It is better to learn what is probable about important matters,

than to be certain about trivial ones.



It’s time to dip our toes into the world of energetic fields and the interconnectedness of all life, at every level of interaction.  Although the medical and dental worlds in Australia and America completely deny the information which follows, Neural Medicine is taught widely to undergraduate medical students in Germany. This is a very brief outline to demonstrate the dental relationships.

For the best information about Neural Medicine visit the website of Dr Dietrich Klinghardt at


Neural Focal Therapy – Energetic Interference/medicine

Neural Focal Medicine originated in Germany about 65 years ago, through a fortunate accident made by two brothers — Drs. Ferdinand and Walter Huneke. 

The brothers were trying to help their sister who suffered from severe migraines.  Even with all of the various medications they tried over the years, her condition did not improve.  Then one day one of the brothers accidentally injected a drug, which contained a local anaesthetic, into her vein.  This medication was intended as an injection into the muscle not the vein.  Instead of killing her it completely cured her migraines.  This was the first time they witnessed such a profound cure through the use of an anaesthetic drug.  It was called Procaine and was the first synthetic anaesthetic that followed the use of Cocaine. (The first local anaesthetic that was ever used was cocaine and it was injected around the eye ball, by a very famous ophthalmologist called Sigmund Freud.  Psychiatry came after he finished playing with eyes. I wonder if a Freudian Eyeball could be regarded as a Freudian slip?)

The brothers continued to research this phenomenon. Some years later they were treating another patient and again by chance stumbled across what they termed a ‘Lightning Reaction’ or in German the ‘Blitzkrieg Reaction’, later to be called the Huneke Reaction.  This particular patient had for many years suffered from pains in her right shoulder and immobility of the shoulder and arm.  No treatment had any effect to reduce the pain or mobility.  On this particular day, she came to the Hunekes because a very old scar on her left leg had become inflamed, red and itchy and generally uncomfortable.  They injected Procaine superficially into the scar to try and reduce the discomfort. To their shock, they experienced the first lightning reaction.  As though a light switch had been turned off, the pain in her right shoulder vanished completely and immediately she regained the complete movement of her shoulder and arm.  Thus began a whole new search and understanding of the body’s regulatory mechanisms.

From their findings a new modality of medicine has developed, called Neural Medicine.  Anything which interferes with a pattern of health, is called a Focus of Neural Interference.   By interfering with the bodies regulatory systems, the focus of interference will create a disease state in a different part of the body. The paradigm on which this is based needs to be fully understood and accepted and taught in medical and dental schools.  The best and most succinct description of what this is and how it works, comes from Dr Peter Dosch, one of the world’s leading experts in this field.  He states in his book; [i]

Copyright Robert Gammal 2021

“Life is related not only to material aspects but also to energy. The nervous system is a power grid that links all cells and all organs, over which every item of information and all regulating impulses are transmitted and exchanged. Every single cell in the body is a tiny battery with a charge of 40 to 90 millivolts. Any stimulus (such as heat, cold, chemicals, injuries, etc) causes this potential to collapse. The cell’s oxygen metabolism supplies it with the energy for immediately recharging itself to the normal voltage. After excessive stimuli (surgery, injuries, inflammatory reactions) it sometimes no longer succeeds in doing so completely. A cell that has become sick due to a permanent irritation has a lower membrane resting potential and can no longer restore itself to normality by its own endeavours. Accordingly, it can no longer fulfill its functions. Such a diseased region, e. g. a scar that has healed but still possesses some residual irritant capability, can send out irritant salvoes that overwhelm the stimulus‑absorbing systems and can act as an interference transmitter. Congenitally weak organs, or organs weakened by a previous illness, have a reduced selectivity, like an old radio receiver which receives the signals of several stations at the same time. They process the irrational information from the interference transmitter that they receive together with the correct signals and transform it into pathogenic circulatory dysfunctions and regulatory disorders.”

“An interference field produces a change in the cell environment and hence in the reactive capacity of individual organs and of the organism as a whole.”   

