Ethyl & Methyl Mercury
& Some thoughts on vaccines & things
Robert Gammal BDS Oct 2021
There are several different forms of mercury that we may be exposed to. Just like premiers and prime ministers who tell us that they get their advice from other experts, and thus pass the buck, so to do the medical and dental establishments pass the buck onto the other forms of mercury. As Prof. Murray Vimy once said “mercury is mercury is mercury”. There is no safe level of any form of mercury.
Our daily exposure to mercury is not just from our amalgam fillings. We are in fact surrounded by mercury in a wide range of products. Australia got sold down the toilet (as did other countries) during the reign of John Howard, who did a deal with the Chinese manufacturers, to supply millions of fluoro ‘low energy’ light globes, which use less energy and thereby supposedly contribute to minimizing global warming. This approach saved the government from doing anything about the rampant coal industry in this country. The traditional incandescent globes used between 60 to 70 watts. The new free fluoroes used 11 watts. LEDs used about 3 to 5 watts for the same light output. This campaign was carried by the government using the propaganda ploy of giving these light globes away for free. Nobody had to purchase these little low energy globes, even though the LED globes that were on the market already, were far more energy efficient and did not have mercury in them. Yep, that’s right. Those little squiggly light globes that our government so proudly dumped on us, not only emit a particular type of x-ray radiation, but also contain some mercury – about 4mg per bulb which is 4,000,000 mcg. When these globes break, this mercury will enter the room and then start to vaporize. If you vacuum this mess, it will vaporize immediately and form massively dangerous vapour levels. Really the room needs to be fully decontaminated. The Europeans recognized the problem with these light globes, and have built special collection bins in all cities to take care of this environmental toxin. In Europe these globes can only be disposed of into these special collection bins. In Australia the government does NOT SEE A PROBLEM and insist that they can go into the general waste, which then goes to land fill and of course the mercury spreads into the environment. It’s embarrassing to see this position of the Australian government on such a basic issue.
SEE what the USEPA says about cleaning up Broken CFL light globes HERE
Australia is the only country to try to get an exemption for amalgam in the Minamata agreement. Australia still teaches dental students to use amalgam. Australia is one of the few countries in the world to allow the use of Arsenic treated pine for construction. Australia is one of only eleven countries that poison their water with Fluoride. Infant mortality in our indigenous population is horrific. Australia does not see a problem with climate change and continues to pump out coal for use around the world. Coal fired power stations are the greatest source of environmental mercury poisoning. Australia is happy to make vaccination a compulsory event. “Advance Australia Fair” still raises all sorts of nationalistic ideals that swamp the madness sitting just below the surface.
As I was saying before the rant took over, is that there is mercury in many other products. Much of it is in the form of Thimerosal, which is commonly used as a preservative. It is 50% Ethyl Mercury. Thimerosal can be found in many of the following products; Antitoxins, cosmetics including makeup removers, mascara, eye moisturizers, desensitizing solutions, ear, eye, and nose drops, eye ointments, mercurochrome, merthiolate topical antiseptic, soap-free cleaners, some contact lens solutions, topical medicated sprays, topical medications, tuberculin tests.[1] Ethyl mercury, like its methyl relative, will easily cross the skin and be absorbed into the body. In ear, eye and nose drops, it will immediately be transported by the nerves directly to the brain.
A Large List of Hidden Sources of Mercury HERE
Many Contact Lens solutions contain Thimerosal. Contact lenses are placed directly on the eye. The mercury in these solutions can easily cause inflammation in the eyes. [2],[3],[4],[5] The eye is a neurological extension of the brain. Mercury is absorbed through the eye ,which means it is absorbed directly into the brain. AVOID all solutions with Thimerosal. It binds to the cells in the lining of the eye and damages them. The dosage of only .001% found in these solutions is enough to do both functional and structural damage to the endothelium.[6] Clearly, we do not need much to cause devastating results.
Yet we are told over and over again by the WHO, CDC, FDA, TGA and many other government agencies that Ethyl Mercury in Thimerosal is safe when ‘used appropriately’. (I still haven’t seen a definition of what this appropriate use is.)
