die Oberherren der Zahnärztekammern
Robert Gammal BDS
2021 – perhaps relevant in other official narratives
The Dental Schools don’t educate students about health or disease. What they teach is, that it is more essential and ethical to service the vested interests that provide their funding. Young students in their late teens and early 20’s are taught a selective range of research, and are also taught that whoever criticizes this dogma, is by definition wrong and insignificant. I estimate that about half the time spent in a dental teaching hospital, is to teach dental students techniques and practices which do nothing but make the patients sick. Most dentists will graduate and take into their ‘professional’ careers this level of education and brain washing about their ‘dis-education’. Most will never question the dogma, which is taught over and over again, whether there is scientific truth supporting these teachings or not. Medical students are taught NOTHING about dentistry. Doctors don’t know that a root canaled tooth is a dead, anaerobically infected, gangrenous toxin factory. Mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings is never considered in a diagnosis of any disease.
Once graduated, the majority of dentists (only about 70%) will join a dental association, which is their own particular form of trade union. Unlike most trade unions though, it is not the interests of their members, for which these particular organizations exist. It is not even for the welfare of the patients, who are being treated by their members. Yet the dentists cannot see this. There are monthly magazines and almost daily messages through the mail, reminding dentists about how to behave, what to say and especially what to think. This propaganda is supported by austere groups such as the “Scientific Committee of the ‘Fatherland Dental Associations’, or an article published in the Journal of the ‘Fatherland Dental Associations’ – the dental association journals are regularly rated of least scientific merit of all medical and scientific journals.
Beyond the fear propaganda, (which I must admit is rather effective at keeping intelligent people speechless), is the need for the dentist to ‘belong’ – belong to a group of elite, who consider themselves superior, richer and more intelligent than the rest of society. They are a group of people who have a need to believe that the knowledge that has been imparted to them is unique, and impossible for a lay person to understand. There is a need to continue to ‘talk good jargon’, which reinforces the sense of superiority and is impossible for anyone else to understand. This psychopathology continues to the belief that, they and only they, are in a position to decide what treatment is best for the patient, without consultation or consent and certainly, in most cases, without real information from which the patient can make an informed decision. (see “What Real Informed Consent Could Look Like” Here.) The propaganda that creates this state of mental instability, is reinforced by exposing dental students to massive levels of mercury for 4 of the 5 year course. The mental deterioration caused by this mercury vapour exposure is dramatic and terrifying. (See the effects Here.)
Dentists are encouraged from their first day at university to NOT THINK. We are only meant to know the information with which to pass an exam. (I do apologize to the few teachers at the universities who are actually trying to teach the truth, and I have the utmost respect for their integrity.) Most dentists are still taught, that by the time they have graduated, there is precious little else that they need to learn. This is confirmed by the courses on offer for Continuing Education Programs, which only teach the same stuff that they learnt as students at university. Perhaps another reason for this blind faith to the ‘Fatherland Dental Associations’ is that they have just paid thousands of dollars to belong to the organization. No one pays that sort of money without a need to know that they are being sold the truth. The brain washing is so great that dentists cannot wait to hang a notice in their surgeries, proclaiming that they belong to the Fatherland Dental Association. The association does not pay the dentists for this advertising. The dentists provide it for free, never realizing that the association needs their membership more than they need the association. Free advertising in about 70% of all dental surgeries in the country. How good’s that! You can almost smell the envy of just about any other private company. They don’t even realize that this Fatherland Dental Association is a private company.
The psycho-socio-pathology extends from these organizations to the soldiers (dentists), to promote the concept of mass medication of the whole of society. There is NO room to question the dogma. The dogma is the ‘teaching’, the ‘holy grail’ and the thing that limits lawsuits. Step out of line and you won’t be supported by your peers, your specialists or your organization. The dogma is not supported by science, but by blatant repetition of the same lies over and over again, just as Hitler found to be effective to convince the majority. Thus, it is easy to create a majority view, and it is even easier to then claim a ‘Consensus of Opinion’. This anecdotal ‘consensus of opinion’ is, to most people, more powerful than published, peer reviewed scientific research. This includes the jargon laden dentists and doctors. As dentists, we no longer need to read and discern the scientific literature ourselves – all we need to do is repeat blindly the dogma of the dental association, or their very own ‘Scientific Committees”. The words ‘safe and effective’ are often sprouted by these scientific committees. Every dentist would only want to do a ‘treatment’ that is regarded by the Fuhrer as safe and effective. (Doing a procedure which is contraindicated by scientific research would not attract too many dentists.) It may not be set in law, but it is firmly set in the ethics that the Fatherland Dental Association espouses. Remember that everything Hitler did was legal.
It is reported that Hitler too, liked the idea of mass medication. Hitler’s reason though, was to maintain passivity amongst the inmates of the concentration camps. The ‘Fatherland Dental Associations’ have a different reason. They are claiming that their version of mass medication, is to improve the dental health of little innocent children who come from poorer disadvantaged parts of society. They claim that it is the ‘ethical’ way for a society to behave. They also claim that it is the ONLY way of ensuring that these poor little children get good toothies. They also claim that the ‘medicine’ that they want to use, is completely safe for everyone, and that it is actually good for everybody, young and old alike, rich and poor alike. It is a truly socialist philosophy.
Because of their superior psycho-socio-pathological ‘dental knowledge’, they are the sole bearers of this remarkable truth, and everyone must do as they are told. Hitler followed similar principles, and the results of not following the orders became shockingly and tragically obvious. The tragedy of making whole populations seriously ill from this mass medication, was not a care for Hitler and nor is it for the ‘Fatherland Dental Associations’. “Safe and Effective” is the motto.
The most striking similarity though, is that although the reasons for using the mass medication were supposedly different, both Hitler and the dental associations both used the same mass ‘medicament’. This was of course a chemical called FLUORIDE. Interestingly the effects that were claimed by Hitler – sedation and apathy of the concentration camp inmates – are not discussed by the ‘Fatherland Dental Associations’. In fairness though, Hitler did not claim that he was making teeth stronger. He knew that he would have been wrong.