The more information we have about any medical or dental treatment, the more informed our decision making. Some ideas below.
This is what informed consent
could look like

Root Canals
As your dentist I need to inform you that the Root Canal Procedure I am about to perform on your tooth, is impossible to do well, because each of the basic premises are impossible to achieve. It will leave you with a dead, gangrenous, infected toxin factory, buried in your jaw, just a few centimeters from your brain. It will cost you about $6000, after a crown has been fitted as well.
All materials used in this procedure are at best toxic and at worst carcinogenic. Some are used only for minutes, some for months and the root filling itself will stay in your tooth forever. All will spread from your tooth to the rest of your body.
To see more detail of what follows, you can see ‘Focus On Foci’ – chapter 8 From “Cancer A Second Opinion” by Dr Joseph Issels. Here
The bacteria that remain, producing an ever increasing amount of endotoxin, will also escape from the tooth. The bacteria may find other organs that suit their life cycle and cause infection in this part of your body.
The decaying, dead tissue that remains in your tooth, will continue to release gangrenous gasses, which will also leave the tooth to enter the rest of your body. These gasses are highly carcinogenic. They are similar in action and structure, to the mustard gas used in the first world war.
Such a tooth will continue to release toxic substances into your body which will travel throughout your body. These substances may effect every organ in your body, especially Heart, Kidneys, Reproductive system and Thyroid gland. It will have a deleterious effect on your whole immune system.
These toxins have been related to the development of cancer, cardiac failure, neurological diseases including Multiple Sclerosis, weight loss, Trigeminal Neuralgia and a host of other ill-defined conditions.
Please sign this consent form if you want me to proceed!

Your 8 year old has severe decay in the 2nd last baby molar on the right. The nerve in the tooth is dead and infected. If it were an adult tooth, a root canal procedure could be an option. Because it is a baby tooth, we have a choice of extracting the tooth or doing a Pulpotomy.
Option 1
If the tooth is extracted, then the back tooth will drift forward and may interfere with eruption of the permanent tooth coming up underneath. This may necessitate some orthodontic work when he/she is in her early teens. We may also be able to take the tooth out and put in an orthodontic spacer to try to prevent the back tooth drifting forward. I would recommend this as the least invasive approach.
Option 2
A pulpotomy will keep the decayed tooth in place, but will necessitate cleaning the decay, removing the top of the dental pulp (nerve) and then trying to mummify the pulp tissue that remains in the roots. This is done by using one of two materials, that are implanted into the tooth till the permanent tooth erupts. One is called Buckley’s Formocresol, which is a combination of formaldehyde and cresol. The other is called Ferric Sulphate. Both of these materials are carcinogenic. The combination could affect your child’s health and wellbeing for the rest of his/her life. Buckley’s Formocresol formaldehyde and cresol
Leaving Formocresol in the tooth will constitute a chronic, long term exposure to formaldehyde. Chronic Exposure to Formaldehyde may cause Nasal Cancer, respiratory tract irritation, reproductive disorders, asthma, dermatitis, multiple organ damage. It is a strong Carcinogen. It releases toxic fumes of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. The effects may be delayed.
Most formulations of formaldehyde also contain Methanol. Repeated or prolonged exposure to methanol could result in visual impairment and central nervous system effects.
When a pulpotomy material is inserted into a tooth it is there permanently. This constitutes a long term, chronic exposure.
Ferric Sulphate
Ferric Sulphate is not as carcinogenic as Formocresol, but may cause liver damage, coma, and death from iron poisoning.
Research shows that both of these materials will be transported from the roots and spread through the body within minutes of placing the material in the tooth. These materials will also be transported to the brain within minutes.
There is NO way of knowing in advance, how severely your child’s health will be impacted, as every person has a different sensitivity.
I will give you printouts of the Material Safety Data Sheets for both materials so you can read about these substances and then you can decide.
I have my own preference, and it is only my suggestion. You are the parent/guardian and it is you who has to make the decision. I consider that it is easier to do orthodontics as a teenager, than potentially trying to negotiate cancer in a young child. It is of course your decision and I suggest that you do your own research as well, and gain as much information as you can before making this decision.

Mercury Amalgam
As your dentist I need to inform you that the super-strong, high-copper amalgam filing, that is about to be implanted into your tooth, will release mercury into your body, 24/7. This mercury will go to every cell in your body and accumulates preferentially in your brain, kidneys and heart.
This is a cumulative poison that is very hard to excrete, so that the amount that stays in your body will increase over time and with increased exposure.
If you are pregnant, it will cross the placenta and be stored in your unborn baby. Mercury from this amalgam filling will also cross your breast milk and be stored in your newborn child. If you are not yet pregnant, the mercury that will continue to escape will enter your unborn child. The amount of mercury that your child will retain in its body, is linearly proportional to the number of amalgam fillings in your mouth.
This mercury, which escapes from the set filling 24/7, is known to cause birth defects, infertility, miscarriage, autism, cancer, leukemia, memory loss, kidney dysfunction, thyroid problems, hair loss, emotional disturbances, suicidal tendencies, acute optic neuritis, visual disturbance, muscle weakness, muscle twitches, cardiac problems, gut problems, headaches, and a massive range of neurological diseases including Alzheimer’s disease, Motor Neuron disease and Parkinsonism. It will also wipe out your immune system.
These amalgam fillings are the single greatest source of mercury into your body. Up to 10X more than all other sources combined, including seafood.
Please sign this consent form if you want me to proceed!

As your dentist I need to inform you that the titanium implant that we are planning to put into your jawbone, is actually an alloy of many different metals, and may contain aluminium, vanadium, iron, palladium, silver, zinc, indium, tin, Rhenium, copper, platinum, gallium, ruthenium and boron. Some of these are highly immune reactive. Some may be linked with possible carcinogenicity. All these metals will be released as ions from the implant. If you are sensitive to any of these metals, you may develop an autoimmune disease.
I would expect that the implant may last from 5 to 10 years. There is a high likelihood that it may fail after just one year.
The implant may act as a neural interference, which may produce symptoms in other parts of your body.
The implant will act as an antenna that will increase your absorption rate of electromagnetic interference from telephones and other electrical devices including cell phone towers. Cancer has been linked to this type of EMF exposure.
There will be a chronic, low grade infection in the gum around this implant, which may spread to the surrounding bone and then the rest of your body.
The fluoride in the drinking water will corrode these implants, leading to more titanium in your body and loosening of the implant.
If the implant is added to a mouth with amalgam fillings, there will be a dramatic increase in the release of mercury, copper and tin from the amalgam.
This implant will form an electric cell (galvanic cell) with other metals in your mouth. The currents generated in such a system are at least 1,000 times greater than what your brain operates at. Currents in the metal are read in micro amps (1/1000 of an amp.) You Central Nervous System operates in the range of Nano amps. (1,000 times less than a microamp.) These currents may affect your whole nervous system as well as your heart. They may also cause of pre-cancerous changes in the lining of your mouth called Leukoplakia.
Please sign this consent form if you want me to proceed.