US FDA States: “A robust body of peer-reviewed scientific studies conducted in the U.S. and other countries support the safety of thimerosal-containing vaccines.” LINK HERE
It is so safe that appropriate use includes injecting it into living humans, some who are just born and some who are at the other end of life and everyone in between. These safety claims have been based on studies which demonstrated that the half-life of ethyl mercury in the blood and urine is very short. It can be measured easily in the urine and disappears from the urine after a relatively short period. Thus, was created the assumption that if it is not in the urine, than it is not in the body and then it could not possibly be dangerous. Isn’t it mind-blowing, how one little assumption can cost the lives of so many people? It is even more mind-blowing when this is shown to be a lie that was known all along.
The measure of mercury excreted is NOT a measure of the amount retained.
The CDC, nor any other regulatory body world-wide, has ever set an upper maximum limit for ethyl-mercury, as they have for methyl-mercury. Instead, they have used the standards for Methylmercury to assess Ethyl mercury. Thus, there is no measure that can verify their claims of safety. As you’ll see this is not a satisfactory way to assess ethyl mercury. The toxic profile for both forms is different, and thus the established toxic levels cannot be transposed. Combining the ethyl from the vaccine and the methyl from the fish and amalgam fillings will lead to an enhanced toxicity in the brain.[7]
The CDC has purposefully blocked efforts by the National Institute of Environmental Health Science’s (NIEHS) National Toxicology Program (NTP) to test ethyl mercury for toxicity – a process that would have led to maximum exposure guidelines. … “In response to CDC pressure, the NTP put thimerosal on permanent deferred status.” [8]
Thimerosal has never been tested for safety or toxicity.
As we needed to do for the dental profession, let’s put this little bit into perspective. A mouth with amalgam fillings can easily release a concentration of 100 mcg/m3 (100 micrograms per cubic meter) mercury vapour. A different way of measuring it is to use Parts Per Billion – ppb. It would then read 100 ppb Hg in the air. (1mcg/m3 = 1ppb). The literature clearly shows that this amount of mercury is seriously dangerous to health. The agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry has stated that a transient exposure to levels of 0.02mcg/m3, produces observable physiological changes.
The maximum amount of mercury allowed in the water in America is 2ppb. (US EPA)
Paint, which contained mercury, was taken off the market as it released 2ppb and was considered toxic.
The National Vaccine Information Centre have published that
“Concerns regarding mercury in vaccines were addressed in a letter published by the Journal Pediatrics on March 13, 2008. As noted in the letter, parents and pregnant women may want to consider the following data and make an informed decision.” [9] (Italicised text is my explanatory notes)
- 0.5 ppb mercury = Kills human neuroblastoma cells[10]
Neuroblastoma is a form of cancer that is made up of cells that are found in nerve tissues of the body. These cells are called neuroblasts, and they are early nerve cells found most commonly in the adrenal glands (near the kidneys), and along the tissues around the spinal cord in the neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis. Many neuroblastomas start in the adrenal glands)
- 2 ppb mercury = U.S. EPA limit for drinking water.
- 20 ppb mercury = Neurite membrane structure destroyed[11].
A neurite or neuronal process, refers to any projection from the cell body of a neuron or nerve cell – in other words the nerve cell structure is destroyed.
- 200 ppb mercury = level in liquid that the EPA classifies as hazardous waste.
- 25,000 ppb mercury = Concentration of mercury in the Hepatitis B vaccine, administered at birth in the U.S., from 1990-2001.
- 50,000 ppb Mercury = Concentration of mercury in multi-dose DTaP and Haemophilus B vaccine vials, administered 4 times each in the 1990’s to children at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months of age.
- 50,000 ppb Mercury = Current “preservative” level mercury in multi-dose flu (94% of supply), meningococcal and tetanus (7 and older) vaccines.
Many nurses and medical people are being told and convinced, that the ethyl mercury found in vaccines, in the form of thimerosal, is not toxic and the comparison is made with methyl mercury which is highly toxic. Current research does not support this premise and in fact demonstrates the opposite. Ethyl mercury is as toxic, if not more toxic, than methyl mercury.
