The Mouth of a Living Human Being
is the only place in the world,
that mercury amalgam,
is considered safe
In 1978 the National Research Council in the USA, issued as a report entitled “An assessment of mercury in the Environment”. There seems to have been more honesty back then in what the government organizations were allowed to say.
“Mercury compounds have no known normal metabolic function and their presence in the cells of living organisms, including human beings, represents contamination from natural and anthropogenic sources. In view of the toxicity of mercury and the inability of researchers to specify the threshold levels of toxic effects on the basis of present knowledge, all such contamination must be regarded as undesirable and potentially hazardous.”
Interestingly the official Threshold levels have only reduced since that time and still there is no safe minimum level that has ever been found.
A study published in the Journal of Dental Research in 1985 looked at the amount of mercury vapour coming of amalgam fillings. The subjects had between 0 and 12 biting surface amalgam fillings. Measurements of Mercury vapour were made at 0 minutes, and then every ten minutes for an hour and a half after chewing gum for ten minutes. This study found that within 10 minutes of chewing gum for ten minutes, the mercury vapour levels rose dramatically, and the levels stayed elevated for 90 minutes.
The study concludes with
“… the amount of Hg released from dental amalgam in some individuals could be sufficient to result in mercurialism.”
Serial Measurements of Intra-oral Air Mercury: Estimation of Daily Dose form Dental Amalgam M.J. Vimy, F.L.Lorscheider

The only stimulation of the fillings was from chewing gum. Other factors such as hot drinks, regular meals, grinding teeth electrical effects etc, were not taken into consideration, even though these factors will increase the mercury vapour levels as well.
Most people will have a hot drink in the morning with breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and then many will grind their teeth at night in their sleep. This equates to a permanently elevated level of mercury vapour.
Criteria 118
In 1991, the World Health Organization (WHO) -Criteria 118 – confirmed that mercury escaping from dental amalgam is the greatest source of mercury vapour in non-industrialized settings, exposing the concerned population to mercury levels, significantly exceeding those set for food and for air. [1]
At that time the levels absorbed on a daily basis into humans was;
Air & Water 0mcg/day
Other Foods 0.3mcg/day
Fish and seafood 2.3 mcg/day
Dental Amalgam 1-17mcg/day
Revised 2003
Dental Amalgam 1-27mcg/day

In 2003 the World Health Organization published the following statement, which also revised the intake of mercury from amalgams up to 27mcg/day.
The universities have not changed what they teach, and the PTOs are still telling the same lies. 1 – 27mcg of mercury absorbed per day from dental amalgam implants is massive. It is so far from ‘a little bit’ that to even make such a comment is an insult to anyone’s intelligence.
It is in fact ten times greater than all other sources combined!
The World Health Organisation in 2003 stated that: [2]
WHO Statement 2003 | My Comments |
“Dental amalgam constitutes a potentially significant source of exposure to elemental mercury, with estimates of daily intake from amalgam restorations ranging from 1-27 mcg/day, the majority of dental amalgam holders being less than 5mcg/day. | 27mcg/day is ten times higher than all other sources combined including seafood which is only estimated to be 2.3mcg per day. 5mcg/ day would be from only two amalgam fillings in the mouth. |
For elemental mercury, the main route of exposure is by inhalation, and 80% of inhaled mercury is retained. | |
Mercury may be absorbed through the skin in toxicologically relevant quantities. | Skin exposure is common for dental personnel especially nurses, must to handle the material. Latex gloves do not prevent mercury transmission. |
Elemental mercury is lipid soluble and easily penetrates biological membranes, including the blood-brain barrier. | Absorbed mercury will travel to every part of the body. It is a Neurotoxin |
Metabolism of mercury compounds to other forms of mercury can occur within tissues of the body. | Elemental mercury is transformed into the very toxic form of methyl mercury in the body. This happens in the blood, the mouth and the gut. |
A broad range of symptoms have been reported and these symptoms are qualitatively similar, irrespective of the mercury compound to which one is exposed. | It is claimed that the ethyl mercury (Thimerasol) in vaccines and other products, is harmless. Clearly the WHO do not agree. Ethyl mercury is in some ways more toxic than methyl mercury. See the comparison Here |
Specific neurotoxic symptoms include tremors, emotional lability, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular changes, headaches, polyneuropathy, and performance deficits in tests of cognitive and motor function. Although improvement in most neurological dysfunctions has been observed upon removal of the person from the source of exposure, some changes may be irreversible. | Amalgam removal is a valid option for people who are mercury poisoned. Anyone with an amalgam filling is mercury poisoned. Amalgam removal has been shown to lower the body burden of mercury. Sadly, no mention is made of the effect on the kidneys, immune system, reproductive system or cardiac effects. |
Acrodynia and photophoboia have been reported in children exposed to excessive levels of metallic mercury vapour. | Acrodynia was also called Pink’s Disease. Photophobia is an aversion to bright light. |
Mild clinical signs of central nervous system toxicity can be observed among people who have been exposed occupationally to elemental mercury concentration of 20mcg/m3 or above for several years.” | Dental personnel are routinely exposed to levels of between 1,000 and 4,000 mcg/m3 for many years. Excretion of ionic mercury from the brain is extremely slow and is measured in years. 21,[3] |
Pinks Disease

