! It’s Just Not Worth the Time or Energy !
From Skinner and Phillips, THE textbook on dental materials 1964 we read;
“… suggested that electrical currents, or the metallic ions that are liberated from the restoration because of the galvanic current, could account for the many types of dyscrasias, such as lesions, ulcers, leukoplakia, cancer and kidney disorders.” … “the insertion of an amalgam restoration directly in contact with a gold inlay would seem to be contraindicated.” … “the problem will remain controversial as long as there are dissimilar metals in the mouth but efforts which would be necessary to resolve this issue seem not to be worthy of the time and energy required” [1]
My emphasis

Not only has the issue of electric currents in the mouth been known for a very long time, but it has been officially swept under the carpet for as long. It seems just too difficult to enforce the no-mixed-metal-in-the-mouth rule even though god said it is ‘contraindicated’. It is not worthy of the time and energy required to remove a cause of cancer, ulcers, leukoplakia, and kidney disorders. If a responsible approach were taken it could undermine the dentist’s income! This is the official text that students, in my day at least, learnt from. The problem with textbooks by specialists, is that they are NOT peer reviewed. They are ALWAYS written to brainwash students into maintaining the status quo! If you live in heaven it appears, you can write anything and it becomes a text from which to teach students to be dumber than before they entered dental school. This situation remains to this day!
If Skinner & Phillips said it, then that’s all you need. It’s simply not worth the time or energy to prevent disease! The Macquarie St Specialists have an open argument for doing whatever they like, using metal crowns in a mouth with amalgam, stainless steel and titanium. It’s therefore OK for the rest of the dentists to follow suit, knowing that they will be supported by their specialists and professors in any legal situation. This lack of responsibility underscores the attitudes that are taught from the top down. This attitude carries right through every aspect of dentistry.
It’s worth googling ‘electrical interference in dentistry”. You’ll find page after page about how some dental equipment can interfere with heart pacemakers. This is certainly worth knowing because it might mean the difference of whether you live through the treatment. I found only two sites that discuss the issues in this paper, and both are from old colleagues who do the same sort of dentistry that I did. There is very little knowledge out there about how the currents generated in the mouth are going to affect you.
Incredibly the old research was honest and informative. Here are a few of those early writings that have been ignored and disavowed by modern dentistry.
“The more striking and serious lesions, such as chronic ulcers, leucoplakia and cancers, or the blood dyscrasias may not appear for many months, sometimes ten years after the elements constituting an electric battery have been placed in the mouth. Positive cases of electrolytic injury are promptly relieved by removal of either the positive or negative metals. There are no recurrences after replacement with restorations which are electrochemically balanced. Electro galvanism between heterogenous restorations is a serious pathological problem, demanding early solution and correction through the cooperation of the metallurgist, the dentist and the physician.”
Lain and Caughron Electrogalvanic phenomena of the oral cavity caused by dissimilar metallic restorations, JADA Vol 23 Sept 1996
“Sufficient evidence has not accumulated to indicate definitely that dissimilar metals in the oral cavity can be responsible for local and general symptoms … the treatment is simple. The offending metals present should be replaced… A milliammeter is inexpensive and easy to handle. Its use in office practice is recommended.”
Hyams and Ballon, Dissimilar metals in the mouth as a possible cause of otherwise unexplainable symptoms, Canadian Medical Association J. Vol 29 Nov 1933
“…cases of visible lesions and severe systemic symptoms from extreme constitutional symptoms of toxaemia with kidney, blood and other disturbances … filling removal resulted in complete remission of all the former symptoms, and prompt recurrence of all previous symptoms resulted from replacement of fillings.“
Lippman Deutche Med Wchnschr., 1930
76 cases of visible and other symptoms of electrogalvanism originating in the mouth form dissimilar metals.
Freidlander, Maonat. F. Sahnheilk
We are Electric Entities
The human body is a delicately balanced electro-magnetic system. This has been known for thousands of years. Many ancient healing arts relied on the electrical nature of our beings. Chinese acupuncture is all about the flow of energy. We rely on electricity for our nerves to work. There is a difference of electrical potential between the inside and outside of a tumor as there is a difference in polarity of injured to healthy tissue. [2],[3] In fact, research has shown that even the placement of our organs and other forms of cell migration are electrically guided.[4]
We are electric entities. Why should we be surprised that external electric energy or EMFs or direct currents or magnetic fields or 5G would influence our beings? Some of these affects are positive and some are not so good for us. Why should we be surprised that our electrical energies may affect the electric energies of other beings or that they are even able to be measured with equipment sensitive enough to do so? Medicine is full of equipment which measures our electrical energy. ECG’s & ECT’s have been measuring our heart and brain waves for years. If you are interested, it is worth finding a few old books and reading some of the earlier research and concepts. I highly recommend “The Body Electric” by Robert Becker and Gary Selden, and “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot. You can watch a great interview with Michael Talbot Here. There are instruments that read very subtle electrical energies both inside and around our bodies. The work of Dr Harry Oldfield is outstanding in this regard –http://www.electrocrystal.com. He has even developed ways of visualizing this energy in real time. His work demonstrates the electrical nature of our whole universe. His findings are truly remarkable. Dr Oldfield was inspired by the early demonstrations of Kirlian Photography. This is a technique that can photograph auras around living objects, discovered by Semyon and Valentina Kirlian in Russia, in 1939, but the results were not made public until 1958. His discovery has sparked much controversy, and whether you want to believe it or not, the technique demonstrates the extension of our electrical aura beyond the surface of the skin. There is lots of information on the web. Another great book which traces the history of electricity and diseases is “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenberg.

