The dental establishment says that it is ethical to implant highly toxic chemicals into your body and call it a root filling. It is even ethical knowing that these materials will travel to the brain and the uterus and every other cell in your body. They will have profound effects on the development of a child in utero.
One of the most dangerous materials that can be implanted into your body is formaldehyde. The dental establishment consider it ethical to suggest that this material is BIOCOMPATIBLE! (Note also that many vaccines contain formaldehyde. In this form it is injected directly into the body and thus will travel throughout the body including the brain and the foetus.
Sargenti Technique
A root filling product called N2, is almost completely made from paraformaldehyde, which forms formaldehyde when water touches it. The use of this root filling cement was made popular by a dental mad hatter called Angelo Sargenti, a Swiss dentist who introduced this material in 1954. He died in 1999 after profiting enormously from his carcinogenic paste, that was and still is, put in people’s teeth. The term ‘Sargenti Technique’ has been applied, and incredibly, a whole endodontic society has been set up to promote the use of this material and technique. The American Endodontic Society is set up to promote the placement of a known carcinogen into your body. Here is what the manufacturer of N2 says about the formaldehyde in their product – it is a copy of the Material Safety Data Sheet; (Manufacturer’s emphasis)
Formaldehyde WARNING: POISON! DANGER! SUSPECT CANCER HAZARD. MAY CAUSE CANCER. Risk of cancer depends on level and duration of exposure. VAPOR HARMFUL. HARMFUL IF INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT. STRONG SENSITIZER. MAY BE FATAL OR CAUSE BLINDNESS IF SWALLOWED. CANNOT BE MADE NONPOISONOUS. FLAMMABLE LIQUID AND VAPOR. Tumorigen, mutagen, reproductive effector; Causes burns. Very toxic by inhalation, ingestion and through skin absorption. Readily absorbed through skin. Probable human carcinogen. Mutagen. May cause damage to kidneys. May cause allergic reactions. May cause sensitisation. May cause heritable genetic damage. Lachrymator at levels from less than 20 ppm upwards. Very destructive of mucous membranes and upper respiratory tract, eyes and skin. Acute Exposure; Death if inhaled or absorbed; severe eye irritation and burns. Allergic dermatitis, skin burns; bronchitis pulmonary oedema; headache dizziness nausea vomiting, abdominal pain; blindness. Chronic Exposure: Nasal Cancer, respiratory tract irritation, reproductive disorders, asthma, dermatitis, multiple organ damage. Carcinogen Toxic fumes of: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide Effects may be delayed Most formulations of formaldehyde also contain Methanol; Repeated or prolonged exposure to methanol could result in visual impairment and central nervous system effects. KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSE CANCER.” |
If a material is sealed into a tooth as a final root filling, this constitutes a chronic, long term exposure. To pretend that it stays sealed into the tooth and cannot get out, affecting the rest of the body, is the thinking of the fools that have been poisoned by mercury. Any other motive is too horrifying for me to comprehend.
“Clinical studies involving chronic topical application of formalin have demonstrated the induction of leukoplakia and lesions resembling carcinoma in situ. The respiratory tract may be the area for the greatest risk of the development of tumors. Animal studies demonstrate that formaldehyde may affect reproduction potential. Formaldehyde should be considered a potential carcinogen in humans. Formaldehyde poses problems to systemic health via ingestion routes, interaction in air with other aldehydes, and in final breakdown products of formalin in the body. If formaldehyde is clearly not necessary, why is it used at all, particularly in light of its deleterious effects?” [1] This paper has 115 references.
This is what the American Association of Endodontists (the opposition specialist group) say about the use of formaldehyde known as the Sargenti Method;
“… the AAE does recommend against the use of paraformaldehyde-containing materials as they have proven to be both unsafe and ineffective.
Paraformaldehyde-containing endodontic filling materials or sealers (frequently known as Sargenti pastes, N-2, N-2 Universal, RC-2B or RC-2B White) should not be used for endodontic treatment because those materials are unsafe. Extensive scientific research has proven unequivocally that paraformaldehyde-containing filling materials and sealers can cause irreversible damage to tissues near the root canal system including the following: destruction of connective tissue and bone; intractable pain; paresthesia and dysthesia of the mandibular and maxillary nerves; and chronic infections of the maxillary sinus. Moreover, scientific evidence has demonstrated that the damage from paraformaldehyde-containing filling materials and sealers is not necessarily confined to tissues near the root canal. The active ingredients of these filling materials and sealers have been found to travel throughout the body and have been shown to infiltrate the blood, lymph nodes, adrenal glands, kidney, spleen, liver and brain.” [2]
What grand hypocrisy? On the one hand they deny the ability of anything traveling from the tooth throughout the body, and on the other hand they clearly admit that everything travels from the tooth through the body and has been shown “to infiltrate the blood, lymph nodes, adrenal glands, kidney, spleen, liver and brain.”
