“…the story of how a “cast of millions” become entrenched inside the structure of teeth and end up causing the largest number of diseases ever traced to a single source.”
Dr George Meinig
‘The Garbage Collector’ is available as a soft cover printed book or as an e-book, from Balboa Press.
Also available at Amazon & they have a ‘Look Inside’ button which allows you to see some of the book. Click on the Kindle Button – it has more to see.
‘The Garbage Collector’ Is the most complete information about Root Canals all in one place.
Here you’ll find startling information about Root Canals, that may be affecting your health. It is also a learning guide for dentists and medical doctors about a cause of serious systemic degenerative diseases. It is intended to provide answers for the many questions you may have when told that you need a root canal!
A brief summary of the main issues Here. It is not referenced as it is not intended to replace the Garbage Collector.

ROOTED – This is a one hour documentary I made in 2006 with the collaboration of great friends.
Over 280 references are displayed in this documentary. They relate to the numbers at the lower left of the screen. References for ROOTED Here
Questions to Ask Your Dentist about Root Canals
Sterility is an Impossible Dream
Cavitations – holes in the jaw bone. They can effect your health Here
Multiple Sclerosis and Other Neurological Diseases
Poisonous Implants
Ask your dentist what materials he/she plans to use for the root canal procedure to clean, disinfect and then seal into your tooth permanently.

Then go to the Materials Safety Data Sheet Information Page and see what’s in these materials and how they may effect your health. (Most are listed – If they’re not listed here, simply search the web for “MSDS + Product Name”)
Then go back and ask your dentist to explain why he/she is planning to implant such toxic materials into your body.
When they say things like “I’ve never seen a problem”, you can know that they are probably telling the truth. Most have never looked. When they say “I’ve used it for 40 years”, they are also probably telling the truth. Sadly, that continued use, does not make it safe. If they say “These materials are prescribed by the dental specialists”, again it is true. Again this does not make them safe. Neither does the approval by the TGA or FDA.
Formaldehyde in Root Canals – legitimized poisoning Here
- American Association of Endodontists Position Paper on Paraformaldehyde-Containing Endodontic Filling Materials and Sealers 1998 PDF Here
Dr Joseph Issels – cancer and other diseases
Focus On Foci – chapter 8 From “Cancer A Second Opinion” by Dr Joseph Issels. This is ‘Most Important Reading’. Chapter 8 – Focus on Foci is available on the web Here. THIS IS ESSENTIAL READING to understand the relationship of how dead teeth can cause cancer. His book will help many who are suffering! His website has much information Here. His book is available at Amazon Here. He was one of the most respected oncologists in Germany. He had a very high success rate curing cancers. If you look him up on the web you will see an unbelievably damning critique of him in Wikipedia. His treatments did not sell too many drugs as he addressed the causes not the symptoms.
Tonsils – their role and how they are affected by dead teeth. by Dr Joseph Issels Here
Important Questions
Filling the Gaps after extracting the dead tooth/teeth. Here
Laser & Ozone – Sterility that is only skin deep. Here
Dr Weston Price’s Research
- Dr Weston Price’s Full Research Publications Here
- Dr Weston Prices Summaries to his research – published 1923 Here
- 1925 Debate between Dr Price and Dr Buckley Here
Other Info
Cavitations – holes in the jaw bone. They can effect your health Here
Neural Medicine – a brief introduction to how dead teeth may effect distant disease states. Here
Electro Acupuncture after Voll. EAV Charts Here. Another EAV chart with American tooth numbering system Here
Pleomorphic Changes in micro-organisms Here
Focal Infection References till 2012. All dentists should check this PDF page HERE