Methylmercury and ethylmercury distribute to all body tissues, crossing the blood–brain barrier and the placental barrier, and move freely throughout the body.[12]
A study from 2005 compared the amount of mercury that ends up in different tissues of the body when exposed to both ethyl and methyl mercury. They found that thimerosal deposited twice the amount of mercury into the tissues compared to the methyl group. They also found “persistent inorganic mercury exposure with increased activation of microglia in the brain, an effect recently reported in children with autism.” [13] Experimental studies indicate that animal exposure to thimerosal leads to accumulation of mercury in brain. Thimerosal causes significant neurotoxicity in experimental models. Significant cell death was observed after exposure to both Methyl and Ethyl mercury.[14]
Ethylmercury is a mitochondrial toxin in human astrocytes (star-shaped glial cell of the central nervous system). This finding is important, particularly since the number of diseases in which mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated are rapidly increasing. [15]
The combination of Ethyl Mercury and Methyl Mercury
has an enhanced neurotoxic effect
in developing mammals.
The position the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) maintains, is contrary to the findings of a recent study (2016) that they themselves conducted. It’s really hard to deny your own research, but that is exactly what the CDC is doing! The EcoWatch website has published some critical information copied below. I highly recommend you read their info. [16] ( Among the findings of the CDC’s study: [17]
- Methylmercury and ethylmercury are similarly toxic to humans. They share common chemical properties, and both significantly disrupt central nervous system development and function.
- Thimerosal is extremely toxic at very low exposures and is more damaging than methylmercury in some studies. For example, ethylmercury is even more destructive to the mitochondria in cells than methylmercury.
- The ethylmercury in thimerosal does not leave the body quickly as the CDC once claimed but is metabolized into a highly neurotoxic forms.
“The study meticulously details identical toxicity pathways shared by both forms of mercury:
- Both ethyl and methyl mercury cause DNA damage or impair DNA synthesis.[18]
- Both cause oxidative stress/creation of reactive oxygen species.[19]
- Both decrease glutathione activity, thus providing less protection from the oxidative stress caused by MeHg and EtHg.[20]
- Both cause effects on cell division by damaging the spindle apparatus during mitosis.[21]
- Both MeHg and EtHg bind to the amino acid cysteine.[22]
- Both MeHg and EtHg strongly inhibit the reacylation of arachidonic acid, thus inhibiting the reincorporation of this fatty acid into membrane phospholipids[23]
- Both cause an increase in NOS, causing an overproduction of NO.[24]
- Both disrupt glutamate homeostasis.[25]
- Both alter intracellular calcium homeostasis.[26]
- Both cause effects on receptor binding/neurotransmitter release involving one or more transmitters.[27]
“This study is a nuclear bomb detonating over the CDC,” Boyd Haley, chairman emeritus of the University of Kentucky Chemistry Department, said. “It should be getting international, front page headlines.”
As one of the world’s leading authorities on mercury toxicity, Professor Haley observed,
“It’s a momentous rejection of a widely held medical orthodoxy dictating policy changes even more significant than the medical establishment’s reversals on thalidomide, calomel tooth powder, x-rays during pregnancy, or lead exposure to children. In each of these cases, thousands of children were injured or killed before an entrenched medical establishment was finally willing to abandon treatments that were unquestionably causing great harm.”
“… many other large-scale food poisonings have occurred involving ethylmercury fungicides in Iraq in 1956 and 1960, in Pakistan in 1961, and in Russia in the 1960s as well. These episodes resulted in maladies ranging from basic tissue injury to heart and brain injury and even death.”
“A single Thimerosal-preserved flu vaccine contains 25 micrograms of ethylmercury. If the EPA RfD for ingested methylmercury is applied to this injected ethylmercury figure, an individual would have to weigh more than 250 kilograms (551 pounds) for the 25 microgram exposure to be considered safe. Back in the 1990s, a two-month-old child could have received 62.5 micrograms from three vaccines in a single doctor’s visit. Assuming the child weighed about 5 kilograms (11 pounds), he or she would have received 125 times the EPA RfD for methylmercury.”16 (RfD-Reference dosage for oral exposure – ie the maximum dosage recommended for a particular body weight)
“Overwhelmingly, the literature presents clear evidence that ethylmercury is invasive and persistent in the brain. Emerging evidence suggests that ethylmercury is more toxic than methylmercury, in direct contrast with the CDC’s historic position.”