The Sargenti technique is still widely used in America and the UK. The American Endodontic Society still exists and still promote this madness. The first page of their website states;
“Formaldehyde in dentistry is a classic example of the irrational fear, in the scientific community, of a substance that is present in every cell in the human body. There is significant controversy among formaldehyde researchers about the connection of formaldehyde to cancer in humans but one common theme seen in their research is that formaldehyde is a concern only in high concentrations.”
They must have forgotten to read the MSDS from the manufacturers, of the material they claim is so wonderful!
The “Sargenti’ technique is loved by so many dentists, because the materials are cheap, the procedure requires minimal work in the actual root canal, and the N2 paste acts as the permanent root filling. All done in one session! What a great profit margin! It is the most common root filling material in Great Britain and other countries that have a national health scheme. What the government pays for Root Canals is so little, that none would be done if they used any other technique. Another way of seeing this would be that the British Government and the British Dental Association, condone the poisoning of its population with this carcinogen. No warnings are demanded, as they are in California with Proposition 65.
This ‘treatment’ is recommended for everyone, from children through to the elderly and frail, in order save their tooth. It matters not if you have a compromised immune system, nor does it matter if you have atherosclerosis or cancer, the sacred ‘root canal treatment’ is the procedure of choice. Dentists believe that the part of the body they are legally allowed to treat is from the lips to the tonsillar folds at the back of the mouth. That then becomes the limit of affects that their treatment could have. The rest of the body is the domain of the medical profession and never the two shall meet. The doctors also know their place in this hierarchy, and thus a dead tooth remains only ‘pulpless or non-vital tooth’, or one which has had a ‘root canal therapy’, which is necessary for chewing and looking good. Recently the role of the dentist has been expanded a little bit. We are now allowed to inject botulism into your wrinkles, so that the expensive crown and bridgework that has just been inserted, will look its best. Sorry if you think aging gracefully is acceptable.
Russian Red
A variation of the N2 and Formocresol madness is called “Russian Red Endodontic Therapy”. It contains two potentially toxic components, formaldehyde (liquid) and resorcinol (powder). Zinc oxide or barium sulfate may also be added. “…resorcinol resins and glues have also been shown to have toxic side effect.” [3] Incredibly the same study states that the technique used is “A RF resin-soaked piece of asbestos or similar material is sealed into the pulp chamber to replenish the resin on the floor of the chamber …” This technique is becoming available in USA.
Other materials used to fill the root canals also break down to formaldehyde. All of these materials and breakdown products travel throughout the body. [4],[5],[6] Two other materials called AH26 & Endomethasone are the most commonly used root filling materials in the world and one of the breakdown products of these materials is formaldehyde! AH26 comes with some interesting warnings. Again from its MSDS;
“Danger to drinking water if even small quantities leak into the ground. Also poisonous for fish and plankton in water bodies. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Skin Irritant, Eye Irritant, Sensitization by Skin contact.
After Swallowing: Rinse mouth thoroughly and then drink plenty of water. Call a doctor immediately.”
Dentistry considers these materials to be OK to place permanently into your body, knowing the effects on your health, yet always denying the possibility of creating a disease state. What more could we expect though, from the same maniacs who espouse the value of implanting mercury into your brain and who set the concepts of ethics in the ‘profession’? It is unethical to suggest that a dead tooth may be causing your disease, but it is perfectly ethical to implant poisonous carcinogens into your body.
All materials placed in dead teeth will poison you. [7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12],[13],[14], [15],[16], [17], [18],[19],[20],[21],
Buckley’s Formocresol
When a baby tooth dies or becomes infected, the dentist will suggest a treatment called a ‘Pulpotomy’. (Its a bit like a lobotomy for a tooth.) The top of the pulp (nerve) is removed, and then the root stumps are bathed in a material that will supposedly “MUMMIFY” the remaining pulp. The material of choice for this, has for many years, been ‘Buckley’s Formocresol’ which as the name implies is a mixture of formaldehyde and cresol. (19% formaldehyde, 35% cresol, 17.5% glycerine.) This material is still used today in many dental practices.
,”…the vast majority of pediatric dental practitioners in Canada (92.4 %) and dental schools worldwide (76.8 %) utilize either the full-strength or the 1:5 dilution of formocresol as the preferred pulpotomy medicament for vital primary teeth.”
Avram DC, Pulver F Pulpotomy medicaments for vital primary teeth. Surveys to determine use and attitudes in pediatric dental practice and in dental schools throughout the world. ASDC J Dent Child (1989 Nov-Dec) 56(6):426-34
You can read what the manufacturer says about Formaldehyde in their MSDS Here. The EPA has classified creosol as a human carcinogen. It causes cancer. It, like formaldehyde, is sealed into the baby tooth for several years. This constitutes a long term chronic exposure. From an MSDS for creosol.
- is toxic via ingestion and skin absorption
- Inhalation: Breathing vapor, dust or mist results in digestive disturbances (vomiting, difficulty in swallowing, diarrhea, loss of appetite). Will irritate, possibly burn respiratory tract.
