggest it does not exist, especially when the current research fully supports the older research.

Hopefully the information presented here will allow you to make more informed decisions about these dental treatments.  Hopefully it will arm you with the knowledge to be able to ask the right questions and hopefully this information may help you to heal and enjoy your life. 


[1] Published in Healthwatch , Feb 28 1999 page 7 of Tempo a section of the news paper Sun Herald Feb 28 1999

[2] The amalgam-free dental school. Roeters FJ1, Opdam NJ, Loomans BA. J Dent. 2004 Jul;32(5):371-7. 



[5] (