Acrodynia – Pinks Disease – was caused by rubbing mercury laden teething powders on to the gums of young infants, to stop the teething pains. The kids went PINK. Many died. The ones that lived have suffered for the rest of their lives.

Maximum Mercury Vapour Levels
Following are the official maximum permissible mercury vapour levels in Australia and the USA.
Occupational Safety & Health Authority (OSHA) sets the maximum allowable mercury vapour concentration for a 40 hr/wk occupational exposure (Time Weighted Average) at | 50 mcg Hg/m3 |
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulates for everyone else, especially pregnant women and children. Their maximum allowable mercury vapour concentration is | 0.3 mcg Hg/m3 |
U.S. Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) state that a TRANSIENT exposure to levels as low as 0.02mcg Hg/m3 is considered acute, – immediately hazardous to health! | 0.02 mcg Hg/m3 |
0.02 mcg Hg/m3 is immediately Hazardous to health. |
No Observed Effect Level – NOEL

No Observed Effect Level (NOEL) – is the greatest concentration or amount of an agent, found by experiment or observation, that causes no detectable adverse alteration of morphology, functional capacity, growth, development or life span in an organism, system or (sub) population. [i] It is sometimes described as the No Observable Adverse Effects Level.
WHO stated in Criteria 118 that the
“NOEL for mercury is ZERO. ”
There is no level of mercury vapour which can be considered safe.
Any miniscule amount of mercury will have observable negative physiological effects. Mercury does not differentiate between colour, race or religion. It is the great equalizer of humanity. We all get the same disease. [i] http://www.fsra.net/glossary.html
Compare these maximums with levels commonly associated with dental amalgam;
- A mouth with 4-6 amalgam fillings creates levels of mercury vapour between 30 – 150 mcg/m3. This exposure is for 168 hrs/wk, 24/7 – in other words the whole time that these fillings remain in the mouth. This is a permanent exposure – not transient in any way.
- Levels as high as 4,000 mcg/m3 have been measured 18 inches from the dental drill when removing amalgam fillings.
- Levels over 1,000 mcg/m3 are measurable upon opening an amalgam mixing capsule. Usually, it is the dental nurse who is hit with the full force of this.
- One out of seven Californian dental offices exceeded the OSHA TWA of 50 mcg/m3.
- 100% of the vacuum cleaner exhausts tested over 100 mcg/m3 in dental surgeries.
- Heat sterilisation of amalgam-contaminated instruments far exceeds all OSHA standards.
There are also differences in individual reactions to the same amount of mercury. Commonly the PTOs will point to the oldest healthy members of the society, with a mouthful of dentistry to suggest that amalgam is safe. I point to the other end of the spectrum of the patients I have seen, who have been made hideously ill from just one minute amalgam filling. Both examples are extremes. Most of us are somewhere in the middle. The more mercury we are exposed to, then the more that is in our bodies. The longer we are exposed, then so too the more mercury is in our bodies.
It can take 40 years for the cumulative build up to show a clinical effect. Usually by this stage, the clinical effect is misdiagnosed as another disease like MS or Brain Cancer or any of thousands of names.
There are many other studies that agree with the position of the WHO. [4] In 1991 the Lancet, one of the world’s leading medical journals, published the following:
“…These data raise serious doubts about the reliability of statements from the Canadian and American Dental Associations. Experiments in primates clearly demonstrate that mercury released from “silver” tooth fillings concentrates in body tissues in amounts sufficient to alter cell function” [5]
A large study was carried out at the Univ. Of Tubingen Health Clinic, in which the level of mercury in saliva of 20,000 persons with amalgam fillings was measured. [6] The level of mercury in unstimulated saliva was found to average 11.6 mcg Hg/L, (mcg Hg/L = micrograms of mercury per litre of saliva) with the average after chewing being 3 times this level. Several were found to have mercury levels over 1,100 mcg Hg/L.. 1 % had unstimulated levels over 200 mcg/L, and 10 % had unstimulated mercury saliva levels of over 100 mcg/L. The level of mercury in saliva has been found to be proportional to the number of amalgam fillings, and generally was higher for those with more fillings.[7]
Clearly, the mercury in an amalgam filling is NOT as stable as what the PTOs are claiming. The amounts of mercury in the Tubingen study, clearly demonstrate that most amalgam bearers have levels of mercury that far exceed what WHO have acknowledged.
The amount of mercury vapour that can be measured in the mouth of a person with amalgam fillings, varies widely. It is always above OSHA regulations of what is allowed on a 40 hour/week exposure. These levels are present 24 hours a day and increase with friction, temperature, and electrical effects.
Studies have shown these levels on average of 20 to 125mcg/m3. [8],[9] Levels above 400mcg/m3 have also been measured. [10],[11] These levels are astronomical! (mcg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter of air)