Another great researcher into the electrical nature of our being was the father of electro-acupuncture, Dr. Reinhardt Voll, whose work in many ways also paved the way for our understanding of how information is transported around our bodies. The nervous system is only one of those information pathways and it may surprise you to learn that it is the slower one. Dr Voll’s findings led to the electrical mapping of the body’s acupuncture meridians. He demonstrated the relationship of the teeth to the rest of the body via the acupuncture meridian that passed through them. (See the EAV charts) His work led to the development of instruments that were able to be used for diagnosis and treatment.
Almost all of these tools have been ruled as ‘snake oil’ by the TGA and FDA. Many work wonderfully and I was very lucky to have used one for many years in my practice. It took the level of diagnostics into a whole other realm. Usually the reason that instruments like this are not approved by the regulatory bodies, is that they do work but also reduce income form patentable drugs! If they were widely used, many areas of medicine and dentistry would have to be re-written. Many drug treatments would be replaced by homeopathic remedies and proper diagnosis. Root canals, fluoride and mercury would be put in their correct place as dangerous, toxic, poisonous and lethal.
Dentistry has a ‘President Bush’ approach to diagnosis (with us or against us and nothing in between). We can either elicit pain in the tooth or not. That is as sophisticated as dentistry gets.
A young woman of 22 years came to see me in desperation. Her doctor could not do anything for her accept recommend antidepressants. Carol (not her real name) had been in good health except for her severe menstrual cramps that laid her flat for a few days every month. Then a couple of weeks before she came to see me, she developed severe mastitis and her breasts almost doubled in size in this two week period. By this stage Carol had been my patient for a few years and I was very confused. She did not have any root canals and had replaced her amalgams years earlier. She had great oral hygiene. The naturopath who worked with me used a machine (like I have just mentioned) called an Orion testing machine. We were able to test the vitality of each tooth, which would have been the same as putting ice on each one of them. Nothing made sense till we started testing each root of each tooth. When we came to the upper left first molar, which had an average sized composite filling and no visible cracks, we found that the palatal root was dead. The other two roots tested alive. After much discussion we decided to remove this tooth, but before starting that procedure I decided to open the tooth and have a look myself if the Orion had given an accurate reading. When I opened the tooth, we found that the two outer roots bled happily and were alive and that the palatal root was as dead as a doorknob. We surgically removed the tooth, and Carol came in a week later to have the stitches removed. Within the week her breasts had returned to normal size and there was no more pain. Interestingly, the Stomach Meridian passes through this tooth and through the breasts on its way down to the second toe. Interference on the meridian will often cause disease in another part of the body that the meridian flows through. Three months later she came to visit me, just to report that her menstrual pains had also disappeared. I continued to see her for several years and there was no return of the pains or any breast problems. This treatment approach is regarded as unethical by the PTOs.

