Multiple Sclerosis was first seen in autopsy studies in the 1830’s. It was first named as a disease in 1868 by Prof. Jean-Martin Charcot. Dental amalgam was formulated in 1812. By 1830 it had become a worldwide phenomenon.
M.S. and other brain diseases deserve special mention, if for no other reason than the horrifying increase in the number of cases over the last twenty years. Dentistry is not the only cause. It is one of the most overlooked of causes. Following is information which I hope will be of help. It is a brief summary of a huge wealth of knowledge in this area. The M.S. diagnosis does not have to be a diagnosis without hope. Many can recover.
Quoting Professor Daunderer[i]
“If we take Multiple Sclerosis patients who removed amalgam but refused both extraction of root canals and treatment of infected maxillary bone, we observe a cure rate from M.S. of 16%But when we consider multiple sclerosis patients that beside amalgam removal accepted our full treatment (root canal extraction and cleaning of alveolar bone), the percentage of cures increases to 86%.”
Information about Cavitations Here
Root Canal ‘therapy’ or ‘treatment’ is regarded by modern dentistry as the ‘state-of-the-art’ procedure for ‘saving’ a tooth. I find these names offensive. The procedure which these titles refer to, is neither a treatment nor is it therapeutic. It is a procedure which has high ideals and no substance. None of the basic premises upon which it is based, are achievable. A tooth can not be cleaned of all soft, dead or decaying tissue. Such a tooth cannot be sterilized. All of the materials that are used in this procedure range from cytotoxic to fully carcinogenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic and all other horrifying descriptive words. Many of these materials are permanently implanted into this dead state-of-the-art tooth. The canals cannot be sealed by any known technique. EVERYTHING that is left inside such a tooth, will escape from the roots and travel to every part of the body. This includes the materials left in there, the anaerobic toxins that are produced by the micro-organisms that are left in there, and the micro-organisms themselves. This ‘state-of-the-art’ procedure, produces nothing more than a TOXIN FACTORY, which can affect your health in so many different ways. This procedure is neither a ‘Treatment’ nor a ‘Therapy’. That is why I wrote the book – The Garbage Collector.
A dead tooth, with or without a Root Canal Procedure, will be a source of infection to the rest of the body. In medical speak this is called a ‘Focus of Infection’. When the bugs leave the tooth, (there are many different types), and travel to other parts of the body, they like to find homes that are suitable for their survival and reproduction. This process is called ‘Elective Localization’. The infection that is produced in these distant tissues is called ‘Focal Infection’.
Only one group of people on the planet cannot get their heads around this concept. The dental associations are in total denial that this is a reality. That is why they like to call this a ‘Focal Infection THEORY‘. The denial is so profound that it borders on religious heresy. You may well ask why? The answer is simple. Root Canal Procedures must be a ‘therapy’. If not, there would be a lot of specialist endodontists out of a job. The whole procedure would have to be scrapped. There would be a loss of millions of dollars to a small number of people. There would be a loss of BILLIONS if not Trillions of dollars to the small elite of the drug companies, that produce the drugs, that treat the diseases, that this procedure creates. That’s fairly simple!
Dentistry generally denies the possible connection between root ‘treated’ teeth and systemic disease. The claim of modern dentistry is that the idea of ‘focal infection’ was shown to be incorrect many years ago. This claim is NOT supported by the published science. Medicine on the other hand, works daily with the concept. Medical practitioners know that an infection can spread from one part of the body to another and may rapidly become life threatening. In fact the current research fully supports that from 100 years ago, which traces the spread of infection from dead teeth to the rest of the body, with devastating consequences. In fact, the older literature from the turn of the 20th century, is supported by literature ever since then, including up to the time of writing in 2021.
There is to NO scientific validity, nor is there any evidence based validity, for root canal procedure!

In the1970s and 80s Prof Patrick Stortebecker, who was then the Professor of Neural Surgery at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, demonstrated that the primary lesion in Multiple Sclerosis is not demyelination, but instead is an infected plaque, around the venous side of the blood supply to the brain. Cerebral M.S. plaques showed the same organisms as found in dead teeth, periodontal disease and other oral infections. Spinal M.S. lesions showed the same organisms that are found in bowel and vagina.
