Robert Gammal BDS Oct 2021
“A dream is not reality, but who’s to say which is which?”
Alice Through the Looking Glass

I cannot stress enough the importance of the information on this page. The reason mercury is considered the third most toxic substance, after arsenic and lead, is its devastating effect on the nervous systems of all animals. We are living in an age characterized by the increasing prevalence of neurological diseases, that the medical profession are at a loss to treat. The age groups are spread from newborns with learning deficits and autism to elderly who are dying of Motor Neuron disease, Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. They are all accompanied by the medical flag of “No Known Cause and No Known Cure”.
In the 1970’s when I was at university learning about this ‘noble’ profession, These conditions were almost unheard of. I doubt that in 2022 there are many people who do not know someone who is suffering from these conditions. The cost is so great now that all societies are affected. Families are devastated and far too many have died.
A Reminder: High Copper amalgams were introduced to dentistry in 1976. High Copper amalgams release 50x more mercury than non-copper amalgams. Akiyama M Oshima H Nakamura M Genotoxicity of mercury used in chromosome aberration tests. Toxicol In Vitro (2001 Aug-Oct) 15(4-5)
Mercury is neurotoxic – this means it kills nerve cells. Mercury does not discriminate between motor nerves, sensory nerves or nerve tissue in the brain. The effects of mercury in the brain are severe.
- Mercury is released from amalgam fillings as elemental mercury and elemental mercury vapour.
- This elemental mercury is transformed to Methyl Mercury in the mouth and the gut. It is far more toxic than the elemental form.
- ‘Modern’ High Copper Amalgams release 50X more mercury than the older non-coper amalgams.
- Mercury crosses the blood brain barrier with ease.
- It is stored in nerve tissue, especially the Glial cells in the brain. In 2006 it was shown that the development of Glial cells in the brain, is seriously inhibited by long term exposure to subclinical doses of methylmercury.[1]
- It also accumulates preferentially in areas related to primary motor function which innervate the skeletal muscles. [2],[3],[4],79,173,[5],[6],[7],[8] ,17,
- It is also stored in the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, and occipital cortex, in direct proportion to the number of amalgam surfaces in the mouth. [9],[10] ,[11],[12],[13],[14],[15],[16] Mercury has a greater effect on the functions of these areas.[17]
- Some mercury will enter the nose and travel directly along the olfactory nerves to the brain, without entering the blood. Mercury is transported along most nerve fibres directly to the brain. [18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23]
- Mercury from amalgam has been found all the way down the spinal cord.18
- Some mercury vapour will adhere to the lining of the mouth and nose and be transported directly through the bone into the brain! 181
- Mercury will damage, as well as penetrate, the blood brain barrier and thus makes it easier for other foreign and toxic material, as well as micro-organisms, to penetrate into the brain. [24],[25],101,[26],[27], [28],[29],[30],28 This is a major factor in the development of Multiple Sclerosis and other neurological diseases.178,179,180,181
Autopsy studies show clearly that the amount of mercury in the brains of humans, is directly proportional to the number of amalgam fillings in their mouths. [31],[32],[33],[34] Low levels of mercury in the brain will severely disturb cellular function and even reduce the growth of nerve fibres.18 This has been known for over thirty years.
Dentists regularly implant amalgam fillings directly into the jawbone, in the form of a retrograde root filling (a filling placed at the end of the root). Mercury will pass readily from such an implant, through the bone and directly into the brain. One amalgam manufacturer, Caulk, states that their amalgam must not be used in this situation, [35] yet the Australian dental authorities teach and condone this practice! The mercury from this amalgam implant will go directly to the brain. It is imperative that these teeth be removed if the patient is to regain health.
Even after urine and blood levels have normalized, mercury can still be found, and levels measured, in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This “indicates that mercury is combined with protein after entering the brain”. This inhibits it from crossing back out of the CSF and may cause “neuromuscular disorders and shaking and vibration in chronic mercury poisoning.” [36]
Neuropsychological evaluation of people regarded as having mercury poisoning, revealed marked and significant deficits of attention concentration, particularly when under time pressure.[37]
A study from 1989 looked at mercury levels in blood and urine in two groups of people – one with amalgam fillings and the other without any amalgam. The subjects were also given two questionnaires regarding levels of stress tolerance, physical health, and emotional or psychological symptoms such as anger or depression. Those in the amalgam group were found to have twice as much mercury in their urine and 26.5 percent more in their hair samples compared to the non-amalgam group. Also, those in the amalgam fillings group rated their reading comprehension significantly lower, and had significantly more episodes of sudden anger, depression, and irritability. In a separate, uncontrolled questionnaire given to dental patients who had their fillings removed, 67 percent claimed to have improved psychological status.
“Mercury has been related to stress, fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, and loss of short term memory. It is recommended that psychotherapists consider the possibility of mercury toxicity as a causative factor in disorders ranging from mild stress-related complaints to schizophrenia.” [38]
Evidence of Harm chronicles the lives of three ordinary Americans who become reluctant health advocates after suffering from the devastating effects of hazardous mercury vapors and mercury contaminated particulate matter released during routine dental procedures.
The film presents a haunting portrait of a dental industry all too willing to turn a blind eye to science, while placing profits and politics ahead of the 120 million Americans currently implanted with toxic mercury amalgam dental fillings.
Mad hatters are all over the place. Psychiatry is being forced to take up the challenge that dentistry and medicine ignore. “Psychiatrists should routinely inquire about exposure to toxic substances.” This advice comes with a warning as well – “The issues raised will result in confrontation with social and economic forces usually ignored by clinicians.” [39]
Interestingly the use of lithium in psychiatry goes back to the mid-19th century. Whether coincidental or not, by this stage the use of amalgam had spread around the world. Early work, however, was soon forgotten, and John Cade is now credited with reintroducing lithium to psychiatry for mania in 1949. One of the most frequently used ingredients found in psychiatric drugs is Lithium. Mercury causes decreased lithium levels, which is a factor in neurological diseases such as depression and Alzheimer’s. Lithium protects brain cells against excess glutamate and calcium, and low levels cause abnormal brain cell imbalance and neurological disturbances. [40],[41],[42],[43],[44],[45],[46] [47],[48], [49] You might find it interesting that the other commonly used substance in psychiatric drugs is Fluoride!