The standard dental approach would have led to 1 – a total misdiagnosis that there was nothing wrong because the live roots tested positive to cold – ie the ice caused pain, giving a false positive that the tooth was alive or 2 – if the tooth had been correctly diagnosed as dead, the dentist would have offered a root canal procedure to save the tooth. This would have made no difference to the mastitis, as the tooth itself was already acting as an interference on the meridian, causing the disease in the other parts of her body.
Understanding the German model of Neural Therapy gives rational, physiological explanations of what happened. Sadly, in Australia and America these concepts are regarded as ‘imaginary stupidity by practitioners who ignore the basic principles of dentistry’. I would suggest that without my ‘snake oil’ machine, this diagnosis and treatment could not have happened. These instruments are used widely in Europe where homeopathy is also a respected treatment.
The concept of Neural Therapy started in Germany and is taught at undergraduate level in many medical schools, throughout Germany. It is a very well respected and important part of the whole medical model in Germany. In Australia, Neural therapy is hocus pocus. I have seen professors of both medicine and dentistry laugh at this concept. They are so engaged in maintaining the status quo, that they cannot see the cause of anything and therefore neither the means of treating. In many ways the Australian medical model falls far short of the German understanding of medicine! Compared to Germany the dental model in Australia is stuck in the very dark ages and the only reason is the bloody mindedness of the teachers. If Neural Therapy were recognized as a serious way of modelling health, than many root canals would be extracted and the relationship of root canals to cancer and other diseases would have to be acknowledged, and the financial return to the oncologists and the specialist root canal ‘experts’ would (and should) be severely compromised. It is far more profitable to let the patients suffer and die!
A great place to start to learn about Neural Therapy is at Dr Dietrich Klinghardt’s website (HERE). I would recommend this to all doctors and dentists and all allied health care professionals.
Metal Mouth & Health
Galvanic Generators
I highly recommend reading a short paper by Bernard Windham Ed. called “Oral galvanism and Electromagnetic Fields (EMF): factors along with mercury’s high volatility and extreme toxicity in significant exposure levels and oral effects from amalgam fillings.” This paper outlines almost all of the concerns and is fully referenced. Here
Dentistry has all its paradigms set on mechanics only, allowing many different metals to be routinely used in the same mouth. Different metals in a salt solution (an electrolyte) such as saliva, constitutes a battery or galvanic cell. The currents are just like in a torch battery with a positive and negative end (anode & cathode). The currents can be read in the range of micro-amps. These are relatively low currents compared to a car battery but compared to the rest of the body they are rather large. Electrons flow from one metal to the other as does the current. The current also flows through the soft tissue. When we read the currents in amalgam fillings, we have one probe touching the filling and the other touching the cheek. That is the circuit!
This video is unique, historical and critical to understand what it means to have an electric mouth. Dr Huggins is the world leader in this area of dentistry. Note that Dr Huggins’ comments comparing gold crowns to non-metallic crowns was from a time when porcelain crowns were in their infancy. The current porcelain crowns have as good a fit as did the older gold crowns.
The central nervous system operates in the range of nano-amps. In other words, the metals in your mouth are generating currents that are one thousand times greater than those operating in your brain – just a few centimeters from these generators. [5],[6] The magnitudes of these oral currents are in the same range as those induced in the tissues of a human, standing directly under a high-voltage transmission line. [7]
Depending on the metals and your body chemistry, the currents will run in either direction – the filling to the tissue and vice versa. We do know that the larger the current in amalgam fillings, the more mercury that is released from them. [8],[9],[10], [11],[12],[13],[14],[15] Even though this is well published school level physics, the PTOs still deny this fact.
Dental amalgam has five different metals in it. They will react with other amalgams of different ages and composition as well as other metals. They also act as capacitors where they are holding a charge. When an amalgam filling corrodes it can form up to 16 different combinations of corrosive products.[16]