- Ingestion: Poison. Symptoms may include burning pain in mouth and throat, abdominal pain, headache, dizziness, muscular weakness, irregular breathing, weak pulse, lung damage, liver damage, pancreas damage, kidney damage, coma, and possibly death from circulatory or cardiac failure.
This material was created in 1928, by another insane mad hatter called Dr Buckley – the same one who had the famous debate with Dr Weston Price in 1925 See the Debate Here
A 1985 study demonstrated the spread of formaldehyde from a tooth that had been ‘treated’ with a pulpotomy. Radioisotope labeled formaldehyde, was applied to the nerve stumps at the top of the root in the crown of the tooth, for only 5 minutes. About 30% of the formaldehyde was transported systemically throughout the body. [i] Creosol in the Buckley’s Poison will also transport throughout the body!
[i] Assessment of the systemic distribution and toxicity of formaldehyde following pulpotomy treatment: Part one. Ranly DM ASDC J Dent Child (1985 Nov-Dec) 52(6):431-4
[1] Lewis BB Chestner SB Formaldehyde In Dentistry: A Review Of Mutagenic And Carcinogenic Potential J Am Dent Assoc (1981) 103(3):429-434
[3] Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Resin ?Russian Red” Endodontic Therapy. Schwandt et al Journal of Endo vol 29., No 7 July 2003
[4] Safavi K et al. “Tumor necrosis factor identified in periapical tissue exudates in teeth with periapical periodontitis. J. of Endo. 17 (1991) 12-13
[5] Perna E et al. “Actinomycotic Granuloma of the Gasserian Ganglion with primary site in a dental root” J of Neurosurg 54 (1981) 553-555
[6] Hata G. et al. “Systemic distribution of 14 c-labeled Formaldehyde applied in the root Canal following pulpectomy” J. of Endo 15 No11 1989 539-543
[7] Geurtsen W Leyhausen G Biological aspects of root canal filling materials– histocompatibility,cytotoxicity, and mutagenicity. Clin Oral Investig (1997 Feb) 1(1):5-11
[8] Arenholt-Bindslev D Horsted-Bindslev P A simple model for evaluating relative toxicity of root filling materials in cultures of human oral fibroblasts. Endod Dent Traumatol (1989 Oct) 5(5):219-26
[9] Chong BS Owadally ID Pitt Ford TR Wilson RF Cytotoxicity of potential retrograde root-filling materials. Endod Dent Traumatol (1994 Jun) 10(3):129-33
[10] Chong BS Ford TR Wilson RF Radiological assessment of the effects of potential root-end filling materials on healing after endodontic surgery. Endod Dent Traumatol (1997 Aug) 13(4):176-9
[11] Peltola M Salo T Oikarinen K Toxic effects of various retrograde root filling materials on gingival fibroblasts and rat sarcoma cells. Endod Dent Traumatol (1992 Jun) 8(3):120-4
[12] Chong BS Ford TR Kariyawasam SP Tissue response to potential root-end filling materials in infected root canals. Int Endod J (1997 Mar) 30(2):102-14
[13] Pascon EA Spangberg LS In vitro cytotoxicity of root canal filling materials: 1. Gutta- percha. J Endod (1990 Sep) 16(9):429-33
[14] Zhu Q Safavi KE Spangberg LS Cytotoxic evaluation of root-end filling materials in cultures of human osteoblast-like cells and periodontal ligament cells. J Endod (1999 Jun) 25(6):410-2
[15] Ersev H Schmalz G Bayirli G Schweikl H Cytotoxic and mutagenic potencies of Endod (1999 May) 25(5):359-63
[16] Brodin P Roed A Aars H Orstavik D Neurotoxic effects of root filling materials on rat phrenic nerve in vitro. J Dent Res (1982 Aug) 61(8):1020-3
[17] Serper A Ucer O Onur R Etikan I Comparative neurotoxic effects of root canal filling materials on rat sciatic nerve. J Endod (1998 Sep) 24(9):592-4
[18] Maseki T Yasumura K Nanba I Kobayashi F Nakamura H Alterations in macrophages after exposure to root canal filling materials. J Endod (1996 Sep) 22(9):450-4
[19] Torabinejad M Ford TR Abedi HR Kariyawasam SP Tang HM Tissue reaction to implanted root-end filling materials in the tibia and mandible of guinea pigs. J Endod (1998 Jul) 24(7):468-71
[20] Lambrecht JT Panzer G [The toxicity of root-canal filling materials in primary osteoclast cell cultures (see comments)] Die Toxizitat von Wurzelfullmaterialien in primaren Osteoklasten- Zellkulturen. Schweiz Monatsschr Zahnmed (1995) 105(7):899-906
[21] Tsuzuki N A histopathological study of various root canal filling materials. Showa Shigakkai Zasshi (1990 Jun) 10(2):196-202