Remember that transient exposure, to levels as low as 0.02mcg/m3 are going to cause observable physiological changes.
-Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry in America – ATSDR
You might by now be wondering why many of the references so far, are all so old. I understand that the current thinking taught at university, is that we only need to go back ten years in our referencing, as that will address all of the research that has come before, as all current research encompasses the previous research. Wouldn’t it be awesome if that level of integrity actually existed? I reckon this is just a way of dumbing down the population. Only the acceptable research is talked about in my experience. The research I am using here is far from acceptable. Worse still, it demonstrates that this information has been around for years, which could get embarrassing if you have been denying its existence for that long. Even more embarrassing is that it is published in some of the most respected scientific and medical journals in the world. The dental journals of the PTOs score badly in terms of scientific respectability. They come in at the BOTTOM of the list.
Brain Deposits
Some of the mercury coming from the fillings, will stick to the lining of the nose and mouth, and pass through the bones at the base of the skull and enter the brain directly.[12],[13],[14] This is highly significant in terms of dental amalgam, as the vapour is released into the mouth and will go directly to the brain. The procedure called ‘apicectomy and retrograde root filling’ is a procedure that surgically removes the end of the root of a tooth and cleans out the infected abscess from the bone. At the end of the root, which is quite deep in the bone, the dentist will place an amalgam filling, in a ridiculous attempt to seal the end of the canal. Ridiculous, because all of the research on this procedure agrees, that amalgam is the worst material to use, as it simply leaks like a sieve. The other reason that it is ridiculous is that the mercury that escapes from this amalgam, is already in the bone and will enter the brain with ease. In reality, this procedure, is an implant of mercury directly into the brain.