It’s common to find many other metals in a mouth as well as the amalgam fillings. This is especially true for older people who have had everything that dentistry can throw at them. It is common to find mercury fillings, a couple of gold crowns – or more likely these days, nonprecious alloys as they are cheaper – a chrome cobalt denture, some stainless steel pins and aluminium to make the composite filling visible on an x-ray, not to forget some titanium implants. I am not exaggerating – this is a common scenario because dentists pay NO regard to the dangers of a battery near the brain. Nor do they regard an increase in mercury released from the amalgams, as a problem. Most engineers and electricians have great concern for corrosion but not so dentists. This is even more incredible because these corrosion products are so toxic.
Some of the more commonly used metals in dentistry include gold, platinum, titanium, chrome, cobalt, palladium, indium, tin, zinc, nickel manganese, molybdenum, aluminium, vanadium, copper, gallium, iridium, iron, tungsten and a plethora of non-precious alloys because they are cheap. Not one of them is safe for everybody.
When electricity flows there is a flow of electrons. These electrons move through any solution that can conduct a current. When the current is flowing between two different metals through this electrolyte, there will also be a transmission of metal ions along with the electrons. This is the basis of silver plating where a nonprecious metal such as brass is covered with a thin layer of silver. Gold is commonly found in crowns in a mouth with amalgam and “…in the mouth, GOLD acts as a Cathode and the less noble metal Mercury, functions as the Anode, and a dissolution of the less noble metal takes place.” [17]
In other words, the metal ions that move in a mouth with amalgam and gold present will be mercury. The presence of gold in a mouth filled with amalgam, will result in a dramatic increase in the release of mercury from ALL of the amalgam fillings not just the ones that are touching the gold.

Gold in contact with amalgam constitutes a short circuited, permanent galvanic cell, in which the electrolytes are constantly renewed. The worst effects occur with root fillings using gold-plated brass screws, directly in contact with amalgam and gold caps, or bridges over amalgams. [18],[19]
If gold is used as a crown that covers an amalgam filing, there will be a dramatic increase in the release of mercury into and through the tooth and to the rest of the body. Research from 1978 measured 200-300 mcg of mercury per gram of tooth tissue with amalgam fillings only, and up to 1,200 mcg of mercury per gram of tissue in teeth with both amalgam and gold. The levels increase with time and do not come from food. [20] Electrically, it’s like a pump which forces the mercury through the tooth and into the gums and bone. Note that this is a FOUR FOLD INCREASE in the mercury released from the amalgam.
In the centre of every root of a tooth, is a canal which is open at the end of the root. It is called the pulp chamber because that’s where the pulp of the tooth lives. The pulp is often referred to as the ‘NERVE” of the tooth. Really the pulp is made of nerve fibres, blood vessels connective tissue and tissue fluid. These structures enter and exit the tooth via the opening at the end of the root. This tissue communicates freely with the rest of the body.[21] Thus the mercury which enters the tooth can be transported throughout the body via the blood and lymphatics and along the nerve fibres directly (retrograde axonal transport) to the brain. [22],[23]
This retrograde axonal transport of metals, including mercury, can be at a rate of 10mm to 400mm per day! [24],[25],[26],[27],[28],[29]
The currents in the amalgam fillings will not only increase the release of mercury from the fillings, but will also play a role in methylating this elemental mercury making it far more neurotoxic. “Methyl mercury can be formed by the action of negative electrical charge on the surface of saliva-coated amalgam fillings as mercury vapor escapes from the fillings.” 19,[30],[31],[32]

It is not just the amalgam that undergoes corrosion and dissolution. All metals in the mouth will corrode. Some faster than others, but they all do, including gold and titanium. This will depend on the variety of metals, the acidity in the mouth and the presence of other chemicals such as fluoride. Titanium is now widely used in dentistry due to the increased use of implants to replace missing teeth. When titanium and amalgam are present in the mouth, there will be an increase in the release of copper and tin from the amalgam. Some forms of tin are more neurotoxic than mercury! [33]
It is now well known that fluoride will dramatically increase the corrosion of titanium from implants and other dental devices. Immune reactions to titanium are common, yet our governments and dental authorities do not see a problem and pretend that fluoride reduces tooth decay. In fact, they see nothing except what they are told to look at! “…the presence of fluoride could severely affect galvanic corrosion.” [34] To read more on the effects of titanium on the immune system go to www.melisa.org
Another example of corrosion can be seen with an old root filling technique, which used silver points instead of the more modern Gutta Percha Points. When this tooth was extracted it was quite black. We decided to split it through the roots and see what it looked like on the inside. The corrosion was dramatic.

