Here you will find information related to dentistry generally, rather than a particular topic. Just to fill in some gaps.
New Research as I find it. Here
Titanium Release from Implants and Health Effects Here
A few Serious Warnings about mercury Here
A quick word about Multiple Sclerosis Here
Mercury & Dental Personnel – creation of the Mad Hatter – Here
A Paradigm Shift is NEEDED! Here
The real Causes of Decay in teeth. Ralph Steinman was a dentist who published profusely in dental journals. He showed that decay had little to do with lack of fluoride, but was instead related to eating sugars and poor diet in relation to the flow of fluids through the tooth. Read The Abstracts of Steinman Here
What is Decay and What is an Abscess Here
Temporomandibular Joint – TMJ Dysfunction Here
How to Choose a Dentist Here
Beware the Wholistic/Holistic Dentist Here
This is what informed consent could look like Here
Electro Acupuncture After Voll – EAV Chart Here
All about Extractions of teeth Here
How to Fill the Gaps after extractions Here
Surgical Extraction Technique (mainly for dentists) Here
Cavitations – holes in the jaw bone. They can effect your health Here
Extraction Energy – Hypothetical Here
Electrical Interference and Corrosion Here
Materials of Concern Here
Other Hidden Sources of Mercury Here
Tooth Whitening Here