These early signs of micromercurialism are often misdiagnosed as some other forms of mental illness. The symptoms are so varied that it is almost impossible to form a reliable diagnosis. Only a small variety of these symptoms includes things like fatigue, insomnia, nervousness, mild tremor, impaired judgment and coordination, decreased mental efficiency, emotional lability, headache, loss of sexual drive and depression.
Other nerve damage from mercury may present as severe pains in any parts of the body. I had a patient who described her pains as being like a series of knives being driven through her body from her shoulders to her feet. They disappeared after the amalgams were removed. Mercury may affect any of the sensory nerves of the body, including the Trigeminal Nerve. This is the nerve that supplies sensation to the face, head and neck. The pains can range from mild neuralgia through to debilitating Trigeminal Neuralgia. The dental profession’s answer to these conditions is usually to prescribe antidepressants and recommend brain surgery to cut the trigeminal nerve at the base of the brain. Believe it or not this is usually a ‘dental’ decision, and the surgeon is then commissioned! They think this is easier than removing the amalgam fillings or the dead teeth which are the most common cause of Trigeminal Neuralgia. For a condition that has ‘no known cure’ I have seen quite a number of Trigeminal Neuralgia cases that have resolved quickly after amalgam removal, dead tooth extraction and/or the cleaning of cavitations in the bone.
Methyl mercury will also interfere with nerve transmission across synapses and may thus present as numb and tingling sensations. Mercury will cause a reduction in the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine. [50],[51],[52],[53],[54],[55],[56]
Any of the cranial nerves may be affected by mercury. The senses of smell, vision and balance may be affected, as might the development of strange facial expressions. There may be difficulty swallowing. Hearing loss has also been associated with mercury poisoning. [57]
The Vagus nerve is the tenth cranial nerve. The Latin word ‘Vagus’ means ‘wandering’. It originates in the brain stem and wanders all the way down to the colon. The Vagus nerve “supplies nerve fibres to the pharynx (throat), larynx (voice box), trachea (windpipe), lungs, heart, oesophagus, and the intestinal tract as far as the transverse portion of the colon. The Vagus nerve also brings sensory information back to the brain from the ear, tongue, pharynx, and larynx”. [58]
The Vagus nerve is “responsible for such varied tasks as heart rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, and quite a few muscle movements in the mouth, including speech and keeping the larynx open for breathing.” [59],[60]
The Vagus Nerve is commonly affected by mercury, which creates a vast array of symptoms which could include metallic taste, burning tongue, tachycardia and other disturbances in heart rate, blood preasure, indigestion, dysphonia (loss of voice). The stomach, heart and diaphragm as well as the sense of smell may also be affected. Vision may be affected. Seizures have also been associated with damage to the Vagus nerve.
I have seen many patients with dysphonia. Cardiac symptoms are far too common. Medical doctors often do not recognize these clusters of weird symptoms as mercury poisoning. Usually, the most life threatening ones are treated symptomatically and then the rest can wait.
Recent Stem Cell research has discovered a previously unknown pathway by which mercury can disrupt the development of nerve tissue.
“Low levels of toxic substances cause critical stem cells in the central nervous system to prematurely shut down.” …”If this disruption occurs during critical developmental periods, like fetal growth or early childhood, it can have a significant impact. Development is a cumulative process, and the effects of even small changes in progenitor cell division and differentiation over multiple generations could have a substantial effect on an organism.” [61]
The last 20 or so years of research, has made it crystal clear that the level of mercury, which was regarded as tolerable, is now reduced to zero. Where the accepted upper limit for urine mercury levels was for many years 20mcg/L it is now 0.7mcg/L. We now know that only minute amounts of mercury can cause major defects in the developing brain with associated behavioural changes, learning deficits and dramatically reduced adaptation capacity. These extremely low levels are seen in the foetus and newborns of mothers with amalgam fillings. [62],[63],[64],[65],[66],[67],[68],[69],[70],[71],[72],[73],[74]
So, the next time you hear the PTOs claim that only a little bit of mercury comes out of the fillings, you might want to ask them to quantify that amount. Simply, there is NO safe level of mercury. This was published by World Health Organization in 1991 Criteria 118. The No Observable Effects Level (NOEL) for mercury is ZERO. Yes, I know you will read this in most things that I write about mercury because it is so important. The claim that so little can do no harm is ignorant, deceptive, unethical and a blatant lie. It is easy with these low levels to sensitize a foetus or infant to mercury from the mother. Some more mercury from the vaccines may easily be enough to send some of these kids into autism spectrum disorder. For those who do not go down this road we could certainly expect a reduced IQ and some learning deficits. When the autism rate is increasingly getting higher, this is a major concern for everyone in the society. Schizophrenia, ADD, dyslexia and eczema are just some of the other conditions that could be related to such low levels of mercury, at just the right time of development.