Stortebecker described the pathway of transmission through the non-valved venous plexus for both areas. By injecting dyes into the angle of the mandible (therefore no bony connection to the rest of the skull), he was able to fill the whole of the intra-cranial blood vessels. This demonstrated that the Non-valved veinous plexus below the skull, allows movement of blood in both directions. This is critical to the understanding of how the micro-organisms from the mouth could enter the brain. [ii],[iii],[iv],[v] (One purpose of the Venous Plexus is to regulate the pressure within the skull. Additionally, deoxygenated blood is emptied from the skull through this venous plexus.)
Remember that Mercury will not only cross the blood brain barrier but will also damage this barrier. This allows the entry of other toxins and micro-organisms.

This research is ignored, not only by the whole of the medical world, but also by the M.S. Society itself. A clever doctor once told me that we will never find a cure for any disease that has a society or organization associated with it. I tend to agree!
Apart from blood transmission of toxins, there are several ways that teeth may be related to brain conditions.

The ends of the roots of upper molars and premolars are either very close to or sit within the floor of the maxillary sinuses. (The Sinus Spaces in your cheek bones.) At best there is a millimeter of bone or less around the end of these roots. Infection or abscess at the end of these roots will cause infection and inflammation in the lining of the sinuses – otherwise known as Sinusitis. [vi],[vii],[viii],[ix],[x],[xi],[xii],[xiii],[xiv],[xv],[xvi],[xvii],[xviii],[xix],[xx],[xxi]
Remarkably, this 1mm of bone, also separates the medical and dental worlds. It separates the domain of the “Dentist” and the domains of the “Ear, Nose and Throat” specialists, and also the “Neurologists”. Since when were our bodies divided into states and countries to be ruled over by separate dominions?

Research as recent as 2007, indicates that the development of a ‘fungus ball’ in the maxillary sinus, is directly associated with root treatment of the upper teeth.[xxii]
Even the American Association of Endodontists recognizes the relationship of dead teeth and sinusitis.
“…failure to identify and properly manage the endodontic source pathology will result in the persistence of sinus disease, the failure of medical sinus therapies, and the potential advancement to more serious or even life-threatening cranio-facial infections.”
“Out of 85 sinusitis guidelines, published between 1998 and 2010, only eleven mentioned an odontogenic cause for sinusitis and only three gave a recommendation for a dental examination”
American Association of Endodontics Position Statement Maxillary Sinusitis of Endodontic Origin. AAE website 2021

So, what does sinusitis have to do with the brain? Ask any Ear Nose & Throat specialist, and they will likely tell you ‘not much’. Ask these same people about the association of dead teeth and sinusitis and most likely they will also say ‘not much’. They treat the repercussions at the other end of the roots, without ever seeing a causal association.
I once had a lady come to see me who had been treated for breast cancer. The x-ray of her teeth showed the upper first molar was root canalled and at the end of one of the roots, lying on the floor of the sinus, was a huge abscess, that looked like a sea cucumber. She freaked out and was scared that this was cancer too. I assured her that it was not, and explained what it was, and how this may be associated with the cancer that she’d had. I suggested she have a second opinion from an ENT specialist who was a friend of hers. He assured her that there was no abscess and that there was no association to her cancer. (The upper molars sit on the stomach meridian which passes directly through the breast area. See the EAV Chart Here)
There is a strong and well-published association
between Sinusitis
& Multiple Sclerosis
& other brain diseases.
The epidemiologic studies of the incidence of Sinusitis and that of M.S. are directly linearly related. More sinusitis equals more M.S. [xxviii],[xxix]
“In an analysis of general practice records the rate of chronic sinusitis was significantly greater in 92 patients with multiple sclerosis (M.S.) than in matched controls. M.S. and chronic sinus infection were also significantly associated in the timing of attacks, in the age at which patients suffered their attacks, and in the seasonal pattern of attacks.” [xxx]
There is a
This has been known since 1978 and still the link between dental decay rates and incidence of M.S., is blindly ignored by both dental & medical professions and the M.S. society.
“Causal comparison of the WHO map of dental caries incidences throughout the world, reveals a striking parallel in general trend. Comparison of decayed, missing and filled teeth with the M.S. death rates results in a correlation coefficient of 0.97, and the probability of a chance occurrence is less than 0.002. This represents a nearly perfect linear relationship between dental disease rates and M.S. death rates.”