Excerpt from this book will expand the information on this page – Here

The tonsils are the most common interference field followed closely by teeth and other dental conditions.  This can be any dead tooth with or without a root canal, or it may be an impacted tooth or a cavitation deep in the bone.  Impacted wisdom teeth can have a profound effect on the rest of the body.

“Each individual has inherited or acquired weak points, and these are the first to come under stress when an interference field becomes active in the body. This also explains why the same interference field, for example chronically inflamed tonsils, can give rise to totally different disorders in different individuals; one may suffer from articular rheumatism, another may have glaucoma, a third may present with a slipped disk or asthma, and so on.”

These interference fields can either produce or potentiate disease states in other parts of the body, often corresponding directly with the acupuncture meridian on which the interference is located. [ii],[iii],[iv]

The way that the Neural Medicine doctor will treat these disturbances is to inject a local anaesthetic into the focus.  In the case of dental foci, it is also imperative to remove the focus i.e. extract the dead tooth, remove electrical interferences from metal fillings or clean the cavitation etc.

This “introduces outside energy into tissues whose voltage level is reduced. It recharges the cells and protects them against renewed premature voltage loss. This repolarization by procaine (Professor Fleckenstein) restores the cell’s normal functions and switches off the transmitter of interference signals, at least temporarily. When the injection is repeated at the same site, the organism learns to cope better each time with the restoration and maintenance of the correct potential.” 1

Any area of scar tissue, foreign body, foreign chemicals (vaccinations and bee stings, for example), dead tissue, or chronically infected tissue can interfere with the bodies regulatory systems (e.g. the transmission of the correct nerve signals to and from the brain).  Chronically inflamed tissue is included as a cause of neural interference.  ALL root canalled teeth have chronically inflamed tissue surrounding the end of the root.  They have also been shown to induce inflammatory changes in other parts of the body by the release of neurotoxins. Consequently, other areas of the body may become weakened and diseased.  Usually the diseased tissue (or the referred pain), will be in a part of the body which is distant from the area of the Neural Focus and often on the same acupuncture meridian that the focus rests on.  

 “a (neural) focal disturbance is a chronically altered area of tissue, from which general diseases or focally separate, circumscribed processes in the organism, are initiated and maintained”  [i]

Dr Reinholdt Voll

In the 1950s another German doctor by the name of Reinholdt Voll, used miniscule electric currents to demonstrate the acupuncture meridians and also many relationships between different parts of the body. Dr Voll is regarded as the father of Electro-Acupuncture.  He was able to electrically map, the acupuncture meridians.  These were almost identical to Chinese Acupuncture meridians. He was able to map out the meridian that passed through each tooth.  He mapped the relationship of each tooth to the rest of the body.  Interestingly the modern equipment that is used for electro-dermal testing is completely based on Dr Voll’s methods and findings.

The mapping that Dr Voll made, forms the basis of the charts called Electro Acupuncture after Voll (EAV CHARTS).

This chart shows the relationship of every tooth to different meridians and thus different parts of the body. It explains some of the bizarre symptoms that are caused by dead, root canalled teeth, cavitations and even electrical interferences from metals in the mouth. These are not the only relationships that exist but are so commonly seen that it is incredible that the medical and dental professions simply ignore them. If you have some root canals it may be worth studying this chart. The EAV charts are available on the net and one such is available Here

Dr Issels, in his book “Cancer a Second Opinion” says;

“these manifestations are based on depolarizing processes in the affected tissue. By elimination of the focus, the affected tissues may be repolarised.”

“…any focal surgery must be followed by desensitizing and neural-therapeutic measures.” e.g. injection of Procaine.”

As we could expect, his work also is ridiculed by the dental and medical establishments.  They refuse to acknowledge that the mouth and body are connected.  They refuse to acknowledge that the teeth and areas of the mouth are intimately connected with specific areas of the body.  They only acknowledge the mechanical and aesthetic outcome of any particular dental procedure. 

The dedication to mechanics is really,

a dedication to ignorance.

Dentistry can be used to heal.