Mercury also affects levels of Nerve Growth Factor in the brain and causes damage and imbalances in development of the brain. Are you sure you want to inject this into your newborn baby in the form of a vaccine? Mercury will cross the placenta and breast milk. The mercury injected into a pregnant woman from the flu vaccine will also cross the placenta. Research shows that this mercury will accumulate in the foetus preferentially. Yes, I know that I am comparing apples and oranges. Mercury vapour and Methyl mercury from amalgam and Ethyl mercury from vaccines are different animals. Ethyl mercury is far more toxic than the other two. Yet there seems to be government sanctioned reasons for making this comparison. The CDC in America has never set a maximum level for Ethyl mercury and instead uses levels set for the methyl form of mercury. In a study published 2003, which claims that Thimerasol is safe, the author does in fact compare the levels of ethyl mercury against the maximum allowable for methyl mercury. This paper is published and given to nursing staff in Australia to demonstrate the safety of vaccines. The author claims “… there is no evidence that allergy to thiomersal could be induced by thiomersal-containing vaccines” and concludes with “Therefore the World Health Organization still recommends the use of thiomersal-containing vaccines as part of the expanded program of immunization”.[75] Even the language is propagandist. It is a vaccination program NOT an immunization program.
The foetal period certainly is developmentally, one of the most sensitive periods where things can go wrong, but brain and body development continue through adolescence and into late teens and early twenties. It is in their late teens that most begin their lives as dental students. They are not exposed to LOW levels of mercury vapour. They are being intentionally and criminally poisoned by their professors and deans, with massive levels of mercury!

Same Disease with Different Names – Motor Neurone Disease – Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis – Lou Gehrig’s Disease
A study from 2018 tells us that;
“Mercury can induce oxidative stress, stimulate autoimmunity and damage DNA, mitochondria and lipid membranes, so its location in these CNS cells suggests it could play a role in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and glial tumours.” [76]
Mercury can affect the motor nerves as well as all of the other types. These are the nerves, which control the voluntary muscles – the muscles that we use to move and also to lift our rib cages to be able to breathe. Symptoms may be as simple as having uncontrollable muscle twitches in any muscles of the body. Legs, arms and the little muscles below the eyes are commonly affected. An early stage of mercury poisoning is seen in uncontrollable tremors in the hands. Restless legs have also been associated with mercury poisoning. Another study found alterations of motor function and neuroendocrine secretion at very low exposure levels of inorganic Hg, that were lower than the most recent (2002) exposure levels. [77]
When you go to your dentist ask him/her to hold their hands out in front of themselves, with the arm straight, and check if there is a tremor in their hands. Understand that such a tremor will be translated to the work that is done on your teeth. Are you sure you want a shaky filling? It took several years for the tremors and muscle twitches in my body to disappear after discontinuing the use of amalgam and having my own amalgam fillings replaced. I had consulted several neurologists about this worsening condition, and they all told me that I was in a stressful job. Not one mentioned mercury. Some years later I had the opportunity of discussing this with a neurologist who was in charge of a hospital ward where I was visiting a friend. He was most offended when I gave him this information and told me that I should stick to dentistry and not tread on his toes. I then suggested that he should send the dental deans and the Australian Dental Association a bunch of flowers every week for promoting the use of mercury, which was providing him with so much of his income. They really don’t know!
Damage to the motor nerves may be much more severe as in Motor Neurone Disease. [78] Low doses of inorganic mercury are selectively taken up and retained by motor neurons, “making this nurotoxin a good candidate for cause of sporadic motor neuron disease.” [79] Mercury vapour, the form released from dental amalgam fillings, penetrates the blood-brain barrier far more readily than inorganic mercury. Patients with amalgam fillings receive a 24/7 low level continuous dose of mercury vapour every day.[80] The mercury levels in the liver and kidney of ALS patients are twice as high as in healthy controls.[81]
Low doses of mercury vapour, well within WHO guidelines for safe human occupational exposure, enter and remain within motor neurons of mice. [82],[83] This mercury remains indefinitely in the neurons. The effect can therefore be long term and devastating.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is fatal, has no known cause and no known treatment! It is also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease and as Motor Neurone Disease. By the time there is a diagnosis for ALS there is usually a degeneration of about 50% of spinal motor neurons. Therefore, the exposure to a harmful neurotoxin could have occurred many years preceding the clinical onset of the disease.” [84]
Epidemiologic evidence indicates that long-term exposure to heavy metal is more common among ALS patients compared to controls. It is well established that mercury can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system. Mercury causes oxidative damage to motor neurons.[85] A relationship exists between ALS and hair mercury levels.[86] A deficiency of selenium in relation to mercury exposure has also been investigated.[87]
All of this does not prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that exposure to mercury is one of the environmental toxins that can cause ALS. It does, however, provide compelling evidence for consideration.
“Even a 1% chance of helping the victims of ALS is better than what they are currently offered! Given the state of the documented evidence and the seriousness of the condition, it is imperative that the medical community consider the possible connection of exposure to mercury, especially that from amalgam dental fillings, to ALS!” [88]
A well published report of amalgam removal and ALS demonstrates at least a strong relationship. This was published in 1994 yet our great and ethical dental teachers choose to ignore it to this day. Clearly their egos and vested interests outweigh the death sentences they support. They have been told over and over again, yet choose to remain dumb!
“The patient had suffered for a long period from neurological problems. In 1984, following a complete neurologic evaluation, a diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was made at the department of neurology of the University Hospital in Umea, Sweden. It is of unknown etiology and considered to be 100% fatal. No further visit to the clinic was proposed, as the disease is pernicious and there is no known therapy for ALS.
A dentist recognized the symptoms as those familiar in the patient group with health problems attributable to dental amalgam fillings. Patient history revealed the onset or exacerbation of neurologic symptoms following placement of amalgam dental fillings. The patient had 34 tooth surfaces filled with amalgam, most of which were shallow and of moderate extent.
With the consent of the patient, all amalgams were removed and replaced with alternative material. Treatment was completed in March 1984. Removal of the amalgam in the first tooth that had originally given post-operative problems resulted in an exacerbation of symptoms, with a continued recurrence of exacerbation following each subsequent replacement.