Electro Magnetic Frequencies – EMF madness
“Biological matter therefore represents processes which are fundamentally electrical.”… “living organisms logically function as Biologically Closed Electric Circuits .” … “strong or prolonged exposure to such electromagnetic stress fatigues the biological structure which can turn up as various kinds of disorders.”[35]
Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) exposure lowers melatonin production, disrupts the sleep cycle, and blocks melatonin’s cell anti-proliferation effects. Normally Melatonin acts to reduce the growth of cancer. [36] It is NOT a great idea to keep your phone next to your bed. Definitely do NOT hold it next to your head.
It has been known for a long time that the EMR coming from Cathode ray tubes (CRT- older televisions and computer screens) significantly increased the mercury vapour release from all types of amalgam.[37],[38]
More recently, we have studies that show a dramatic increase in the amount of mercury released from amalgam fillings after exposure to mobile phone EMFs, and those from Magnetic Resonance Imaging – MRIs.[39],[40] Most of us are not exposed to MRIs. Almost all people are exposed to EMFs from telephones and cell towers. The studies show a dramatic increase in mercury released from amalgam fillings – sometimes up to twice as much as before the exposure. 5,6,[41],[42],[43]
“… pregnant women with dental amalgam fillings should limit their exposure to electromagnetic fields to prevent toxic effects of mercury in their foetuses.” “…we possibly need a paradigm shift in evaluating the health effects of amalgam fillings.” [44]
Another study from 2016 confirms these findings and includes a very serious warning.
“…perinatal exposure to mercury is significantly associated with an increased risk of developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)”. Furthermore, “mercury can decrease the levels of neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, noreprenephrine, and acetylcholine in the brain and cause neurological problems. … exposure to MRI or microwave radiation emitted by common mobile phones can lead to increased release of mercury from dental amalgam fillings. Maternal exposure to electromagnetic fields in mothers with dental amalgam fillings may cause elevated levels of mercury and trigger the increase in autism rates” [45]
“Women who were exposed to higher EMF levels had 2.72 times the risk of miscarriage than those with lower EMF exposure.” [46]

Put your phone on speaker and keep it away from your head and if pregnant your belly as well! Keep away from cell towers. Use a cable to connect to the internet instead of Wi Fi. As well, remove any amalgam and any other metals from your head and never allow any madman or madwoman to put it in.
Even if you are not a pregnant woman, do you reckon it might be a bit stupid to keep your phones anywhere near your body, especially if you have amalgam fillings?

Metal Mouth = Antenna Mouth
A new kind of electromagnetic stress on the human body has been identified. All metal fillings and implants in the mouth can act as antennae for microwave transmissions and will increase the ‘Specific Absorption Rate’ (SAR) of this radiation into the body and head especially. [47]

The presence of metal in or near the body can significantly increase a person’s wireless exposure. Metal can reflect and refocus wireless radiation, resulting in much higher specific absorption rates into the body.
“Electrically conductive objects in or on the body may interact with sources of RF energy in ways that are not easily predicted. Examples of conductive objects in the body include braces, orthodontics and implanted metallic objects. Examples of conductive objects on the body include eyeglasses, jewellery, or metallic accessories.” [48],[49],[50],
Metal piercings have a similar effect of increasing the radiation into the tissues, and if made from stainless steel will also influence the release of nickel from these implants. [51],[52] Metal Framed eye glasses will increase the Specific Absorption Rate into the eye and the brain by up to 29%. [53]

You might remember ‘JAWS’ from some of the old James Bond movies. His metal mouth is only a bit less subtle than what is done daily in dentistry. The main difference is that nowadays the metal is hidden under porcelain and plastic. Dentistry will happily combine all sorts of metals in crowns with amalgam fillings and titanium implants and chrome cobalt dentures, all in the same mouth. The perfect metal mouth is also the perfect antenna for microwave radiation. This radiation is focused within a couple of centimeters from your brain. Of course, it will affect the central nervous system and associated functions of the body. This has been linked to such symptoms as inexplicable fatigue, constant headaches, and mental confusion. [54] With metal dental work, your electro-sensitivity is heightened and consequently the potential health risks of EMFs are much higher.
Metal in the mouth will act as antennae and collect EMR which causes a reduction in the flow of blood inside your head. [55] This means all metals – fillings, crowns, bridges, implants, braces and metal dentures. Symptoms that have been reported include balance difficulty, lumbago, shoulder stiffness, neck pain, hip joint pain, and facial pain.[56],[57] Cell phone radiation was also found to have dangerous effects on the salivary glands, facial nerves and cells of the tissue that lines the mouth. (the oral mucosa) [58] Other reports indicate sleep disturbances, anxiety and other neurological problems, thyroid dysfunction, digestive problems, heart problems, and other chronic symptoms. [59]