“The geographical distribution and other epidemiological characteristics of multiple sclerosis are compared with those of dental caries. The rates of death due to M.S. in Australian states are linearly related to the numbers of decayed, missing, and filled (DMF) teeth found in individuals from those states. In the United States of America, a strong positive correlation also exists between M.S. death rates and dental caries indices. The prevalence of M.S. in 45 counties or areas correlates well with the frequencies of DMF teeth among children of school age in those locations. …The prevalence of M.S. also correlates well with the percentage of edentulous individuals in certain countries.” [xxxi]
my emphasis
It’s a good fit like holding your two hands together – they match perfectly.
The relationship is clear, strong and well published. There is no room for denial at the expense of so many lives.
There is a Strong and Well-Published Association between:
- Sinusitis and Dental Infections.
- Sinusitis and Multiple Sclerosis.
- Optic Neuritis and Dental Infections.
- Optic Neuritis and Multiple Sclerosis.
“Can our society really afford to take care of all these ‘dental diseases’, generated from infectious foci of the teeth and jaws, involving a spread of highly pathogenic agents out into the human body, even to the cranial cavity and the brain, with all the gruesome consequences being reflected in various symptoms from the nervous system, only to mention disorders like epileptic fits, hallucinations in schizophrenia, and moreover multiple sclerosis and malignant brain tumors.”
Prof. Störtebecker
Bill came to see us in desperation because, at the age of thirty two, he figured that he was too young for an M.S. diagnosis. The treatment he received was the removal of a single root canalled tooth. Of course, our surgical procedure involved removing the periodontal ligament and unhealthy bone from the cavity. In his words[xxxii]:
“In September 2003, I went along to my dentist and had a root canal treatment performed. Months later in January 2004, I started to experience problems with my balance, tingling sensations and numbness in my hands and feet. Subsequently I was referred to a neurologist and after many tests – c.t. scans, lumbar puncture etc, – I was told that the probable cause of my problems was Multiple Sclerosis.
The amazing thing for me. was I had this root canal filled tooth pulled out in September 2004 and a week later, literally a week later, my balance started to improve, and the sensations that I had been experiencing for 9 months, started to abate. The numbness & tingling – and basically things have just improved from there. It is now December 2005!”
Multiple Sclerosis is more than just dead teeth. There also appears to be a relationship via auto-immune reactions to heavy metals as well. From the work of Prof. Vera Stejskal in Europe, it is clear that all metals must be avoided in Multiple Sclerosis patients. This includes the metals in composite resins that are used to colour the filling materials. Porcelains should be the filling material of choice and cemented into place with old fashioned, but safer zinc phosphate cement. For all those with an autoimmune disease, I strongly recommend you read the information at

A Case Study
Although anecdotal, I would like to present just one case study out of several. This lady in her 40’s, Helen for want of a name, came to see me after being diagnosed with M.S. She had a few young children and a great relationship with her husband. She was very happy but felt that she was too young to be sent home with a death sentence and no hope of treatment. On examining her mouth, I found one root canaled tooth on the upper left and a small metal/porcelain bridge to replace a missing front tooth. There wasn’t any amalgam in her mouth. Technically, the bridge was very well made, but we had no idea which metals were used in its construction. The root canal looked like a job that any endodontist would be proud of, and there was no abscess visible on the x-ray. No matter what the tooth looks like on an x-ray, ALL dead teeth remain infected, as it is impossible to sterilize them. She had great mechanical dentistry done.
She also brought in her MRI scan which showed two large lesions in her brain.

She had done her research and requested that I take out the bridge and the dead tooth. I told her that there was no promise that it would affect her health, as I always did, and she accepted this completely. I also agreed with her that there was a good likelihood that the M.S. could be related to these. At this first appointment she decided to remove both the tooth and the bridge immediately. She was not interested in proving which was a cause. She just wanted to eliminate ALL possible causes. She was quite happy to go home with a ‘gappy’ smile.