Following the replacement of the last dental amalgam, the patient’s entire condition rapidly improved. Six weeks following the final replacement, the patient was able to go up stairs without experiencing back pain. Pains in the mouth also receded and the sore throat, present during the whole history of the disorder, recovered. Five months after completion of the dental amalgam removal, the patient returned to the same University Hospital at Umea for a week- long follow-up investigation, after which the following notation was placed in her record: “The neurologic status is completely without comment. Hence, the patient does not show any motor neuron disease of type ALS. She has been informed that she is in neurological respectfully healthy.” [89]
Some older research and comments can be found here. This short paper is derived mainly from the BioProbe Newsletter, many years ago. HERE

Parkinson’s disease
There are two case-control studies suggesting a link between Parkinson’s disease and mercury. In one of these studies in Singapore, Ngim & Devathasan (1989) found a clear dose-response relationship between mercury levels in blood and Parkinson’s disease. In the other German study (Seidler et al. 1996), the patients reported a significantly larger number of amalgam-filled teeth before their illness than control subjects.[90] A 2006 study did however find a causal relationship between mercury and the development of Parkinson’s Disease.[91]
Another study from 2016 showed that “the patients exposed to dental amalgam were 1.583 time more likely to have PD afterward compared to their non-exposed counterparts…” PLoS One (2016) 11(12):e0166552
Mercury may play a role in the etiology of Parkinson disease and Grover’s disease. J Occup Environ Med (2006 Jul) 48(7):656
“…there was clear monotonic dose-response association between PD and blood mercury levels.” Neuroepidemiology (1989) 8(3):128-41
Other older research associating Prkinson’ Disease with mercury:
A.Seidler et al, Possible environmental factors for Parkinson’s disease”,Neurology 46(5): 1275- 1284, 1996; & Vroom FO, Greer M, “Mercury vapor intoxication”, 95: 305-318, 1972; & Ohlson et al, “Parkinsons Disease and Occupational Exposure to Mercury”, Scand J. Of Work Environment Health, Vol7, No.4: 252-256, 1981; L.G. Golota, “Theraputic properties of Unitihiol” Farm. Zh. 1980, 1: 18-22.
C.H.Ngim et al, Neuroepidemiology,”Epidemiologic study on the association between body burden mercury level and idiopathic Parkinson’s disease”, 1989, 8(3):128-41.
Y.Finkelstein,“The enigma of parkinsonism in chronic borderline mercury intoxication, resolved by challenge with penicillamine. Neurotoxicology, 1996, Spring, 17(1): 291-5.
B.A.Rybicki et al,”Parkinson’s disease mortality and the industrial use of heavy metals in Michigan”, Mov Disord, 1993, 8:1, 87‑92. & Yamanaga H, “Quantitative analysis of tremor in Minamata disease”, Tokhoku J Exp Med, 1983 Sep, 141:1, 13‑22
J.W.Reinhardt, Univ. Of Iowa College of Dentistry, “Side effects: mercury contribution to
body burden from dental amalgam”, Adv Dent Res, 1992, 6: 110-3.
X.M.Shen et al, Neurolbehavioral effects of NAC conjugates of dopamine: possible relevance for Parkinson’sDisease”, Chem Res Toxicol, 1996, 9(7):1117-26;
J.C.Veltman et al, “Alterations of heme, cytochrome P-450, and steroid metabolism by mercury in rat adrenal gland”, Arch Biochem Biophys, 1986, 248(2):467-78; & A.G.Riedl et al, Neurodegenerative Disease Research Center, King’s College,UK, “P450 and hemeoxygenase enzymes in the basal ganglia and their role’s in Parkinson’s disease”, Adv Neurol, 1999; 80:271-86;

Alzheimer’s disease
There are many research papers implicating mercury as a contributing factor to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and many other forms of dementia. To suggest, as the PTOs do, that there is no link between mercury from amalgam and degenerative neurologic disease, is simply negligent.
Human AD victims have elevated levels of mercury in the brain compared to controls, especially in areas of the brain where AD damage is prevalent. An animal study was conducted showing that ionic mercury exposure caused the same type of neurologic damage as is found in human AD victims. Next, the same results were found when animals were fed mercuric chloride in drinking water. Further studies showed that worse damage occurred when the animals were exposed to mercury vapour, the primary type of exposure from amalgam dental fillings. Chronic exposure to mercury vapour results in a strong accumulation of mercury in brain tissue, and this accumulation increases with time. [92],[93],[94],[95],[96],[97],[98],[99],[100]
Blood mercury levels were more than two-fold higher in AD patients as compared to control groups. … In early onset AD patient’s blood mercury levels were almost three-fold higher as compared to controls. [101]
“Since the rate of tubulin polymerization is dependent upon binding of GTP to tubulin dimers, we conclude that chronic inhalation of low-level HgO can inhibit polymerization of brain tubulin essential for formation of microtubules.[102] (HgO is Mercury Vapour)
Concentrations of heavy metals, including mercury, have been shown to be altered in the brain and body fluids of Alzheimer’s disease patients. [103] These results also indicate that mercury may play a causative role in Alzheimer’s Disease.
“In sum, both the findings from epidemiological and demographic studies, the frequency of amalgam application in industrialized countries, clinical studies, experimental studies and the dental state of AD patients in comparison to controls, suggest a decisive role for inorganic mercury in the etiology of AD.” [104]
The development of Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS & Parkinson’s disease has been linked to low-dose mercury exposure. There are more than one or two references. [105],[106],[107],[108],[109],[110],[111],[112],[113],[114],[115],[116],[117],[118],[119],[120],[121],[122],[123],[124],[125],[126], [127],[128],[129],[130],[131],[132],[133],[134],[135],[136],[137],[138],[139],[140],[141],[142],[143],[144],[145],[146],[147],[148],[149],[150],[151],[152],[153],[154],[155],[156],[157],[158],[159],[160],[161],[162],[163],[164]
WHY are dental students still being taught to poison people?