Because the symptoms of EMF exposure are often psychological and varied, the psychiatric conclusion is often that these people are “delusional” and “paranoid”. It seems to never occur to these highly trained, drug pushing doctors, that the complaint may be real and thus they would have an explanation as to why their antipsychotic drugs don’t work. Heaven forbid that the patient might have something wrong. And yes, it may be all in your head! Even in the dark ages when I was a student, we heard about the occasional people who heard the radio in their heads. The voices were real, and the people were laughed at. No one understood that the amalgam fillings were acting as antennae.
There is another reason to worry about cell phone use mixed with metals in the body. It has now been verified that EMR can cause cancer.[60] 2018 saw the publication of a study conducted by National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences – National Toxicology Program Study on Cell Phone Radiofequency Radiation Cancers and DNA Damage which
“… found statistically significant increases in DNA damage, heart damage, malignant glioma tumors of the brain, and malignant schwannomas of the heart.”
The increased incidence of heart tumors were considered by the expert peer-reviewers and staff of the NTP, to demonstrate “clear evidence of carcinogenic activity” of modulated cell phone radiofrequency radiation.
This is the latest of a series of studies linking cell phone radiation to acoustic neuromas, gliomas and Schwannomas of the heart.
“The malignant schwannomas of the heart seen in the Italian study are the same as those described by the U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) earlier this month as the basis for their concern that cell phone radiation, both GSM and CDMA, can lead to cancer.” [61]
The Italian study comes from the Ramazzini Institute in Italy, published in August 2018, and concludes with;
“These tumors are of the same histotype of those observed in some epidemiological studies on cell phone users. These experimental studies provide sufficient evidence to call for the re-evaluation of IARC conclusions regarding the carcinogenic potential of RFR in humans.”[62]
We are all living in a new environment, that just 40 years ago did not exist. The quantity and intensity of Electro Magnetic Radiation has affected everything on the planet. Our bodies are still trying to catch up. All these effects are being compounded with the metal that dentistry calls state-of-the-art implants. These devices go deep into the bone. All this extra radiation is taken deep into the bone. Is dentistry inadvertently adding to the increase in brain cancers, by using implants which act as antennae and focus this radiation deeper into the body?
In 2012, the Indian government issued recommendations to reduce cell phone radiation which included, “Metal & water are good conductors of radio waves so avoid using a mobile phone while wearing metal-framed glasses or having wet hair.” [63]

People with stainless steel orthodontic braces and wires are also susceptible to EMFs. The more that the phones are used, the more nickel will come out of the Stainless Steel and enter the body.[64],[65],[66] This is a particularly bad outcome, as nickel is a highly immune reactive metal and is also a known carcinogen. [67],[68] Another study provided evidence of a “dose-related association between lung cancer and exposure to water-soluble nickel.” This is the type of nickel coming from orthodontic appliances.
“Therefore, the combination of wireless radiation and nickel poses a critical public health issue for teenagers with braces.” [69]
Another study from 2013 not only found that the nickel was released from the stainless steel braces and bands, but that it was in a high enough concentration (1.18 μg) to damage the genetic information in some of the cells in the gums. They also found that different brands of these devices released differing amounts of nickel. They conclude;
“Since the carcinogenic effect of nickel is established, it is high time to think about other alloys without involving the heavy metal nickel …” [70]
The latest trend in orthodontics is to leave a stainless steel wire attached to the inside of the lower (and sometimes the upper) teeth, to act as a permanent retainer which stops the teeth moving around after the treatment is finished. Really, it is a permanent antenna which releases nickel every time the phone is used. I personally take the attitude that leaving these permanent retainers, is a way of making up for sloppy work. If it the job were done properly to maintain the correct forces on the teeth, we would not need permanent retention. My advice to anyone contemplating orthodontics, is to refuse such a permanent device, and become religious about using removable plastic retainers.
I have argued this with many orthodontists over the years and they all act like ostriches and prefer not to hear it. They certainly do NOT like hearing it from a mere general practitioner. They claim that they are using low nickel content metals. The fact is that high or low level nickel is still nickel, and in sensitive people, this can cause overt autoimmune disease and cancer. For more on this subject see the MELISA.ORG web site.
Many baby teeth are covered with Stainless Steel crowns if they are badly broken down. These release high levels of nickel all the time.
Electrical interference
I mentioned that the electrical currents in amalgam fillings and other metals are 1000 times higher than those found in the brain. These currents alone can, and often do, produce disease and all sorts of strange symptoms.
Dr Ralf Turk of the American Academy of Biological Dentistry says, “Voltages in the mouth constitute a permanent stress on the autonomic nervous system…”. That’s the part of the nervous system that regulates all the unconscious functions of the body such as digestion, breathing and heart rate. Generating electrical currents in the mouth can have profound effects on the whole of our bodies as demonstrated in the earlier research.