The brain accumulates about 10 times more mercury after exposure to mercury vapour compared to equal amounts of mercuric ions being injected or ingested & transported in the blood stream. A direct venous communication exists between the teeth, their surroundings and the cranial cavity including the brain. Mercury gets into the nervous system directly and thence to the brain.37
The amount of mercury in the adult brain
is directly proportional to the amount of
mercury amalgam in the mouth.
This is known since 1987.[15]
Mercury can travel through the nervous system and cause optic neuritis. This form of blindness is often associated with early symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis.[16] I know all about this because it happened to me. I awoke one morning and was blind in my left eye! Unfortunately, the neurologist that attended me had no idea that it could be caused by mercury. It took another three years of searching to find the cause. Many of the symptoms of M.S. are identical to the symptoms of mercury poisoning.
I suggest to all neurologists that they should send flowers regularly to the local PTO with a little note thanking them for keeping them in business. Same applies to cardiologist, endocrinologists, rheumatologists and ….
Mercury is transported along nerve fibres at a rate of about 70mm per day, back to the brain. [17],[18]
The trigeminal ganglion can be seriously affected from this route of exposure. The Trigeminal nerve is a sensory nerve that supplies touch and pain sensations to the face, scalp, teeth, neck and throat. The olfactory nerves (sense of smell in the nose) also transport directly back to the brain. The olfactory nerves are bathed in mercury from amalgam. The eye is just an extension of the Optic Nerve. Some contact lens solutions contain mercury in the form of thimerosal, which will be deposited onto the eye and then transported again directly to the brain.
In the brain, mercury vapour can produce high levels of neurological damage, while having little effect on the rest of the body. 21,[19],[20]
Have you experienced difficulty breathing, or headaches or confusion after a hot meal? The temperature of the hot food will increase the amount of mercury vapour coming from the fillings and entering the brain. The first place it gets to is the hypothalamus, which regulates many of the unconscious functions of the body including respiratory and heart rates.
Where Else
Mercury will be transported around the body by the blood and the lymphatic system. It stays in the blood for only about 12 hours and is then bound and locked into any of the cells of your body.
Mercury is fat soluble, so will remain in the fat tissues. Aside from belly fat, the main areas of our bodies which store mercury are the kidneys, heart and of course the brain. Mercury specifically destroys nerve tissue. That is why it is called a neurotoxin. Mercury specifically accumulates in the brain. It is also locked into the tissues of the kidneys and produces devastating effects on kidney function. The mercury from one amalgam filling, will cause a 60% reduction in kidney filtration function for starters.
Therefore standard blood and urine tests are useless for measuring the body burden of mercury. It isn’t there in the urine, it is now stored in the cells of the body. That is why it is called a Cumulative toxin. This is also the reason that the PTOs insist that blood and urine measurements are the only reliable tests. This way you will never find any mercury and thus amalgam can be rendered sacrosanct.
Mercury from amalgam
will go to every cell in the body
and the amount is dependent on
the number of fillings in the mouth!
Sheep and Babies
Long, long ago, before most current dental students were born, there were a couple of totally brilliant landmark studies. One was done in 1990 as an elegant experiment with sheep. [21]
Scientists radioactively labelled the mercury before they mixed it into amalgam fillings. The radioactively labelled fillings were then placed into the chewing surfaces of the teeth of 5 pregnant sheep.
Whole body gamma scans graphically revealed distribution of mercury throughout the sheep’s bodies. There was only one place this radioactively labelled mercury could have come from – the amalgam fillings in the sheep’s teeth. In such a system it is possible to look for both mercury and/or the radioactive label.

Mercury levels reached a peak in the amniotic fluid (the fluid around the developing foetus), maternal blood and foetal blood within 48 hours. The mercury was found in all tissues of the mother and the foetus. In the foetus the highest levels were in the liver and pituitary gland in the developing brain. Mercury levels in the foetal blood were four times higher than maternal blood levels. High mercury levels were also found in the mother’s breast milk!
Even though this was published in the American Journal of Physiology and widely peer reviewed, the findings were disputed by the PTOs. Their most serious criticism was based on the notion that sheep chew more than people and were therefore not a good model for humans. According to Prof. Vimy, the lead author of the study, there were two very good reasons that sheep were chosen as the ideal study model. Firstly, because they are chewing machines! They never stop chewing. If you don’t see mercury in the sheep, there is little chance of seeing it in any other model. Secondly sheep are a common, well established models for obstetric experiments.

To counter this criticism though, the study was performed again on a more acceptable human model – ONE monkey. The researchers felt using more than one was unethical under the circumstances. This time the research was published in the journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, FASEB.[22] The scientific community worldwide rates this journal as the most respected sources of scientific research.
The findings were the same – the mercury was distributed to every cell in the monkey’s body.

These studies are unique in their faultless design and also in the variety of results that emerged. Not only did it show that mercury from amalgam goes to every cell in the body, but also that it easily crosses both the placenta and into breast milk. Of great concern, it also showed that the foetus was the main storage area for the mercury. The newborn then increased its mercury intake while suckling on the mother’s milk. Many human studies have since demonstrated the same fact that mercury from the mother’s fillings will be stored in the foetus and newborn infant.
This had been and still is strenuously denied by the PTOs, who claim that the mercury in amalgam is locked up and stable.
The second landmark study was published in 1994 in the European Journal of Pediatrics by Prof Gustav Drasch,[23] Professor of Forensic Medicine at Munich University, who conducted autopsy studies on a number of prematurely deceased foetuses, infants and children.
The study examined tissue samples from 46 foetuses aborted for medical reasons and 108 children of ages 1 day to 5 years, who had died suddenly and were mostly diagnosed as victims of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
The startling finding in this study was the significant correlation of the foetal mercury levels in the liver, kidney cortex and cerebral cortex, with the number of dental amalgam fillings in the mouths of the mothers. This dramatic human autopsy study confirms findings in three previously published animal studies. [24] The study was conclusive.
There is a linear relationship between the number of amalgams in the mother’s mouth and the amount of mercury in the unborn foetus!