Three months later Helen came back in to see me with a new MRI. All of her symptoms had resolved, and the MRI scan was clear of any lesions. Her neurologist had declared her free of M.S. and did not want to know what she had done to make such a radical change. New MRI below

It’s important to understand that this does not happen in all cases, but for Helen it was a fantastic outcome. She remained free of M.S. for several years before I retired. It’s also important to understand that it can happen, and that we should always be hopeful and try everything to heal, even though it may sound radical to the dental authorities. Dental associations and endodontic societies worldwide condemn the idea that a dead tooth could cause any problems and in particular things like M.S. and A.L.S., let alone cancer. I believe that if it can happen for one, than it can happen for others. Never give up hope.
Yes, I did contact the M.S. Society who were very polite, but totally uninterested in this information. I was told clearly that M.S. had nothing to do with dentistry, and that as a mere dentist, I would not be able to understand the medical significance of this disease.

Mercury and Amalgam
There is another confounding and important aspect of Multiple Sclerosis, which must be mentioned at this point.
The main source of mercury to the general population, is of course dental amalgam. In fact, ten times higher than all other sources combined, including seafood. [xxxiii]
Studies have found mercury related mental effects to be indistinguishable from those of M.S. 17,[xxxiv],[xxxv],[xxxvi]
Does mercury from amalgam play a part in the development of, or long term outcome of M.S.? Unfortunately, there is still too much that we don’t know. There are a few things however that we do know, which are worth mentioning here.
Mercury damages the blood brain barrier which then allows entry into the brain of micro-organisms and other toxins.
Elemental Mercury vapour is converted to Methyl mercury in the body. This is 45 times more fat-soluble than ionic mercury, making it that much more dangerous to nerve cells. The nerve cells are covered in a myelin sheath, which is a highly lipid material. Methyl mercury destroys these myelin proteins.
From The Invisible Rainbow “This disrupts the myelin sheath and changes their conductivity which, in turn, alters the excitability of the nerves they surround. The entire nervous system becomes hyperactive to stimuli of all kinds, including electromagnetic fields.”
The cerebrospinal fluid of M.S. patients has substantially higher levels of mercury, than in people without M.S. They also usually have a higher body burden of mercury. 176,211,[xxxvii],[xxxviii],138,
A study from 1994 looked at a variety of effects in M.S. patients with and without amalgam fillings and a non-M.S. control group.
“Hair mercury was significantly higher in the M.S. subjects compared to the non-M.S. control group. A health questionnaire found that M.S. subjects with amalgams had significantly more (33.7%) exacerbations during the past 12 months compared to the M.S. volunteers with amalgam removal.” [xxxix]
As mentioned above, M.S. displays characteristics of autoimmune disease as well. Mercury can cause autoimmune diseases.
A study from 2016 shows that repeated exposure with mercury, accelerates progression of M.S. through mitochondrial damage, related to oxidative stress and finally apoptosis. [xl] (apoptosis is cell death)
Many M.S. patients have been helped by reducing their mercury loads. This can only be achieved if the source of the mercury is removed. Thus, all amalgam fillings need to go, as well as all other sources of mercury, including amalgam tattoos. Several published studies have clearly demonstrated an improvement of symptoms after the amalgams are removed. Not all recover, but many do. Amalgam may be an important risk factor for patients with autoimmune diseases. [xli],[xlii],[xliii]
The modern High Copper Amalgams release 50 times more mercury than the older non-copper amalgams!
“The high-copper amalgam released significantly more mercury than the low-copper amalgam in the pH1 solution at both time periods.”
Mercury release from dental amalgams into continuously replenished liquids Okabe T et al.. Dent Mater (2003 Jan) 19(1):38-45
“… there was a significant amount of elemental leaching and mercury vapor release from the Tytin amalgam over a 60-day period.“
Use of inductively coupled plasma-emission spectroscopy and mercury vapor analyses to evaluate elemental release from a high-copper dental amalgam: a pilot study. Cohen BI J Prosthet Dent (2001 Apr) 85(4):409-12
“… the one containing indium, which released significantly more mercury vapor than the two products with the lowest release.“
Release of mercury vapor from corroding amalgam in vitro. Holland RI Dent Mater (1993 Mar) 9(2):99-103
“From a copper amalgam an extreme release of copper was demonstrated.” … “The levels of copper and mercury released from the copper amalgam were approximately 50 times those of the two other amalgam types studied.“
Gastrointestinal and in vitro release of copper, cadmium, indium, mercury and zinc from conventional and copper-rich amalgams. Brune D Scand J Dent Res (1983 Feb) 91(1):66-71 NOTE: This is published in a well respected dental journal in 1983!