Effects on the heart are well documented. This is the reason that amalgams should only be removed after measuring the electrical currents in each filling, and then only removed sequentially from the highest negative current first. Doing it in the wrong order may put you in hospital with a heart attack that night. Thankfully this is very rare, but I have seen it happen on a number of occasions. See (Proper Amalgam Removal). A colleague had to remove a tooth for a patient, as it had an abscess and was causing severe pain. All went smoothly till that night when the patient was rushed to hospital with a heart attack. After he was treated and came home, he spoke to a friend of his in America, who was a cardiologist. This doctor told him clearly that there was nothing wrong with his heart, but that there was a lot wrong with his teeth. I saw him soon after that. We removed one bit of metal at a time, according to the electrical currents. He had an ECG regularly during this process, and each and every time it showed improvements as the fillings were removed. It completely normalized after the other root canal tooth was removed, as the last thing we did. He has been perfect ever since.
Another anecdotal story (also called a clinical observation case study) is that of a lady who came in to see me about a possible relationship between her teeth and her heart problems. We had a full consultation in which I measured the currents in her teeth. Most read between -15 to +10 microamps, until we moved to the top left of her mouth. The first molar read -120 microamps and the second premolar measured –150 microamps. These are huge currents. She was happy to remove these two amalgams on the spot. She was herself an electrical engineer and had a good understanding of what was going on. This lady, who was in her mid 60’s, struggled with her breathing, to walk the 10 meters from the waiting room to the surgery. We removed the amalgams from these two teeth. She walked back to the waiting room without help and no breathing difficulty. The change was almost immediate. She no longer had a ‘heart’ problem. I know it sounds too good to be true, but there you go – there is room for anecdote.