Again, PTOs in England, America, Canada and Australia criticized it as a seriously flawed study and totally dismissed it. No other reasons were given and there was no indication of what the serious flaws were. It seemed like they all held hands and just shut down. Business as usual.
I still find it remarkable that any organization with perceived authority, can merely make such claims, without any form of proof or justification, and everyone believes them. This is valid for all institutions including governments. If I could get away with this, I would not have to reference everything I am saying.
This same (Critically flawed) study was the impetus for the German Government to immediately issue stringent recommendations about the use of mercury amalgam:
- “…the number of Amalgam fillings for the individual patient should be as few as possible, since each amalgam filling contributes to the human mercury load.
- Dental amalgam is contraindicated for retrograde root fillings, as a filling material under cast crowns, and when there will be occlusal or proximal contact with cast dental restorations.
- On the basis of preventive health protection, no placement of additional amalgam fillings during pregnancy. Based on the contribution of amalgam fillings to the total human mercury load and the possible higher sensitivity of the prenatal organism towards mercury, a strict risk benefit evaluation should be made for amalgam use in girls and women of fertile age. Alternative materials should, if possible be the preferred choice.”
In 1994 this was a massive step. The dental world was confronted not only with the evidence, but also by the real & responsible action of the German Government. I doubt that any government would base such recommendations on seriously flawed research.
The same researchers published again in 1995, the results of a very similar study.[25] This time they looked for silver rather than mercury in the dead children’s bodies. The silver also comes from the amalgam fillings – no other place. What they found was exactly the same. The amount of silver in the bodies of the children, was in linear proportion to the number of amalgams in the mother’s mouths!
- Mercury from amalgam will travel to every cell in the body.
- It crosses the placenta and breast milk with ease.
- It is stored principally in the foetus of a pregnant woman.
- The amount of mercury in the baby’s body is directly proportional to the number of amalgam fillings in the mother’s mouth.
How much clearer do we have to be?

Pregnant women really need to think about what goes into their bodies. Clearly mercury isn’t good. Neither are any other metals. Neither is Fluoride. Try to drink non-fluoridated water and pay attention to bottled water as some has fluoride added. By the way, the fluoride that is added to drinking water, is almost always contaminated with Arsenic. It will also leach lead off the solder on your water pipes. This way you can become poisoned by the three most toxic substances known to man – Arsenic (1), Lead (2) and Mercury (3). They all cross the placenta and affect your baby! You might consider not poisoning your baby further by injecting rubbish, like Hep B and Vitamin K into their newborn bodies.
Same Amalgam More Mercury
There are some situations that accelerate the release of mercury from the fillings which include;
- increased friction,
- increased temperature,
- increased electrical currents and
- certain chemicals such as those used for bleaching teeth. The increase is far greater than you might imagine.
Another factor for the massive release of mercury comes from the formulation of the alloy that was introduced in 1976. This change came about by the addition of copper in the alloy. The dental associations supported the great increase in strength and claimed that it did not release mercury. The reality is, that it is stronger than the old formulation and also it releases 50 X more mercury than the old type.
Heat and Friction
Increasing temperature of the amalgam by friction (grinding your teeth or chewing) or having hot food and drink, will cause a dramatic increase in the levels of mercury vapour released from the fillings. After chewing gum for only ten minutes, the levels of mercury vapour almost double and this high level will remain elevated for about 90 minutes. [26],[27]
That’s about the time it takes us to get from breakfast to morning tea to lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Then we go to bed and perhaps grind our teeth and maintain the stress of the day. Remember that mercury is cumulative – the more that goes in the more that stays in. We eat and drink most of the day and many people still chew gum from morning till night. Hot beverages are common, and the stress of modern living causes many people to grind their teeth. Electrical currents in the metals in your mouth may also cause grinding and clenching. We could safely assume that most people with amalgam, are living with elevated levels of mercury most of the time.