Dr Huggins noted that the incidence of both ALS and M.S. started going through the roof after 1976, with the introduction of high copper amalgams, which release about 50 times more mercury than the older formulations of amalgam with less copper. Dr Hal Huggins, the person who brought mercury from amalgam, to the attention of the world, continued to research the health effects of dentistry till his death. In 2010 he published some findings in relation to these high copper state-of-the-art amalgams. In his words;
“My attention was drawn to the increase in autoimmune disease after the high-copper amalgams of 1975 were initiated as “state of the art” fillings, which ADA claimed released no mercury. On the contrary, studies from Europe found that the high-copper amalgams released fifty times more mercury than previous amalgam!”

“In watching these changes regarding the onset of autoimmune disease, I noticed a blip in the statistics—an increase in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) in 1976 (See Figure 1).”
Note in Figure 2 that the actual number of cases of multiple sclerosis increased tremendously, from an average of 8,800 per year during the period 1970 to 1975, to an increase of up to 123,000 in one year. That year being 1976, the birth date of high-copper amalgams.” June 25, 2010 by Hal Huggins, DDS, M.S.
Before 1830,
when mercury amalgam became a worldwide phenomenon,
The DISEASE called Multiple Sclerosis
Was Unknown
Dr Hal Huggins is by far the leading expert in the field of mercury poisoning and the effects of dead teeth. As a dentist, he has helped thousands of people to get well, many of whom had been given NO hope from the medical profession. His knowledge in this area, and also in relation to the effects of dead teeth on the human system, is second to none.
Dr Huggins has written the single most comprehensive book on this subject. It is ESSENTIAL reading for anyone who has or knows of someone with M.S. It is called “Solving The MS Mystery – Help, Hope and Recovery” by Dr Hal A. Huggins DDS, MS. You can order it from his website at (ISBN 0-9724611-1-6) I believe that this book is so important that every doctor, dentist and patient should read it.
(While your shopping there are a few more books that are highly recommended – “It’s All In Your Head” by Dr Hal Huggins , “Curing the Incurable” by Dr Thomas Levy and “Uninformed Consent” by Dr Hal Huggins. While writing this section, I thought I had better check the availability on the web. Most book sellers are pricing “Solving The MS Mystery” at well over $100. From it is only $27.95. (27/11/2021) )
Many times, I have seen patients who were diagnosed with M.S. from their clinical symptoms only. I too was diagnosed with M.S. when in 1986, I had an attack of Acute Optic Neuritis. The optic nerve in my left eye became severely inflamed and overnight my vision in that eye became a peripheral blur. The neurologist immediately proclaimed M.S. because optic neuritis is often one of the earlier symptoms of this disease. I asked what else it could be, and all I got was “a list as long as your arm”. I asked why he would immediately choose M.S. when other causes could also be considered. He did not reply. Sadly, this scenario is all too common, and many people become misdiagnosed and mistreated. Neurologists should have a responsibility to include dead teeth and mercury from amalgam fillings, in their arsenal of diagnostic tools. I finally worked out what was wrong with me, when several years later, I read Dr Huggins’ book ‘It’s All In Your Head”. As a dentist still using amalgam, I had been exposed to astronomical levels of mercury vapour. I was mercury poisoned.
Often the removal of a dead tooth results in complete resolution of the disease state. There are unfortunately also times that it does not. A stone is thrown through my window. The window breaks. I pick up the stone and throw it back out. It hits the person who threw it through my window. I have addressed the cause, but the window is still broken. So too, with dental/systemic diseases. We may remove the cause of the problem, but if there is too much damage, it may be difficult to repair this damage just by removing the cause. Very few of my patients used dentistry as the only means of healing. The range of approaches is as diverse as the number of people seeking treatment. What works for one person, may not work for another. Many medical and non-medical modalities can help. It is important to understand that there may be other contributing causes of any disease. Dentistry is NOT the only cause of disease. It is the most neglected cause, and I believe one of the greatest causes of degenerative diseases in our society.
Quoting Professor Daunderer;
“If we take Multiple Sclerosis patients who removed amalgam but refused both extraction of root canals and treatment of infected maxillary bone, we observe a cure rate from M.S. of 16%.