Comparing the toxicity of mercury that is swallowed to that which is injected is a stupid comparison. As far as I am aware, there are no studies that compare which route of administration is more toxic, but if this were a bet I know where I would put my money. The injected version every time.
Vaccines containing Thimerosal will increase the person’s body burden of mercury whether an infant or an elderly person getting the flu shot. That’s pretty simple to understand, eh? If you inject mercury into a baby, it will have mercury in its body. Any doctor should be able to understand this. Just one injection of the Hep B vaccine produced very measurable levels in the urine. Preterm infants had much higher urine mercury levels than term infants.[28] Remember they are measuring the amount being excreted not the amount that is retained in the brain and other tissues.
There is NO SAFE LEVEL of any form of mercury and infants receiving the recommended vaccines will be exposed to cumulative levels of mercury during the first 6 months of life, that far exceed EPA recommendations. [29] The incidence of autism has been directly related to the amounts of ethyl mercury injected from the Hep B vaccine within one, two and six months from being born. [30]
Research released in Oct 2018 showed that the Flu shot, Flulaval Influenza Virus Vaccine from GlaxoSmithKline, contained mercury at a staggering level of 51,000ppb.[31]
According to the FDA, this is the level of mercury in a ‘three ounce can of tuna fish’. This is a stupid comparison, as we are talking Methyl mercury in fish and ethyl mercury in vaccines. Very few newborn babies would eat a three ounce can of tuna let alone inject it. (Perhaps they do when their shooting up with their mates in the back ally!) The other implied message is that the mercury in a can of Tuna is safe. It is NOT. 50mcg of methyl mercury is massively toxic. The mercury from this source is also cumulative, so stop eating tuna. Note that there is a vast difference in toxicity between swallowing methylmercury or injecting ethylmercury. There have been several studies relating the injection of ethylmercury in the flu shot with increasing rates of neurological disease such as dementia. This is what is injected into pregnant women and now recommended for children. This ethyl mercury will cross the placenta and breast milk and will affect neurological development of the foetus and new born. This is also injected into senior citizens without a care that they are unable to excrete the mercury as easily as a younger person.
A slight digression into pet food: I have known many people who, for convenience, feed their loved cat or dog, cans of tuna every day. For an animal 1/4 or less than our size, this dosage is not massive. It is truly ridiculous. Then they wonder why the vet bills are so high. I’m 75 kg and that is a massive dose for me. A pussy cat is about 5-10 kg and up to 40kg for a big dog. Why would they be able to cope with this level of mercury poisoning – every day? You got the picture.
The Hep B Vaccine also contains the astronomical amount of ethylmercury – 51,000ppb.
The Australian Government recommends that all newborn children should have a Hep B Vaccination within 12 hours of birth!!!!! One can only wonder about the rational of such a medical intervention, considering that your baby will most likely NOT be injecting heroin or having unprotected sex in the first 12 hours on this planet.
“The indiscriminate use of Thimerasol Containing Vaccines (TCV’s) carries an unjustifiable and excessive Ethyl Mercury exposure with an unnecessary risk of neurotoxicity to the developing brain.” [32]
According to newly discovered research, which was supported by a grant from the American Medical Association, it may or may not surprise you to learn that government agencies have known for 60 years, that Thimerosal was neither safe nor effective, and that it should have been removed as a preservative in pharmaceutical products a long time ago.[33] This paper was published in 1948 in the Journal of the American Medical Association;
“Mercurial compounds have been employed as disinfectants since the beginning of bacteriology.” “Indeed, for a long period mercurial compounds, such as bichloride of mercury, headed the list of chemical which were thought to be effective in the killing of microorganisms,”. … “It is not highly germicidal and especially does not possess high germicidal value in the presence of serum and other protein mediums. The loss of antibacterial activity of mercurials in the presence of serum proves their incompatibility with serum.” [34]
Warnings of the toxicity of Thimerosal were published as long ago as 1935.