There is another way of creating friction – it’s called going to the dentist or these days the hygienist. Dentists and hygienists are taught that amalgam fillings should be polished every 6 months, when the patient comes for a check-up. The dental schools do NOT warn the students that this is a disaster. If you have amalgam, do not allow the dentist to polish them. Do not allow the dentist to drill on the amalgam unless the tooth is isolated with a rubber dam, and you have a separate air supply to breath. This is critical. The amount of mercury vapour generated by drilling an amalgam filling can be as high as 4,000mcg/m3 just18 inches from the mouth. Imagine what is in the mouth when you inhale.

In 2004 some very clever dentists released a video on YouTube, which for the first time, showed mercury vapour coming off a 25 year old amalgam filling. This was quite an achievement because normally mercury vapour is invisible.
Rubbing the amalgam with an eraser is very gentle compared to running a polishing rubber with a drill until all of the tarnish is removed, and the filling is shiny. You and the dentist are breathing this in the whole time and for you the patient, for at least another 90 minutes after you leave.
Electrical Effects
Amalgam with other metals is commonly used in the same mouth, and often in the same tooth. The electric currents in these metals are measured in micro amps. Higher currents are accompanied with a greater release of mercury from the fillings. 59,[28],[29],[30],[31],[32],[33],[34],[35]

A study published in 1978 (Till and Maly – Mercury in tooth roots and jaw bones ZRW 1978) looked at the amount of mercury in the roots of teeth that were filled with amalgam, against teeth that were filled with amalgam which was covered by a gold crown. The average was that teeth with amalgam had on average 200 – 300 mcg of mercury per gram of root tissue. Those filled with amalgam and had a gold crown over them, had up to 1200mcg/ gram of root tissue. The combination causes an electric current which drives so much more mercury into the tooth.

“Gold in contact with amalgam constitutes a short circuited permanent galvanic cell, where the electrolytes are permanently renewed.” (M. Hanson J Orthomolecular Psychiatry 1983)

Different metals are often used in the same mouth. Often there are many metals used to restore the same tooth. They always create a battery – a galvanic cell. Currents measured in these teeth range from 1 – 200 microamps. The brain operates in the nano-amp range which is 1,000 times less than what is sitting just a few centimeters away. Increased electric currents always lead to an increase in the amount of mercury released from the amalgam fillings.
(Read the paper on Electric Currents)
Tooth Bleaching
The desire for whiter and whiter teeth, driven by manufacturers, is almost scary. No one has perfectly white teeth. It is normal for them to yellow a little with age. One of the effects of putting bleach on teeth, is that it destroys some of the proteins which hold the crystals of your enamel together and the teeth get a little more brittle. The other thing that bleaching does is to cause a massive increase in mercury coming from the amalgam. In some cases, double the levels before bleaching. [36],[37],[38],[39],[40],[41],[42] Is it really worth it?
Interestingly drinking alcohol will cause an increased release of mercury from amalgam. In general, this was a fivefold increase and had little to do with the level of mercury exposure prior to drinking the alcohol. [43]
The problem is not amalgam fillings.
The problem is mercury,
which escapes from the amalgam fillings
for the life of the fillings
and is a

