“The fact that millions of people share the same vices
does not make these vices virtues,
the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths,
and the fact that millions of people share the same form of mental pathology
does not make these people sane.”
― Erich Fromm, The Sane Society

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A Brief Overview of This Site (& My Attitude)
A Paradigm Shift Is Needed – written especially for dentists
My name is Robert Gammal. I graduated from Sydney University in 1974. Yep I’m that old! I used to work as a dentist for about 40 years in Australia and overseas. I have worked in areas that were fluoridated and some that were not. I can safely say that the children I saw with the best and healthiest teeth, were raised on tank water from the rain. I have been fortunate also to work in Nepal with both Nepali and Tibetan people. A truly magical experience. I retired in 2014 and have not looked back. I am loving this phase of my life.
It’s now time to revisit ‘dogma controlled’ dental treatments and also to introduce my new book, ‘The Garbage Collector’. It’s all about Root Canal Procedures and how you can save lots of money and your health. It is fully referenced, so that you can check the things I’m saying. Most of the time it is just repeating what great researchers have found, which is denied by the dental industry.
The entrenched beliefs about the safety of many dental procedures, has ensured their continuation, with dire consequences for the health of many people. The information on this website dispels many long held dental ‘truths’ and dogmas.

During my work period, I not only practiced dentistry but also tried to promote a healthier approach to this work. I became involved in setting up and taking an active role in the Australian Society of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. As a group we brought information into the public and dental sphere about the dangers of mercury amalgam and root canal procedures. We held international conferences in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane with great attendance.
I also decided that the messages had to get out further to the public, so I made a couple of documentaries – “Quecksilber – the strange story of dental amalgam” in 2004 and “Rooted” in 2006.
I worked as a dentist for about 13 years, doing everything that I was taught to the best of my abilities. I did thousands of root canals, advised all pregnant women to take fluoride tablets and of course poured mercury amalgam into as many people as I could. I did this in good conscience and thought that I was doing everyone a great service. I can only apologize to the people I hurt in this period. I had poisoned my friends and family. I had poisoned myself with mercury and a couple of root canals. In 1987 I had a bout of Acute Optic Neuritis and went blind in my left eye for a few months. Thankfully it was not M.S. but mercury poisoning, which took another 4 years to find out. I really became the Mad Hatter. By this stage I had a severe tremor in my hands that the neurologists blamed on a stressful job, my mood swings made living with me hell for my wife, and the headaches were daily. For the last few years of this period, I had been studying massage and natural therapies, and by 1987 decided to leave dentistry and work as a masseur. This was a magnificent period of personal and spiritual growth. I learnt that there were many forms of healing which were not taught to doctors or dentists. Recently I spoke to a physiotherapist who told me that massage is a useless waste of time – that is what she learnt in her course.
1991 saw a return to dentistry in partnership with my old friend who was also an acupuncturist. We were able to combine our joint knowledge and experiences. We were also determined to not use amalgam any more, for all our sakes. Then began the next phase of exploration and learning, which led me to the most amazing teachers in dentistry and medicine. To keep it brief I spent the next 20 years doing the opposite of what I was taught. Of course, this brought with it the consternation and opposition of the rest of the dental establishment, and the support of a great many patients who had remarkable improvements in their health. After seeing this change in people’s health there was no longer a choice which path I would follow. It was clear that the information I was learning had been available for over 150 years and that it had been hidden and suppressed
by the whole of the Australian dental establishment. Suddenly my faith in the teachers I had at university was dashed. My best teachers became my patients. Their stories still amaze me even in my retirement. 40 years of working as a dentist has provided me a wealth of experience. I cannot sit back and let this knowledge pass with me. I hope that this website will be a way of passing some of this knowledge on to others, which I hope will be of benefit and bring to the world a greater understanding and better treatments. I hope that some dentists will read this information, question it all by reading the references, and then change the way they practice from that which is officially sanctioned by the universities and the private trade organizations, to a much more wholisitc approach. (I have never called myself a ‘wholistic dentist’ as I do not know all there is to know. All of the treatments were based in scientific research.) The so called ‘Evidence Based Approach’ is one which is relied upon to maintain the status quo and is a very slippery slope.
To those dentists who do decide to take the plunge, be prepared for your colleagues and your associations to discredit and disown you. Take this as a compliment. Remember that the dental associations need your membership far more than you need them. Remember that when you proudly display your membership of whatever dental association you belong to, you are in fact offering them free advertising. Perhaps they should be paying for that advertising instead of pretending that it is a privilege for you. All you need is a desire to serve your patients, some integrity that the health of your patients, staff and self is your priority, and a whole lot of science to support your treatments and position. This site should give you a good starting point for some of the available science.
I always told the patients who came to me for treatment that I was good at taking out the rubbish, but the healing will come from inside of you. I just take out the rubbish and you do the healing. I am much more of a garbage collector than a healer.
I hope the information on this site will benefit you and your loved ones.

A Dedication

To my dear friend, Chris, who passed on way too young. A man who introduced me to so many forms of healing, who lived by compassion and who taught me how to be true to myself.