The Differences in Decay Rates
between fluoridated and Non-Fluoridated water supplies
are only seen in the Propaganda.
NOT in the Science!

Fluoride – Mass Medication/ Poisoning of our drinking water Here
Get the Fluoride OUT of your drinking Water. Some advice Here
A Fluoride Power Point Presentation. You can use it to present to local councils and governments – (if it takes too long to download you can Click this link. Scroll through using the arrow keys) Robert Gammal BDS
If it‘s taking to long to load, try hitting the “open in new window’ button.
The Same Fluoride Power Point Presentation converted to PDF. It has been used as a presentation to councils who are considering the question of whether or not to poison their water supply. The references are more readable in the PDF. Feel free to use it to present to your council. Here
Fluoride Information Collated
Here is a list of some vital information about fluoride. Kindly donated by NoFluoride.com Here
The Case Against Fluoride – answering the propaganda claims about how safe and effective it is. Written by Dr Paul Connet, Dr James Beck & Dr H Micklem Here (from the Fluoride Action Network)
Delayed Eruption of Teeth caused by fluoride, skews the claims that decay rates are improved by adding this poison to our drinking water. This is one of those ‘critical reading’ papers. It explains why 12 year olds are used to compare decay rates between areas that are fluoridated and not, and demonstrates that the comparison should be between 12 year olds in unfluoridated areas and 14-15 year olds in areas that are fluoridated Delayed Eruption of Teeth & Time at Risk for Cavities Here
No Proof of Harm. The Pro-fluoridating dental and government authorities/ experts/ … claim that there is NO scientific proof that fluoride does anything to the humans or animals or the environment, except improve their teeth. They claim that there is simply no published science to support the outrageous claims of the conspiracy theorist, hippy, ‘clean water lobby’. We must all be mad. The documentation that fluoride is a serious poison, that effects all living creatures and plants is voluminous. I give credit to whoever compiled the most incredible list of scientific references that I have seen, all in one place. THANK YOU.
The Dental Psycho-Socio-Path Just another take on the system. An opinion piece…. Possibly up to 1/2 of the time spent in dental school, teaches students to do procedures which harm people’s health! Imagine the teaching that could happen if time were not wasted on false education about Fluoride, Mercury Amalgam and Root Canals. Robert Gammal BDS Here
Dr. Andrew Harms – Interview Transcript. “I’m a Former President of the Australian Dental Association, and in the mid-nineties ….” A very revealing 4 pages Here
Bone Cancer Osteosarcoma. Boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidelines, are five times more likely to have a rare bone cancer than boys who drink unfluoridated water, according to a study by Harvard University scientists published in a peer reviewed journal. Here
The real Causes of Decay in teeth. Ralph Steinman was a dentist who published profusely in dental journals. He showed that decay had nothing to do with lack of fluoride, but was instead, related to eating sugars, poor diet & stress, in relation to the flow of fluids through the tooth. Read The Abstracts of Steinman Here
Dr. Phyllis Mullenix, A letter in response to a request from the U.S. Military, to find information about whether to add fluoride for their servicemen. This letter, from one of the most respected Fluoride researchers, is a must read. Here
Dr Blaylock is a Board-certified neurosurgeon. His Paper on Fluoride Neurotoxicity is essential reading. 86 References. PDF Here
Dr Hardy Limeback BSc, PhD, DDS Associate Professor and Head, Preventive Dentistry, University of Toronto. “Why I am officially opposed to adding fluoride to drinking water“ This paper has 145 references. PDF Here
Retreat of the Fluoridation Paradigm Prof Hardy Limebach PDF Here
Dr David Kennedy DDS has been an ardent advocate for clean and safe drinking water for decades. He has many presentations in paper and on Youtube (also below). I believe this paper is one of the best summaries of the whole fluoridation debate. Here
Dr. David Kennedy discusses what you’re not being told about the use of fluoride in water and as a preventive dental measure. Find out what’s being talked about and more importantly, what’s not being talked about when it comes to fluoride and your health!
Murder by Injection. Dr David Kennedy presenting the history and introduction of fluoride and the Manhattan Project legacy.
Mass Medication – an excellent paper showing how mass medication is illegal according to Australia’s Constitution, the Nuremburg Code – The first principle of the Code is that “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”. There is NO consent for water fluoridation. It is mass medication with a Schedule 6 poison that has No beneficial effects. “Section 130 [of the Medicines Act 1968, defines “medicinal product, and I am satisfied that fluoride in whatever form it is ultimately purchased by the respondents, falls within the definition.” Opinion of Lord Jauncey in causa Mrs Catherine McColl (A.P) against Strathclyde Regional Council. The Court of Session, Edinburgh, 1983.
“… between Australia’s Mr Justice Gillard and the UK’s Lord Justice Jauncey. In 1964 Gillard decided that “The power to introduce this process must be found apart from its powers in its role as a water utility. On the evidence before me, at the most, fluoridation can be described as a public health measure. The justification for its introduction by the council must, therefore, be found in the powers of the municipality with respect to health rather than in its function as the controller of the town water supply;
Read Douglas Cross’s paper PDF Here
Public Health Investigation of Epidemiological data on Disease and Mortality in Ireland related to Water Fluoridation and Fluoride Exposure – Declan Waugh BSc. CEnv. MCIWEM. MIEMA. MCIWM March 2013. Although this not a published paper, I believe it is one of the most significant contributions, demonstrating the differences in health affects of fluoride, as demonstrated between the South of Ireland (Fluoridated) and Northern Ireland (Not Fluoridated). This is a long paper with meticulous research. The differences between the two areas is STAGGERING. PDF Here
Increased cancer rates in fluoridated water supplies. Here
Fluoride Action Network is the home of Dr Paul Connet, where you will find masses of information and history about the poisoning of your water supply. https://fluoridealert.org/
Fluoride is an Environmental Disaster. Only 5% of fluoridated water is consumed for drinking – the rest goes into the environment. An excellent paper is Here
How does fluoride Affect Your Health? with Dr Paul Connett Oct 21, 2017
Really Makes You Wonder, Right?