Putting this Into Perspective

It’s common to find mouths that are very heavily filled with amalgam. These images are representative of the majority of patients that I used to treat. Many dentists would look at mouths like this and think – that’s a lot of amalgam. The dentists who place amalgams would look at these mouths and just see a normal looking mouth with the only filling that might need to be replaced being #4 where the margins are clearly worn. They would see another 9 teeth that will eventually need crowns at $2,500 each = $22,500. Most younger dentists would look at mouths like this and have respect for the fine workmanship that is presented.
Some of the larger fillings would weigh on average about 6 grams, the medium about 3 grams and the smaller ones about 2 grams. Note that the lower left molars are missing, or they might be filled as well.
Large Amalgams #1,3,7,8, 9,10,11,12,13 = 9 teeth X 6g = 54g, Medium # 4,14,15 = 3 teeth = 3 X 3 g = 9g, Small #5,6 = 2 teeth = 2 X 2 = 4g, Metal Porcelain Crowns over amalgam fillings # 2,16 2 teeth = about 8 g
Total Amalgam = 75g
Total Mercury = 37.5g
Teeth #1,2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,16 also had SS or Titanium Pins supporting the amalgam
No idea what the metal in the crowns was made from – usually an alloy that contains 4-5 different metals
13 teeth had mixed metals which produces at least a 4 fold increase in the amount of mercury coming off the amalgams. This is compounded in the mouth with the fillings that are only amalgam due to the increased electrical charges in the galvanic cell that is created in this situation, with a further dramatic increase in the mercury coming from these fillings.
I would not hazard a guess at the amount of mercury released 24/7 in a mouth like this.
“… 2.5 g, enough to contaminate 5, ten acre lakes to the extent there would be dangerous levels in fish. This is enough to poison 50 acres of lake water.”
Total Mercury = 37.5g ONE MOUTH
37.5 g of mercury (37.5 / 2.5 = 15) 15 X 5 = 75, 5 acre lakes or
375 acres of lakes, affecting all fish in these lakes making them contaminated enough to be unsafe to eat.
Electric Power Research Institute, EPRI Technical Brief:”Mercury in the Environment”, 1993; & EPRI Journal, April 1990.
The American Dental Association has boasted that more than 1,100 million amalgam fillings are placed in the United States each year. Eventually ALL the mercury in these amalgams will go into the environment! – urine, faeces, cremation, burial, waste from dental surgeries.
It seems to me that the words ‘safe’ and ‘effective’ and ‘ethical’ all come form the same manufacturer.

In Your Mouth
It Is
Safe & Effective!

[1] Source:http://www.who.int/ipcs/publications/cicad/en/cicad50.pdf
[2] WHO & Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Statement. Elemental Mercury and Inorganic Mercury Compounds Human Health Aspect (No50) 2003 based on the Toxicological profile for mercury (update) published by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry of the US Department of Health and Human Services. (ATSDR 1999) Published under joint sponsorship UN Environment program, international labour organisation world health organisation interorganisation program for sound management of chemicals
[3] Aschner M, Aschner JL. Mercury neurotoxicity: mechanisms of blood-brain barrier transport. Neurosci Behav Rev. 1990;14:169–176.
[4] Khordi-Mood M Sarraf-Shirazi AR Balali-Mood M Urinary mercury excretion following amalgam filling in children. J Toxicol Clin Toxicol (2001) 39(7):701-5
[5] The Lancet, Vol 337; May 4, 1991 Fritz Lorscheider and Murray Vimy, Dept of Medical Physiology and Medicine. Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary , Alberta
[6] Dr. P.Kraub & M.Deyhle, Universitat Tubingen- Institut fur Organische Chemie, “Field Study on the Mercury Content of Saliva”, 1997 http://www.uni‑tuebingen.de/KRAUSS/amalgam.html;
(20,000 people tested for mercury level in saliva and health status/symptoms compiled)
[7] Facts about Mercury and Dental Amalgam (with Medical Study References) Bernard Windham, Editor
[8] Dept. of Toxicology & Chemistry, Stockholm Univ., National Institute for Working Life, 1998.(www.niwl.se/ah/1998-02.html)
[9] I.Skare et al, Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, “Human Exposure to Hg and Ag Released from Dental Amalgam Restorations”, Archives of Environmental Health 1994; 49(5):384-394
[10] H.D.Utt,“Mercury Breath”,Journal of Calif. Dental Assoc., 1984,12(2):41
[11] A.V. Motorkina et al, “Hg release from amalgam fillings into oral cavity”, Stomatologiiia(Mosk): 1997, 76(4):9-11
[12] Stortebecker, P. The Lancet, May 27, 1989
[13] Henriksson J, Tjalve H. Uptake of inorganic mercury in the olfactory bulbs via olfactory pathways in rats. Environ Res. 1998;77:130–140.
[14] Arvidsson J, Gobel S. An HR study of the central projections of primary trigeminal neurons which innervate tooth pulps in the cat. Brain Res. 1991;210:1–16
[15] Mercury concentrations in the human brain and kidneys in relation to exposure from dental amalgam fillings. Nylander M, Friberg L, Lind B. Department of Environmental Hygiene, Karolinska Institute, Sweden. Swed Dent J 1987;11(5):179-87
[16] Ganser AL, Krischner DA. The interaction of mercurials with myelin (Comparison of in vitro and in vivo effects). Neurotoxicology. 1985;6:63–78
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