“… found Thimerosal was 262 times more toxic for embryonic tissue cells than for Staphylococcus aureus.” [35] “Not only is there a direct toxic action of the mercurial compounds on the cellular and humoral components of the animal body, but there is also the possibility of sensitization“. [36] “…mercurials are ineffective in vivo and may be more toxic for tissue cells than bacterial cells, as shown in mice[37] tissue culture[38] and embryonic eggs[39], and with leucocytes[40].[41]“
Do you really want to poison your newborn
with one of the most neurotoxic substances on the planet – as soon as it is born? As you have only just met your newborn baby, you will NEVER be able to assess any damage, as you do not have a before and after situation. You will never know how brilliant your child could have been. Because there is no before and after, your child may be diagnosed with autism, and you will never know if it was the vaccine that caused it. Much cheaper litigation problems for the manufacturers are therefore guaranteed. It is worth considering that the rate of Sudden Infant Deaths (SIDS) fell to almost zero in Japan, when they raised the minimum age for vaccination to two years.

There is so much talk of autism and vaccines, that we forget that perhaps there will not be a full blown syndrome like ASD, but perhaps just a slight learning disability like dyslexia.
Perhaps your child will have seizures that will be explained away by some other medical name.
Perhaps there will be an imperceptible drop in IQ of just a few points. Then add some fluoride into the mix and the IQ gets knocked down a couple of more points. A few points in IQ may not sound much, but the significance is lifelong, and your child will no longer have the chance to excel! Imagine what could happen if everyone was thus exposed and crippled and no one excelled.
When IQ’s drop across a population there are a lot more people who just do not have the intelligence to cope with stress and relationships in a healthy manner. This easily translates into things like road rage and domestic violence. It could easily be a return to the future dark age. After all, lead has been blamed for the collapse of the Roman Empire. Mercury could do the rest of us. Shifting the IQ bell curve to the left, demonstrates that there is a dramatic increase in the number of people with lower intelligence, and a dramatic decrease in the numbers of bright people. This is even more pronounced when we go looking for the exceptionally bright people – there are so many less of them.
Read the label.
Question any doctor who wants to inject mercury into you or your baby. Ask if the vaccine contains Thimerosal. Many doctors will not know that it is 50% mercury, and nor will they know of the associated dangers. If they do know it is mercury, they will most likely repeat the propaganda and tell you how safe it is, based on its supposed short half-life in the body. Again, you are stuck between me and them, so you may want to read some of the published articles yourself. You do have the right to say NO. Be aware that many of the flu vaccines do contain Thimerosal, which can be devastating to older people as well as infants and pregnant women. Any mercury, no matter where from or in which form, (be it ethyl or methyl or elemental vapour), in a pregnant woman will cross the placenta and accumulate preferentially in the foetus, and especially in the developing pituitary gland and central nervous system. It will also cross the breast milk and enter the newborn child.
Do you really want to go and have some ignorant physician inject this into you or your child? You now know more about mercury in vaccines than most of the doctors who are injecting it, let alone the pharmacist or badly trained nurse who is also injecting it. There are virtually no studies on the effects of mercury that is injected compared to mercury from other sources. Considering that children’s vaccination programs are usually carried out in schools (for convenience of course), I propose that all schools be renamed as ‘Drug Injecting Premises’.
All forms of mercury are cumulative and toxic!
HPV Vaccine
Aside from the horror that you have just read, there is yet another on the frontiers of madness, that I feel everyone should know about. It is the HPV vaccine that is supposed to protect women and girls from cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is of course horrifying and if there were a way to prevent it, of course we should try. The vaccine was sold on horrifying statistics that made cervical cancer the most aggressive form on the planet. This of course is just advertising, as the rates of cervical cancer are fairly low. The experiment has been running in Australia since 2007 and other countries like Great Britain, USA, Norway. From these country’s official figures, the rates of very invasive cervical cancer have actually increased rather than decreased. Considering that in each of these countries the incidence of cervical cancer was actually decreasing in the previous ten years, the increased rate is only since broad scale vaccination. This is true for all countries that have high vaccination rates. [42],[43],[44],[45] ,[46]
“According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare publication (2018 publication describing the detailed rates until 2014 )35, the standardized incidence in the overall population has not decreased since vaccination 7/100,000 in 2007 versus 7.4 in 2014.”