Professor Otto Neuner

Biological Therapy

Vol VI No2 April 1988


“a focal disturbance is a chronically altered area of tissue from which general diseases or focally separate, circumscribed processes in the organism are initiated and maintained”

“Secondary diseases can become established not only at individual organs or tissues, but can also occur to a general extent as disorders of the autonomic nervous system, and as disorders in a psychosomatic context.”

The fundamental humoral system (regulatory system of the body) comprises;

  • extracellular tissue fluid
  • capillary network
  • nerve ending network

Transmission of stimuli, as well as metabolic processes, always take place via the extracellular tissue fluid, the functional condition of which is precisely what determines the state of sickness or health.”

Basic vegetative regulatory functions are inhibited or completely blocked by the excretion of pathological substances.”

Foci capable of occurrence in the mandibular area can be briefly summarised as follows:

  1. Teeth with dead roots
  2. With root fillings
  3. Without root fillings
  4. With incomplete root fillings
  5. Disorders which are consequences of dead teeth
  6. Widening of the periodontal gap
  7. Chronic apical parodontitis
  8. Radicualr cysts
  9. Odontogenous disturbance of the maxillary sinus
  10. Irregular conditions in mandibular sections without teeth
  11. Impacted teeth
  12. Odontogenous tumors
  13. Impacted remnants of tooth roots
  14. Follicular cysts
  15. Dermoid cysts
  16. Sclerosis
  17. Soft tissue inclusions
  18. Foreign matter of many different kinds
  19. Osteitic manifestations
  20. Further disorders such as the following
  21. Gingivitis
  22. Parodontitis Marginalis
  23. Intra bony pockets
  24. Subgingival Tartar
  25. Metalic influences in the oral cavity
  26. Corrosion of metalic materials in the mouth
  27. Release of metalic ions
  28. Charges arising in the metals present
  29. Electric tension and current in the oral cavity
  30. Vital or diseased teeth with inflammatory or degenerative alterations in the dental pulp.

Every human sickness is associated with a change in the electrical potential of the body.

An inflammation will increase the voltage, degenerative processes will reduce the voltage

Dr Ralf Turk

American Academy of Biological Dentistry

The German Medical Association for Focal and Regulatory Research

“a focus is a pathological local change in soft connective tissue producing material which cannot be broken down so that the local and general systems of resistance are in permanent active reaction against it.  As local resistance barriers start breaking down due to endogenous or exogenous factors, the focus begins to exert an influence on remote parts of the organism, thus triggering a general focal infection, which is always of a chronic character.”

Proteolytic disintegration produces different sugar and protein breakdown products, part of which cannot be catabolised, and are thus permanently stored in the mesenchyme such as for example, thioethers and mercaptans.

The principal cause of these effect in the mouth are “Faulty dental extractions with apical residues or extractions in which inflamed surrounding tissue has been left in the bone.” 

“Voltages in the mouth not only constitute a permenant stress on the autonomic nervous system due to direct current effects,  but additionally cause corrosion of the metals used”

Thus a dead tooth, with or without a root canal procedure, can act as a Neural Interference, creating disease states in other areas of the body. This is common. It is not the exception. EVERY dead tooth will to some degree act as a focus of neural interference. Secondary disease states may not be evident for several years. When they do present clinically, the medical profession will usually diagnose it as a separate disease, without realizing the dead teeth as a cause.


[i] Professor Otto Neuner  Biological Therapy  Vol VI No2 April 1988

[i] Excerpt from Facts about Neural Therapy according to Huneke by Peter Dosch MD  20th edition  1984 Haug Publishers  ISBN  3-7760-0851-2

[ii] Professor Otto Neuner  Biological Therapy  Vol VI No2 April 1988

[iii] Peter Dosch MD Facts about Neural Therapy according to Huneke 20th German edition Haug Publishers ISBN 3-7760-0851-2 1985

[iv] Mathias Dosch MD  Illustrated Atlas of the Techniques of Neural Therapy with Local Anesthetics Haug publishers  ISBN 3-7760-0849-0  1985