A note to dentists: Much of the research about electrical currents and these effects was done by Dr Hal Huggins. He developed a micro-ammeter to measure the currents on the teeth. It is still available for dentists from Dr Blanch Grube http://drblanchegrube.com. If you are planning to treat your patients well, then this piece of equipment is absolutely essential. This is an essential part of amalgam removal protocols. Do not take short cuts, as it literally could kill your patient. This aspect of metals in the mouth is not known or taught at universities in Australia, and mere lip service is given to ‘corrosion’ of metals. The idea that the electrical currents could be responsible for other conditions in remote parts of the body, is treated with ridicule and contempt, after all ‘it is not worth of the time or energy’. There is an excellent video of Dr Huggins describing the use of this machine and the effects of the currents, on the Amalgam Removal Protocols page.
Medical people, in particular the specialists, do not understand what dentists are doing to people. Unless this changes, cardiologists will keep misdiagnosing and mistreating their patients. Sadly, there is little room for mistakes when it comes to the heart.
Anesthesia Problems
I’ve had many patients who have had very high electric currents in their fillings and the local anaesthetic simply did not work for many of these people. As soon as the last spec of amalgam would come out of these teeth, the anesthesia would suddenly kick in and was always profound. I do not have an explanation for this, but I have seen it happen too many times to ignore it. One of the most dramatic cases was a woman in her early 60s, who had all but the lower right amalgams removed and replaced uneventfully in the previous weeks. I had no problem anaesthetizing her teeth till this last quadrant of fillings. The two molars were almost all amalgam supported by metal pins. I gave her every local anaesthetic I could, and there was not a bit of numbness. She was a brave lady and insisted that we go ahead anyway. I would stop the drilling whenever the pain was too intense and then we kept going. The amalgam came out easily as did the supporting pins. She felt every bit of it! Then the last pin came out, and seconds later she was standing at the end of the dental chair in shock. How she got there I am still to this day, not sure – neither was she. She looked at me equally shocked and said, “I am finally numb”. The anaesthesia had kicked in IMMEDIATELY, when the electrical interference was removed. The numbness was profound and lasted several hours. The other thing that happened immediately, was that her frozen shoulder was no longer a problem. She started waving her right arm around partly to show me, but also to show herself – this was the first time in years that she could mover her arm fully. This lady was not some crackpot. She was a very well credentialed psychiatrist.
Another example comes from Dr Huggins. He had a twenty two year old leady patient that came for amalgam removal. Every time that he removed an amalgam filling, she would wet herself. It was embarrassing for her but she could not help it. Then one of these fillings came out and she did not wet herself. This surprised Dr Huggins and when he looked closely at the cavity in the tooth, he found a tiny spec of amalgam that was still there. He flicked it out with a probe. The lady immediately wet herself.
How many health complaints are related to this sort of electrical interference? As long as our professors keep telling us that it is not possible, then the ignorance will be maintained, and the medical profession will continue to misdiagnose and mistreat. Electrical interference is real and can have profound effects on the body.
Maryland Bridge – one tooth too many
The effects of the electrical interference may be felt in remote parts of the body. About 20 years ago I had made a ‘Maryland Bridge’ for a friend, to replace his missing upper left lateral incisor. (second from the front). In those days there were no porcelains that were strong enough. The bridge was made from Gold and Platinum. It consisted of the false tooth which was built in porcelain and had a couple of metal wings that were glued to the back of the adjacent teeth. About 7 years ago he had a hip replacement (titanium). About six years later the old bridge gave way after twenty years, and he wanted to replace it. My retirement had started 3 years earlier, so I referred him to a dentist who was supposedly ‘Holistic’. The bridge was made and cemented in and he was very happy with the way it looked and felt. About a week later he developed pain in the hip that had been replaced by the titanium implant. Unfortunately, the pain became worse as time went on. He saw his surgeon, doctor, physiotherapist, acupuncturist and got a second opinion from another surgeon over the next two months. He was becoming depressed and frustrated as the pain had made him almost immobile. This was a man who thought nothing of a few rounds of golf prior to the pain setting in. He finally decided that perhaps the bridge may be related to the problem and was aware that the only way to find out was to get it out.

First, we decided to see what the bridge was made from. He contacted the dentist and was told that it was the same as what the original was made from, as the metals used for this type of bridge had not changed in over 20 years. This did not sound right as the dentist had no idea of the metals I used in the original and, as well, many other metals have been introduced in the last twenty years. Further questioning found that the new bridge was all non-precious and was made principally of Beryllium, which is known to be highly allergenic and carcinogenic. Neither he nor I was impressed. There was no point returning to this holistic dentist, as she had demonstrated her incompetence with great clarity. Instead, he made a 9 hour drive to see an old friend of mine who I trusted to do the work properly. Before the drilling started the electrical currents in the tooth read -60 micro amps. This is a significantly high current. The long and the short of it was that the new bridge and all traces of the metal were removed. He reported that as soon as the metal was gone, he felt clearer in his head and the pain in the hip had reduced significantly. By the next day the pain was 95% gone and he was ecstatic. After several weeks, the pain had disappeared totally, and he was back on the golf course. I personally have never understood the thrill of belting a little white ball around miles of grass, but he loved it and I am delighted that he is able to. He also rang the orthopaedic surgeon who had replaced his hip and told him of the result. The surgeon was grateful and fascinated. We can all learn from our patients if we care to listen.
The bottom line of this story is that the electrical interferences created in the mouth, can have profound effects on any other part of the body. So, if you start falling apart after some dental treatment which your dentist may regard as ‘state of the art’, I would seriously consider the role of the dental work as part of the diagnosis and treatment.
If you are a dentist, I would recommend reading the research of Eugene Ratner on cavitations to see how broadly pain may be referred from the mouth. He demonstrated patterns of pain that radiated down the legs and arms in some cases. A very brief introduction here.
We dentists are trained to ‘know’ that our ‘treatments’ cannot cause any other medical condition. We dentists only do what is condoned by our peers and we are trained to not look outside of this box. This box does NOT include electrical interference, or corrosions or EMF or anything which is not a mechanical restoration. No insult intended, but we are great molar mechanics and lousy at helping people heal. Most dentists are completely ignorant of the things written here. Our professors are usually even more stupid about it! You may have to hunt around for a dentist with a little more knowledge and understanding.
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