“Evidence that vaccination increases the risk of invasive cancer can be rapid, if the vaccine changes the natural history of cancer by accelerating it.” [47]
In France, which has a very low vaccination rate,
“the incidence of cervical cancer has steadily decreased from 15/100,000 in 1995 to 7.5 in 2007, 6.7 in 2012 and 6 in 2017, much lower than those of countries with high vaccine coverage. This decrease in incidence was accompanied by a decrease in mortality from 5 in 1980 to 1.8 in 2012 and 1.7 in 2017.” [48]
I would be interested in the cancer rates amongst boys who receive this vaccine, considering that they do not have a cervix.
I know this is a bit of a distraction from the mercury subject, but it could have a bit to do with the aluminium that is in the vaccine. The other reason for including this here is to demonstrate the accuracy or not, of the official propaganda. Many more women and girls have been injured or killed from this vaccine, than ever developed cervical cancer. Like I say, check it out for yourself and make up your own mind. It is so easy to believe official stories and then wonder what went wrong.
The article from which this information was gleaned was put on the web on 7 Feb 2019. Can you believe that on 6 Feb 2019, the British Medical Journal published an article which claims,
“Potentially preventable cervical cancers will become an increasing health burden this century unless more people are immunised with one of the available vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV), the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has warned.”[49]
I know where I’d put my money on truth in this matter. Yet another PTO serving big pharma.
I also know that I’m just a dentist, but would somebody please explain to me how and when boys grew a cervix! Why are boys being poisoned with this rubbish? I really don’t get it!
[2] Ocular inflammation in patients using soft contact lenses. Rietschel RL, Wilson LA Arch Dermatol (1982 Mar) 118(3):147-9
[3] Conjunctival hyperemia and corneal infiltrates with chemically disinfected soft contact lenses.Mondino BJ, Groden LR Arch Ophthalmol (1980 Oct) 98(10):1767-70
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[5] Delayed hypersensitivity to thimerosal in soft contact lens wearers. Wilson LA, McNatt J, Reitschel R Ophthalmology (1981 Aug) 88(8):804-9
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[7] Research Gate [accessed Oct 24 2018].
[9] National Vaccine Information Centre
[10] Parran et al., Toxicol Sci 2005; 86: 132-140.
[11] Leong et al., Neuroreport 2001; 12: 733-37
[12] J Appl Toxicol. 2013 Aug;33(8):700-11. doi: 10.1002/jat.2855. Epub 2013 Feb 11. Toxicity of ethylmercury (and Thimerosal): a comparison with methylmercury. Dórea J
[13] Environ Health Perspect. 2005 Aug; 113(8): A543–A544. Thimerosal and Animal Brains: New Data for Assessing Human Ethylmercury Risk Julia R. Barrett
[14] Neurotoxicology. 2013 Sep; 38: 1–8. Published online 2013 May 30. doi: [10.1016/j.neuro.2013.05.015] Comparative study on methyl- and ethylmercury-induced toxicity in C6 glioma cells and the potential role of LAT-1 in mediating mercurial-thiol complexes uptake. Luciana T. Zimmermann,a,*
[15] Thimerosal-Derived Ethylmercury Is a Mitochondrial Toxin in Human Astrocytes: Possible Role of Fenton Chemistry in the Oxidation and Breakage of mtDNA
Martyn A. Sharpe, Andrew D. Livingston, and David S. Baskin Journal of Toxicology Volume 2012, Article ID 373678, 12 pages
[16] Ecco Watch
[17] Alkyl Mercury-Induced Toxicity: Multiple Mechanisms of Action John F. Risher Pamela Tucker. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Volume 240 pp 105-149 10th May 2016
[18] (Burke et al. 2006; Sharpe et al. 2012; Wu et al. 2008).
[19] (Dreiem and Seegal 2007; Garg and Chang 2006; Myhre et al. 2003; Sharpe et al. 2012; Yin et al. 2007)
[20] (Carocci et al. 2014; Ndountse and Chan (2008); Choi et al. 1996; Franco et al. 2006; Mori et al. 2007; Muller et al. 2001; Ndountse and Chan 2008; Wu et al. 2008)
[21] (Burke et al. 2006; Castoldi et al. 2000; Gribble et al. 2005; Kim et al. 2007; Ou et al. 1999b; Machaty et al. 1999; Rodier et al. 1984)
[22] (Clarkson 1995; Wu et al. 2008)
[23] (Shanker et al. 2002; Verity et al. 1994; Zarini et al. 2006).