Alzheimer’s – The Definitive Study
“We suggest that the cellular findings in the present study, revealing that Hg disrupts the integrity of the neurite membrane in growth cones of intact neurons, may implicate Hg as a potential etiological factor in neurodegeneration that could ultimately be observed as altered neurobehavior.”
“We conclude that this visual evidence and previous biochemical data strongly implicate Hg as a potential etiological factor in neurodegeneration.” [165]
The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology issued the following press release:
“Research conducted at the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine has demonstrated that trace amounts of mercury can cause the type of damage to nerves that is characteristic of the damage found in Alzheimer’s Disease. The level of mercury exposure is consistent with those levels found in humans with mercury/silver amalgam dental fillings. The exposure to mercury caused the formation of “neurofibrillar tangles,” which are one of the two diagnostic markers for Alzheimer’s Disease. The scientists found that other metals, including aluminum, did not cause the damage. Previous research has shown that mercury can cause the formation of the other Alzheimer’s Disease diagnostic marker, “amyloid plaques.” The research, published in a peer-reviewed medical journal, is accompanied by a video visual presentation of the effect. Utilizing digital time-lapse photography, this video shows rapid damage to the nerve cells after introduction of minute amounts of mercury.”
How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration – This short presentation clearly shows how mercury from amalgam fillings, can destroy brain neurons as seen with people who have Alzheimer’s Disease.
This study can be found here PDF HERE
In this video Prof. Boyd Haley discusses this research -the link between mercury and Alzheimer’s disease
Professor Boyd Haley PHD – Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, University of Kentucky.
Another youtube movie worth its weight in gold is “Smoking teeth = toxic gas”. This is the first time that mercury vapour had been visualised coming off from a 25 year old mercury amalgam filling.
Although made in 1994, it is equally relevant today. The dental establishment still ignores this information.
Interestingly, the authors of another paper published in 2001, point out that similar disruption of microtubules is associated with Alzheimer’s disease. “These recent findings give added impetus for the development and implementation of alternative materials for fillings …” [166]
Dr. Haley, commenting on the importance of this new documentation;
“Seven of the characteristic markers that we look for to distinguish Alzheimer’s disease can be produced in normal brain tissues, or cultures of neurons, by the addition of extremely low levels of mercury… In addition, research has shown that Alzheimer’s diseased patients have at least 3 times higher blood levels of mercury than controls. How much more research is necessary before the appropriate regulatory bodies respond with restrictions on the use of mercury-leaking dental amalgam fillings?” [IAOMT Press Release]
“This study should remove all doubt regarding the role that dental mercury from amalgam fillings plays in the development of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The mercury levels that caused the devastating damage to nerve cells in the above referenced study were 100 to 1000 times below those found in the brains of people with “mercury/silver” amalgam dental fillings.” BioProbe
Hello Mr Dean of Dentistry –
have you ever listened to Bob Dylan’s song “The Masters of War”?
“Let me ask you one question”
Is your money that good?
Will it buy you forgiveness
Do you think that it could?
I think you will find
When your death takes its toll
All the money you made
Will never buy back your soul.”

Multiple Sclerosis
M.S. is a disease no one wants to get. Traditional medical approaches leave little room for improvement and have no known cure. Drug trials are constantly done to try to find something that works.
Multiple Sclerosis Australia says:
“… The overall cause of MS is still unknown. The healthy body’s immune system normally defends the body from attack by viruses or bacteria. But in the case of MS, the body’s immune system attacks its own myelin, causing disruption to nerve transmission. It is thought that genetic and environmental factors are involved – but the actual trigger to the disease has not yet been discovered.” [167]
Limiting the cause of M.S. to autoimmune functions only, sidesteps the more serious associations of mercury from amalgam and toxins from root canals. The dental industry is let of the hook again! Studies have found mercury related mental effects to be indistinguishable from those of M.S. 17,[168],[169],[170]
Does mercury from amalgam play a part in the development of or long term outcome of M.S.? Unfortunately, there is still too much that we do not know. There are a few things however that we do know which are worth mentioning here. The picture of M.S. is far more complex than just mercury, but it plays a roll.
Elemental Mercury vapour is converted to Methyl mercury in the mouth and gut. This is 45 times more fat-soluble than ionic mercury, making it that much more dangerous to nerve cells. The nerve cells are covered in a myelin sheath, which is a highly lipid material. Methyl mercury destroys these myelin proteins.
It is well known that the cerebrospinal fluid of M.S. patients has substantially higher levels of mercury than in people without M.S. They also usually have a higher body burden of mercury. 176,211 [171],[172],138,
M.S. displays characteristics of autoimmune disease as well. Mercury can cause autoimmune diseases.
A study from 2016 shows that repeated exposure with mercury accelerates progression of M.S. through mitochondrial damage, related to oxidative stress and finally apoptosis.[173] (apoptosis is cell death)
Many M.S. patients have been helped by reducing their mercury loads. This can only be achieved if the source of the mercury is removed. (Please read the ‘Amalgam Removal Protocols‘ before rushing out and getting your fillings removed.) Thus, all amalgam fillings need to be removed as well as all other sources of mercury, including amalgam tattoos and the many other Hidden Sources of mercury. Several published studies have clearly demonstrated an improvement of symptoms after the amalgams are removed. Not all recover but many do. Amalgam may be an important risk factor for patients with autoimmune diseases. [174],[175],[176] A health questionnaire found that M.S. subjects with amalgams had significantly more (33.7%) exacerbations during the past 12 months compared to the M.S. volunteers with amalgam removal.[177]
“The high-copper amalgam released significantly more mercury than the low-copper amalgam in the pH1 solution at both time periods.”