But when we consider multiple sclerosis patients that beside amalgam removal accepted our full treatment (root canal extraction and cleaning of alveolar bone), the percentage of cures increases to 86%.”
The bottom line is that M.S. patients cannot afford to have mercury, dead teeth, cavitations or any gum disease in their mouths.
People with M.S. and other neurological diseases are advised to remove all amalgam fillings, any other metals in the mouth, including implants and of course dead teeth, whether root canalled or not. It is also imperative to locate and treat any cavitations in the jaw bones.
Find a dentist or oral surgeon who is trained in these techniques. Most dentists are NOT.
Daunderer in the 1998 TV show by Sabrina Giannini:
“The dental work we get from dentists is not something biological or medical. I’d say it is a technical thing, and the technique give the dentists a number of very strong poisons to be implanted in the mouth. If you kill the tooth and then fill its root canal with mercury, formaldehyde, cortisone, streptomycin, arsenic,… you are not doing any healthy thing.
All this dentistry is just a sin against the biology of the body and a sin against the ‘real’ medicine.”
[i] Ecomed Verlag, Landsberg 1998 isbn 3-609-71750-5
[ii] Stortebecker P “Dental Infectious Foci and diseases of the nervous system – spread of microorganisM.S. and their products from dental infectious foci along direct cranial venous pathways eliciting a toxic – infectious encephalopathy” Acta. Psych Neural Scand 36 Suppl. 157 (1961) 62
[iii] Stortebecker P “The cranial venous system filled from pulp of a tooth – Proceedings” 3rd Int. Congress of Nero Surg. Copenhagen Aug 1965
[iv] Stortebecker P “Dental significance of pathways for dissemination from infectious foci.” J Can Dent Assoc 33:6 1967 pp301-311
[v] Stortebecker P “Chronic dental infections in the etiology of Glioblastomas. 8th int congress” Neuropathy. Washington D.C. Sept 1978 J Neuropth. Exp. Neurology 37(s) 1978
[vi] Selden HS The endo-antral syndrome: an endodontic complication. J Am Dent Assoc (1989 Sep) 119(3):397-8, 401-2
[vii] Ngeow WC Orbital cellulitis as a sole symptom of odontogenic infection. Singapore Med J (1999 Feb) 40(2):101-3
[viii] Maloney PL Doku HC Maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic origin. J Can Dent Assoc (1968 Nov) 34(11):591-603
[ix] Guglani L Maxillary sinusitis due to dental infection. Newsl Int Coll Dent India Sect (1970 Sep) 7(3):15
[x] Yamazaki Y Shimada K Sakuma M Kawashima Y Kobayashi H [Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis: with special reference to surgical therapy] Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho (1972 Oct) 75(10):1125-6
[xi] Esposito S [Maxillary sinusitis of dental origin] Rass Int Clin Ter ( 1970 Jan 15) 50(1):39-45
[xii] Azimov M Ermakova FB [Role of focal odontogenic infection in the pathogenesis of maxillary sinusitis (experimental study)] Stomatologiia ( Mosk) (1978 Jan-Feb) 57(1):11-4
[xiii] Neupokoev NI Neupokoeva NV [Periapical cyst of the maxillary teeth as a cause of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis] Stomatologiia (Mosk) (1991 May-Jun) 70(3):62-3
[xiv] Bertrand B Rombaux P Eloy P Reychler H Sinusitis of dental origin. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg (1997) 51(4):315-22
[xv] Stefaniu A Czausescu V Popescu N Romascanu G Ceausescu A [Orbito- ocular and meningoencephalic complications in odontogenic maxillary sinusitis] Rev Chir Oncol Radiol O R L Oftalmol Stomatol Otorinolaringol ( 1982 Jan-Mar) 27(1):59-64
[xvi] Tarlowska W A case of chronic inflammation of the right maxillary sinus caused
by the introduction of cement into its lumen during root canal treatment of the 1st molar through the palatal root canal Czas Stomatol (1968 Jan) 21(1)
[xvii] Sato K Pathology of recent odontogenic maxillary sinusitis and the
usefulness of endoscopic sinus surgery Nippon Jibiinkoka Gakkai Kaiho (2001 Jul) 104(7):715-20
[xviii] Selden HS The interrelationship between the maxillary sinus and endodontics.
Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol (1974 Oct) 38(4):623-9
[xix] Selden HS August DS Maxillary sinus involvement–an endodontic complication. Report of a case. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol (1970 Jul) 30(1)
[xx] Thevoz F Arza A Jaques B Dental foreign body sinusitis Schweiz Med Wochenschr (2000) Suppl 125:30S-34S
[xxi] Bogaerts P Hanssens JF Siquet JP Healing of maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic origin following conservative endodontic retreatment: case reports. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Belg (2003) 57(1):91-7
[xxii] Risk of maxillary fungus ball in patients with endodontic treatment on maxillary teeth: a case-control study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2007 Mar;103(3):433-6. Epub 2006 Dec 4 Mensi M, Piccioni M, Marsili F, Nicolai P, Sapelli PL, Latronico N.
[xxiii] Gay D Dick G Is multiple sclerosis caused by an oral spirochaete? Lancet (1986 Jul 12) 2(8498):75-7
[xxiv] Callaghan TS Multiple sclerosis and sinusitis Lancet (1986 Jul 19) 2(8499):160-1
[xxv] Jones RL Crowe P Chavda SV Pahor AL The incidence of sinusitis in patients with multiple sclerosis. Rhinology (1997 Sep) 35(3):118-9 A retrospective study was performed to assess the incidence of sinus disease in patients with M.S.. The MRI scans of 108 patients referred to a regional Neurosciences Unit with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis were examined. There were 71 females and 37 males with an age range of 22 to 67 years (mean: 39.7 years). The sagittal and axial images were reviewed and the degree of sinus disease noted. This was graded as absent, minimal, polypoid and pansinus. Fifty- seven patients (53%) had disease, the most common sinus involved was the maxillary followed by the ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid. Thirty- six patients had bilateral disease affecting the ethmoid sinuses most commonly. Three patients had fluid levels and four patients had retention cysts. The incidence of sinus disease is higher than in some other studies of normal populations.
[xxvi] Symons AL Bortolanza M Godden S Seymour G A preliminary study into the dental health status of multiple sclerosis patients. Spec Care Dentist (1993 May-Jun) 13(3):96-101
[xxvii] Khmel’nik VM [Combined intracranial complication in chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis] Kombinirovannoe vnutricherepnoe oslozhnenie pri khronicheskom odontogennom gaimorite. Vestn Otorinolaringol (1981 May-Jun)(3):87-8 ISSN: 0042-4668
[xxviii] Khmel’nik VM [Combined intracranial complication in chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis] Kombinirovannoe vnutricherepnoe oslozhnenie pri khronicheskom odontogennom gaimorite. Vestn Otorinolaringol (1981 May-Jun)(3):87-8 ISSN: 0042-4668
[xxix] Jones RL Crowe P Chavda SV Pahor AL The incidence of sinusitis in patients with multiple sclerosis. Rhinology (1997 Sep) 35(3):118-9 A retrospective study was performed to assess the incidence of sinus disease in patients with M.S..
[xxx] Gay D Dick G Upton G Multiple sclerosis associated with sinusitis: case-controlled study
in general practice. Lancet (1986 Apr 12) 1(8485):815-9
[xxxi] Craelius W Comparative epidemiology of multiple sclerosis and dental caries. J Epidemiol Community Health (1978 Sep) 32(3):155-65
[xxxii] In the words of a patient who was also featured in my documentary ‘ROOTED’ from 2006
[xxxiii] World Health Organisation Criteria 118 Environmental Mercury 1991
[xxxiv] M.S. Hughes, Amer. J. Of Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol 143, No 4:440- 443, 1982.
[xxxv] P. Le Quesne,“Metal-induced diseases of the nervous system”,1982,Br J Hosp Med,28:
[xxxvi] J.Mai et al, Biological Trace Element Research,1990;24:109-117.
[xxxvii] B.A. Weber, “Conuctivitis sicca(dry eye study)”,Institute for Naturopathic Medicine, 1994
[xxxviii] G.Sallsten et al, “Mercury in cerebrospinal fluid in subjects exposed to mercury vapor”, Environmental Research, 1994; 65:195-206.
[xxxix] Siblerud RL Kienholz E Evidence that mercury from silver dental fillings may be an etiological factor in multiple sclerosis. Sci Total Environ (1994 Mar 15) 142(3):191-205
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