[24] (Chen et al. 2003; Chuu et al. 2001; Shinyashiki et al. 1998)
[25] (Farina et al. 2003a, b; Manfroi et al. 2004; Mutkus et al. 2005; Yin et al. 2007)
[26] (Elferink 1999; Hare et al. 1993;Kang et al. 2006; Limke et al. 2004b; Machaty et al. 1999; Marty and Atchison1997; Minnema et al. 1987; Peng et al. 2002; Sayers et al. 1993; Sirois and Atchison, 2000; Szalai et al. 1999; Tornquist et al. 1999; Zarini et al. 2006)
[27] (Basu et al. 2008; Coccini et al. 2000; Cooper et al. 2003; Fonfria et al. 2001; Ida-Eto et al. 2011; Ndountse and Chan 2008; Yuan and Atchison 2003)
[28] Iatrogenic exposure to mercury after hepatitis B vaccination in preterm infants Stajich GV, Lopez GP, Harry SW, Sexson WR J Pediatr (2000 May) 136(5):679-81
[29]An assessment of thimerosal use in childhood vaccines. Ball LK, Ball R, Pratt RD Pediatrics (2001 May) 107(5):1147-54
[30] Increased risk for an atypical autism diagnosis following Thimerosal- containing vaccine exposure in the United States: A prospective longitudinal case-control study in the Vaccine Safety Datalink.Geier DA, Kern JK, Geier MR J Trace Elem Med Biol (2017 Jul) 42:18-24
[32] Abating Mercury Exposure in Young Children Should Include Thimerosal- Free Vaccines. Dórea JG Neurochem Res (2017 Oct) 42(10):2673-2685
[34] Dr Morton, Dr North, Mr Engley of Camp Detrick Journal of the American Medical Association evaluating the use of mercurials in medicine. 1948 “The Bacteriostatic and Bactericidal Action of Some Mercurial Compounds on Hemolytic Streptococci: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
[35] “The comparative in vitro studies of mercurochrome, metaphen and merthiolate [Thimerosal] on embryonic (developing) tissue cells and bacterial cells by Salle and Lazarus Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology & Medicine, February 1935
[36] Nye Journal of the American Medical Association, January 1937 and Welch Food and Drug Administration, Journal of Immunology 1939
[37] Nungester and Kempf, 1942, Sarber, 1942, Spaulding and Bondi, 1947
[38] Salle and Catlin, 1947
[39] Witlin, 1942 Green and Kirkeland, 1944
[40] Welch and Hunter, 1940
[41] “Evaluation of Mercurials as Antiseptics” Engley Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1950
[42] Research UK, Cervical Cancer (C53): 1993-2015, European Age-Standardized Incidence Rates per 100,000 Population, Females, UK Accessed 08 [ 2018 ].
[43] Table 5.1 Cancer of the Cervix Uteri (Invasive) Trends in SEER Incidence and US Mortality SEER Cancer Statistics Review 1975-2012
[44] Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2017 Australian Cancer Incidence and Mortality (ACIM) books: cervical cancer Canberra: AIHW. <Http://>.
[45] A Castanona, P Sasienia Is the recent increase in cervical cancer in women aged 20-24 years in
England a cause for concern? Preventive Medicine 107 (2018) 21-28
[46] Engholm G, Ferlay J, Christensen N, Hansen HL, Hertzum-Larsen R, Johannesen TB, Kejs AMT, Khan S, Olafsdottir E, Petersen T, Schmidt LKH, Virtanen A and Storm HH: Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Prevalence and Survival in the Nordic Countries, Version 8.1 (28.06.2018). Association of the Nordic Cancer Registries. Danish Cancer Society. Available from, accessed is 1 / 10 / 2018
[48] Francim, HCL, Public Health France, INCa. Projections of Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Metropolitan France in 2017 – Solid Tumors [Internet]. Saint-Maurice: Public health France [updated 02/01/2018; viewed on the 09/05/2018
[49]Cervical cancer: deaths increase as HPV vaccine is underused, says WHO BMJ 2019; 364 doi: (Published 06 February 2019)