Mercury release from dental amalgams into continuously replenished liquids Okabe T et al.. Dent Mater (2003 Jan) 19(1):38-45
“… there was a significant amount of elemental leaching and mercury vapor release from the Tytin amalgam over a 60-day period.“
Use of inductively coupled plasma-emission spectroscopy and mercury vapor analyses to evaluate elemental release from a high-copper dental amalgam: a pilot study. Cohen BI J Prosthet Dent (2001 Apr) 85(4):409-12
“… the one containing indium, which released significantly more mercury vapor than the two products with the lowest release.“
Release of mercury vapor from corroding amalgam in vitro. Holland RI Dent Mater (1993 Mar) 9(2):99-103
“From a copper amalgam an extreme release of copper was demonstrated.” … “The levels of copper and mercury released from the copper amalgam were approximately 50 times those of the two other amalgam types studied.” Gastrointestinal and in vitro release of copper, cadmium, indium, mercury and zinc from conventional and copper-rich amalgams. Brune D Scand J Dent Res (1983 Feb) 91(1):66-71
Dr Huggins noted that the incidence of both ALS and M.S. started going through the roof after 1976, with the introduction of high copper amalgams, which release about 50 times more mercury than the older formulations of amalgam with less copper.
In 2010 he published some findings in relation to these high copper state-of-the-art amalgams. In his words;

“My attention was drawn to the increase in autoimmune disease after the high-copper amalgams of 1975 were initiated as “state of the art” fillings, which ADA claimed released no mercury. On the contrary, studies from Europe found that the high-copper amalgams released fifty times more mercury than previous amalgam!”
“In watching these changes regarding the onset of autoimmune disease, I noticed a blip in the statistics—an increase in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) in 1976 (See Figure 1).”
Note in Figure 2 that the actual number of cases of multiple sclerosis increased tremendously, from an average of 8,800 per year during the period 1970 to 1975, to an increase of up to 123,000 in one year. That year being 1976, the birth date of high-copper amalgams.” [i]
Dr Hal Huggins is by far the leading expert in the field of mercury poisoning and the effects of dead teeth. As a dentist he has helped thousands of people to get well, many of whom had been given NO hope from the medical profession. His knowledge in this area and also in relation to the effects of dead teeth on the human system, is second to none. He has more courage than anyone else I have come across, in steadfastly continuing to bring this information to the world. Yes, he is one of my heroes and I will be forever grateful to him for his teachings, friendship, and support. In many ways he has been responsible for saving my life.
Dr Huggins has written the single most comprehensive book on this subject. It is ESSENTIAL reading for anyone who has or knows of someone with M.S. It is called “Solving The MS Mystery – Help, Hope and Recovery” by Dr Hal A. Huggins DDS, M.S. You can order it from his website at (ISBN 0-9724611-1-6) I believe that this book is so important that every doctor, dentist and patient should read it.
Dead Teeth, Root Canals & MS
I wish to make a slight digression here into the area of dead teeth, whether root canalled or not. The increased incidence of M.S. is so terrifying that for the sake of completeness, I offer some other factors which may influence the development of this disease. As mentioned earlier, M.S. is not just about amalgam.
Why would I, a dentist be writing about M.S. We are told it is a disease which has ‘no known cause’ and ‘no known treatment’ and is in the medical rather than dental domain. The answer is that I have been fortunate enough to see a number of spontaneous remissions of this disease following dental intervention. (Note – I am not offering a magic bullet. I have also seen many M.S. cases that did not resolve.)
Each time, the disappearance of the M.S. symptoms and the lesions (which were visible on MRI), was associated with the removal of a dead root treated tooth as well as amalgam fillings. That such a simple thing could be all that is needed to change someone’s life for the better sounds too magical to be true. After all, the dental profession as a whole, claim that it is not possible for a root canaled tooth to cause any systemic diseases. If the removal of a root canaled tooth can allow the body to heal from multiple sclerosis, why is this not the first line of treatment offered by the medical profession? Why is it that the dental profession is not held responsible for causing the disease in the first place? I repeat that I am Not offering a magic bullet. There are many people with M.S. who do not have any root treated teeth or amalgam fillings. There are other causes which I will mention below, but dead teeth are certainly a part of the picture.
The published scientific literature supports a causal connection between M.S. and dental disease. My clinical observations (which some may claim to be anecdotal evidence) are in fact aligned with the published science.
Root Canal ‘therapy’ or ‘treatment’ is regarded by modern dentistry as the ‘state-of-the-art’ procedure for saving a tooth. Dentistry generally denies the possible connection between root canaled teeth and systemic disease. The claim of modern dentistry is that the idea of ‘focal infection’ was shown to be incorrect many years ago. This claim is NOT supported by the published science. Modern medicine on the other hand works daily with the concept. Medical practitioners know that an infection can spread from one part of the body to another and may rapidly become life threatening. In fact the current research fully supports that from 100 years ago, which traces the spread of infection from dead teeth to the rest of the body with devastating consequences. In fact, the older literature from the turn of the 20th century is supported by literature ever since then, including up to the time of writing in 2021.
It is remarkable that dentistry denies the spread of disease from a root treated tooth, knowing that this very same tooth is loaded with anaerobic bacteria and other toxic material used in the root canal procedure. It is impossible to sterilize a tooth! It is impossible to remove all the dead tissue from the inside of the tooth. All materials used in RCT are at best cytotoxic and at worst carcinogenic. It is impossible to seal the tooth. All toxins will escape continually from a tooth (whether root filled or not) and circulate throughout the body and the brain. There is little to NO scientific validity nor is there any evidence based validity for the root canal procedure!
Professor Patrick Stortebecker, a professor of neural surgery in Sweden, demonstrated how 2 infections can spread easily from any of the teeth to the brain. He also demonstrated in 1961 that the primary lesion in Multiple Sclerosis is an infected plaque around the venous side of the blood supply to the brain. Cerebral M.S. plaques show the same organisms as found in dead teeth. 1,2,3,4 Stortebecker was able to trace the cause of many brain diseases to infected teeth.
