“The amount of mercury in the mouth of a person with fillings was on average 2.5 grams, enough to contaminate 5, ten acre lakes to the extent there would be dangerous levels in fish.”
Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI Technical Brief. “Mercury in the Environment”, 1993; & EPRI Journal, April 1990.
What’s it doing in your body???

Amalgam – A historical Perspective Here
Maximum Allowable Mercury Vapour Levels Here
Effects of Mercury on Dentists and Dental Personnel Here
Other Hidden Sources of Mercury – You will want to know about these! Here

Scientific Facts about mercury and amalgam HERE
Amalgam – the largest source of mercury & Maximum Allowable Levels HERE
Ethyl & Methyl Mercury HERE . The mercury in vaccines is far from safe.
Manufacturer Warns about the dangers Material Safety Data Sheets Here. See what the manufacturers are warning about in their own materials. Also Here
Bernard Wyndham – presents far more in depth analysis of the Scientific Facts about mercury and amalgam. Although written some time ago, this paper discloses the mass of published data and the broad range of effects that mercury from amalgam can produce. I recommend this to everyone who wants a greater understanding of the issues. 444 references at your fingertips. Here
Prof Murray Vimy was Professor of Medicine in Dentistry at Calgary University. He was one of the co-authors of the famous sheep studies in 1990. This is a paper he wrote about the toxicity of mercury and dentistry’s poor response to the published literature. Here
Electrical Interference from metals in the mouth Here Electrically charged fillings can effect your health profoundly.
Multiple Metals and Other Materials of Concern Here
Mechanically, Amalgam is the Worst Filling Material, Here
Mechanics is no excuse to use this rubbish Here Health is more important.
Amalgam Removal
Amalgam Removal Protocols Here
Rubber Dam is essential when removing amalgam Here
Amalgam Removal Studies Here It does lower the body burden of mercury.
Health Effects
Where does the Mercury from amalgam go – into your Body Here The dental associations claim that only a tiny bit of mercury comes out of the fillings. This page quantifies what a ‘tiny bit’ actually is. In fact it is FAR from tiny.

Estimated Mercury vapour exposure from amalgams among American pregnant women. This study, published in 2024 clearly shows the extreme levels of mercury derived from amalgam fillings in pregnant women and of course this mercury is also distributed to the developing fetus. Click the link https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/09603271241231945
Neurologic Affects of Mercury Here
Multiple Sclerosis – Mercury and Dead Teeth Here
Mercury and Alzheimer’s Disease Here
Mercury’s Effect on the Immune System PDF Here
Mercury and Autism Here
Mercury & Reproduction – Mother and Baby are One Here
Mercury and Reproduction abstracted References Here (332 References)
Mercury & The Heart – The Complete Cardiovascular Catastrophe Here
Mercury & the Heart abstracted references Here
Mercury and Lichen Planus PDF Here
Mercury from amalgam in the Environment Here The use of dental mercury amalgam is a well established environmental disaster.
Mercury and Crematoria Here
Minamata Disease Here The disasters of mercury poisoning in Minamata Bay and Iraq.
Official Positions
World Health Organization 2003 – mercury retention from different sources Here
Full WHO 2003 Document in PDF Here
Misinformation – The Propaganda Destroyed Here
Health Canada’s Recommendations about the use of amalgam Here
Letter from Canada Health to the Canadian Dental Association Here
Swedish Government Report on Dental Amalgam Here
An Open Letter to the Deans of Dentistry in Australia – for the students. Here
Quecksilber – The Strange Story of Dental Amalgam.
This is a one hour documentary I made in 2004. Recent research supports the research that is listed in this documentary.
An old but informative video – Poison in Your Mouth 1994 Panorama BBC. The British Dental Association is interviewed about their claims of amalgam safety, against the top international mercury experts. This program was aired over 20 years ago. The attitudes of the dental associations have not changed. The research discussed here should have stopped the use of this poison long ago.
Transcript of the program Here
Smoking Teeth / Poison Gas – This is the first time that mercury vapour coming from an old amalgam filling had been videoed. This completely blows the myth that only a ‘little’ bit of mercury is released from these implants. Made in 2004.
This full version includes interviews of experts in the fields of mercury toxicology, environmental medicine, politics and dentistry.
How Mercury causes Brain Neuron Degeneration. University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine Dept. of Physiology and Biophysics This short presentation available on the University website clearly shows how mercury in fillings can destroy brain neurons as seen with people who have Alzheimer’s Disease.
Professor Boyd Haley, one of the researchers involved in the above video, commenting on the research and the reaction to the above video. The wall of silence even came down on this great scientist.
Although not related to dentistry, the massive use of lead in fuel and other industries has also lead to millions of deaths world wide. It has caused a general reduction in intelligence world wide with equivalent increase in violent crimes. This video is a quick introduction to another corruption by vested interests in the same way that the continued use of mercury is in dentistry.