Some excellent research indicates that the primary lesion in Multiple Sclerosis is an infected plaque around the venous side of the blood supply to the brain. Cerebral M.S. plaques show the same organisms as found in dead teeth and gum disease.[178],[179],[180],[181] The work done by Prof Stortebecker has principally been neglected in a search for genetic links, but has profound implications when deciding to keep dead, infected, gangrenous teeth in the mouth.
The association with root canalled teeth is scary, yet root canals are done every day. It often takes a lot longer for the M.S. to present. It is highly relevant to the following relationships to sinusitis and the fact that geographically there is an association with dental decay.

The ends of the roots of upper molars and premolars are in very close proximity to the floor of the sinuses, usually only separated by about 1mm of bone. Often the ends of the roots of these teeth are within the maxillary sinus. Infection or abscess at the end on these roots will cause infection and inflammation in the lining of the sinuses – This is called sinusitis. [182],[183],[184],[185],[186],[187],[188],[189],[190],[191],[192],[193],[194],[195],[196],[197]
Remarkably, this 1mm of bone, also separates the medical and dental worlds. It separates the domain of the “Dentist” and the domain of the “Ear, Nose and Throat” specialists and also the “Neurologists”. Since when were our bodies divided into states and countries to be ruled over by separate dominions?
The older research is totally supported by that from 2007, which indicates that the development of a ‘fungus ball’ in the maxillary sinus is directly associated with root treatment of the upper teeth.[198] It is now time for the ear, nose and throat surgeons to give thanks to all the dentists who do root therapy for providing them with so much work. The drug companies surely owe the endodontists a big thank you as well or a holiday in the Bahamas or something! As mentioned earlier, mercury will actually damage the blood brain barrier and this allows pathogens to cross this damaged barrier into the brain.
There is a strong and well-published association
between Sinusitis and Multiple Sclerosis
and other brain diseases.

In an analysis of general practice records, the rate of chronic sinusitis was significantly greater in 92 patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) than in matched controls. M.S. and chronic sinus infection were also significantly associated in the timing of attacks, in the age at which patients suffered their attacks, and in the seasonal pattern of attacks. [205]
The epidemiologic studies of the
incidence of Sinusitis
and that of MS
are directly linearly related.
More sinusitis equals more MS. [i],[ii]
[i] Khmel’nik VM [Combined intracranial complication in chronic odontogenic maxillary sinusitis] Kombinirovannoe vnutricherepnoe oslozhnenie pri khronicheskom odontogennom gaimorite. Vestn Otorinolaringol (1981 May-Jun)(3):87-8 ISSN: 0042-4668
[ii] Jones RL Crowe P Chavda SV Pahor AL The incidence of sinusitis in patients with multiple sclerosis. Rhinology (1997 Sep) 35(3):118-9 A retrospective study was performed to assess the incidence of sinus disease in patients with M.S.
THIS IS CRITICAL and I will repeat it – There is a strong and well-published association between sinusitis and Multiple Sclerosis and other brain diseases. A high percentage of sinusitis is caused by dead or infected teeth. Can we really believe that the dental professors are unaware of this? The relationship is clear and strong. There is no room for this kind of blatant denial at the expense of so many lives.

The epidemiologic studies of the incidence of Sinusitis and that of M.S. are directly linearly related. More sinusitis equals more M.S. [206],[207]
There is also a linear relationship between the incidence of Multiple Sclerosis and that of dental decay. This has been known since 1978 and yet an association with this devastating disease is blatantly denied by the dental profession.
In 1999 the British Dental Journal published
“This finding supports the strong geographical correlation between the two diseases”.[208]
“Causal comparison of the WHO map of dental caries incidences throughout the world reveals a striking parallel in general trend. Comparison of decayed, missing and filled teeth with the M.S. death rates results in a correlation coefficient of 0.97, and the probability of a chance occurrence is less than 0.002. This represents a nearly perfect linear relationship between dental disease rates and M.S. death rates.”[209]
This study from 1978 shows clearly that this knowledge has been around for a long time. The dental and medical professions have refused to acknowledge this in their day to day treatments.
“The geographical distribution and other epidemiological characteristics of multiple sclerosis (M.S.) are compared with those of dental caries. The rates of death due to M.S. in Australian states are linearly related to the numbers of decayed, missing, and filled (DMF) teeth found in individuals from those states. In the United States of America, a strong positive correlation also exists between M.S. death rates and dental caries indices. The prevalence of M.S. in 45 countries or areas correlates well with the frequencies of DMF teeth among children of school age in those locations. …The prevalence of M.S. also correlates well with the percentage of edentulous individuals in certain countries. …It is suggested that dental caries may be a more accurate epidemiological model for M.S. than poliomyelitis.” [210]
It’s a good fit like holding your two hands together – they match perfectly. The relationship is clear, strong and well published. There is no room for denial at the expense of so many lives.
There is a strong and well published association between:
• Sinusitis and Dental Infections 3
• Sinusitis and Multiple Sclerosis 22,23,24,25,26,27
• Optic Neuritis and Dental Infections 28,29
• Optic Neuritis and Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis is more than just dead teeth. There also appears to be a relationship via auto-immune reactions to heavy metals as well. From the work of Prof Vera Stejskal in Europe, it is clear that all metals must be avoided in Multiple Sclerosis patients. This includes the metals in composite resins that are used to colour the filling materials. Porcelains should be the filling material of choice and cemented into place with old fashioned but safer zinc phosphate cement. For all those with an autoimmune disease I strongly recommend you read the information at
A Case Study
Although anecdotal, I would like to present just one case study out of several. This lady in her 40’s, Helen for want of a name, came to see me after being diagnosed with M.S. She had a few young children and a great relationship with her husband. She was very happy but felt that she was too young to be sent home with a death sentence and no hope of treatment. On examining her mouth, I found one root canaled tooth on the upper right and a small metal/porcelain bridge to replace a missing front tooth. There wasn’t any amalgam in her mouth. Technically, the bridge was very well made, but we had no idea which metals were used in its manufacture. The root canal looked like a job that any endodontist would be proud of, and there was no abscess visible on the x-ray. No matter what the tooth looks like on an x-ray, ALL dead teeth remain infected as it is impossible to sterilize them. She had great mechanical dentistry done.

She also brought in her MRI scan which showed two large lesions in her brain. Image below;

She had done her research and requested that I take out the bridge and the dead tooth. I told her that there was no promise that it would affect her health, as I always did, and she accepted this completely. I also agreed with her that there was a good likelihood that the M.S. could be related to these. At this first appointment she decided to remove both the tooth and the bridge immediately. She was not interested in proving which was a cause. She just wanted to eliminate ALL possible causes. She was quite happy to go home with a ‘gappy’ smile.
Three months later Helen came back in to see me with a new MRI. All of her symptoms had resolved, and the MRI scan was clear of any lesions. Her neurologist had declared her free of M.S. and did not want to know what she had done to make such a radical change. Her new MRI is below;

It is important to understand that this does not happen in all cases, but for Helen it was a fantastic outcome. She remained free of M.S. for several years before I retired. It is also important to understand that it can happen, and that we should always be hopeful and try everything to heal, even though it may sound radical to the dental authorities. Dental associations and endodontic societies worldwide condemn the idea that a dead tooth could cause any problems and in particular things like M.S. and A.L.S., let alone cancer. I believe that if it can happen for one than it can happen for others. Never give up hope.
Yes, I did contact the M.S. Society who were very polite but totally disinterested in this information. I was told clearly that M.S. had nothing to do with dentistry and that as a mere dentist I would not be able to understand the medical significance of this disease. Many years ago, a wise doctor told me that we will never find a cure for any disease that has a society associated with it! I agree.
One More Case Study;
Bill was another patient who came to see us in desperation because at the age of thirty two he figured that he was too young for an M.S. diagnosis. The treatment he received was the removal of a single root canalled tooth. Of course, our surgical procedure involved removing the periodontal ligament and unhealthy bone from the cavity. In his words;
“In September 2003, I went along to my dentist and had a root canal treatment performed. Months later in January 2004, I started to experience problems with my balance, tingling sensations and numbness in my hands and feet. Subsequently I was referred to a neurologist and after many tests – ct scans, lumbar puncture etc, etc – I was told that the probable cause of my problems was Multiple Sclerosis.
The amazing thing for me was I had this root canal filled tooth pulled out in September 2004 and a week later, literally a week later, my balance started to improve, and the sensations that I had been experiencing for 9 months, started to abate. The numbness & tingling – and basically things have just improved from there. It is now December 2005!”
Quoting Professor Daunderer;
“If we take Multiple Sclerosis patients who removed amalgam but refused both extraction of root canals and treatment of infected maxillary bone, we observe a cure rate from M.S. of 16%. But when we consider multiple sclerosis patients that beside amalgam removal accepted our full treatment (root canal extraction and cleaning of alveolar bone), the percentage of cures increases to 86%.”
Daunderer in the 1998 TV show by Sabrina Giannini:
“The dental work we get from dentists is not something biological or medical. I’d say it is a technical thing, and the technique give the dentists a number of very strong poisons to be implanted in the mouth. If you kill the tooth and then fill its root canal with mercury, formaldehyde, cortisone, streptomycin, arsenic,… you are not doing any healthy thing.
All this dentistry is just a sin against the biology of the body and a sin against the ‘real’ medicine.”
The bottom line is that M.S. patients cannot afford to have mercury, dead teeth, cavitations or any gum disease in their mouths.

Visual Effects
The symptoms of M.S. are often the same as many of the symptoms of mercury poisoning. Even acute Optic Neuritis may be caused by mercury poisoning. I know because it happened to me. This was my awakening into the world of mercury poisoning from amalgam. Overnight I went blind in my left eye. The Neurologist mumbled something about M.S. then ‘there is a list as long as your arm’, then ‘not sure, just take the medicine’ and lastly ‘come back and see me if you don’t get better’. I had been using amalgam every day for the previous thirteen years of my career. I would go home with splitting headaches and most of the other symptoms described in the effects on dental personnel. This continued for another three years, before I eventually read the work of Dr Hal Huggins, which led me to go and study with him, which in turn led me to realize that my acute optic neuritis was caused by mercury poisoning. My only gripe about Dr Huggins is that he named his first book “It’s All In Your Head”. I would have loved to use this as a name! More importantly though it should be one of the books on your reading list.
Methyl mercury will also cause a narrowing of the visual field. i.e. the lateral vision becomes smaller.[211] It will also induce a dose related loss of colour vision [212],[213],[214] and many other visual disturbances, [215],[216],[217],[218],[219],[220],[221] as well as inflammation of the eye. Eye problems, conjunctivitis, atopic dermatitis, and contact urticaria are far more common in dental personnel than the rest of the population due to high mercury exposures. [222],[223],[224],[225],[226] Because mercury will cause an increase in blood pressure there is a strong relationship to Glaucoma, where the pressure inside the eye is directly affected. [227]
It is not just amalgam that you need to be aware of. Many other products that are available over the counter, contain mercury, usually in the form of Ethyl Mercury (Thimerosal), the same as is used in vaccines. Contact lens solutions often contain Thimerosal as a disinfectant. This mercury is easily transported into the eye and from there will continue along the optic nerve back to the brain.[228],[229],[230] See ‘Other sources of Mercury‘

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