to Other Great Information
I am happy to exchange links with sites trying to bring healthy information to the world. Contact Me. I will not link, and do not give permission to link, to commercial sites no matter how good the product.
The links on this page are my own personal choices. If you believe that others need to be added, please let me know.

Tribute to Dr Hal Huggins
Dr Hal Huggins discussing “Its All In Your Head” with an introduction by Dr Blanch Grube
Dr Hal Huggins talking about his dream, a little while before he passed away. A magnificent message for us all. I put this hear to honour my Great Teacher with gratitude for opening my eyes and heart.

I consider the following two web sites to be critical reading.
Although not specifically dental, they are critical
for our understanding of a much bigger picture.
Prof Harry Oldfield
Harry Oldfield is a scientist and inventor whose areas of successful development
span the visual presentation of energy fields with computers,
through to the image enhancement of microscopes and instruments utilizing the special properties of crystals.
Dr Bruce Lipton
Research scientist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., introduces a long-awaited paradigm shift in the biomedical sciences.
The new science will inspire your spirit, engage your mind and challenge your creativity as you comprehend
the enormous real potential for applying this information in your life and in your profession.

Essential Knowledge

Len Howrowitz Author of “Aids Ebola; Emerging Viruses” and “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse” – The information in this man’s work is staggering and life enhancing Here His book “Aids Ebola Emerging Viruses” should be a must read, especially in these troubling Covid times. It is the SECOND most scary book I have ever read. Here

Our Stolen Future – discuses the environmental toxins that are threatening the whole planet and everything that lives on it. http://www.ourstolenfuture.com/. The book “Our Stolen Future” by Theo Colburn and John Meyers is the MOST scary book I have ever read. Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, And Survival?- a Scientific Detective Story. There are many places on the web to purchase this book.

The Invisible Rainbow – Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is ‘safe’ for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before–from an environmental point of view–by detailing the effects that this fundamental societal building block has had on our health and our planet.
The Invisible Rainbow, traces the history of electricity from the early eighteenth century to the present, making a compelling case that many environmental problems, as well as the major diseases of industrialized civilization–heart disease, diabetes, and cancer–are related to electrical pollution.


Hal Huggins in New Zealand Here
Smoking Tooth Mercury vapour released from a 25 year old filling. Here
Follow up to the Smoking Tooth Here
Mercury and the FDA The endless discussions and the brilliant presentations. Here
What’s in your mouth – is mercury (etc.) from amalgam fillings making you sick? Shown on ITV (U.K.) February 16, 2009. Here
Dr. Nunnally discusses the dangers of amalgam fillings and what you can do to correct the issue. Here
Monsanto & ADA – The Same Formula Here
How lead has killed millions Here

The Mask of Deception – If your are after a quick overview of some of the most pressing health issues on the planet from some of the most informed and brilliant people on the planet than click Here. Everything form Fluoride to Root Canals to amalgam to MSG to aspartame and much, much more.
Fluoride Action Network is a fantastic source of information and networking Here
The Fluoride Deception – part one – Here
Part two Here
Part 3 Here
Misrepresentation of research which found a dramatic increase in bone cancer in young boys drinking flouridated water compared to non-fluoridated water. Here
The Fluoride Action Network is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating public awareness regarding the dangers of fluoride in drinking water. Here
Townsend Letter for Doctors has a couple of excellent articles at Here
FLUORIDE The Greatest Fraud of the Twentieth Century History & Dangers of Fluoride Here
Fluoride compounds which are put in water (fluoridation), toothpaste and supplement tablets (including some vitamins) were never tested for safety before approval. Here The Absurdities of Water Fluoridation Here


Thermography, dentistry and body diagnosis.
This is a PowerPoint presentation showing how thermography can be used to show the relationship between teeth and whole body health. (Downloadable Power Point Presentation.) Created by Dr Dawn Ewing and her website is full of information. Here
Metals and Breast Health By Dr Mike Godfrey.
A PDF from work that Dr Godfrey presented in Sydney in 2014. t clearly demonstrates the link of various metals form dentistry especially and the development of diseases in the breast. Here
MELISA Medical Foundation
is the web site of the MELISA Test which was developed by Prof Vera Stejskal. It is a reliable test demonstrating heavy metal sensitivity. Here you will find clear evidence of the dangers of heavy metals in the body INCLUDING Titanium from dental implants. This test is now available in Australia. This is a MUST VISIT site if you are being advised to have this treatment. www.melisa.org
Systemic effects of metal exposure in clinical practice Here
Highlights of review article on metal allergy 2021 Here
Articles by Rebecca Dutton about Heavy Metal Sensitivity
After many years of exposure to mercury and working quietly to try to inform the public, Rebecca was invited by Professor Vera Stejskal to join the Melisa Diagnostics Team in 2011. In 2014, she was appointed lead activist to represent the UK in the Global Minamata Treaty, to ban mercury pollution. Medical and dental practitioners are well advised to examine this material.
These are images of a young woman who is now extremely ill. She is 30 years of age and has two small children. She’s had extensive surgery; 6 major spinal operations. She was not tested for metal allergy prior to surgery, which involved placing two half metre rods, 27 screws, wires, hooks, 2 crossbars and bolts. After her fourth operation, in the interim period, without her rods and a very weak spine from repeated surgery, her spine broke in two places, so a fifth operation was needed. I suggested carbon coated implants as she was highly allergic to the hardware but unfortunately, her surgeon refused to use them. After surgery she developed a severe hypersensitive reaction again; burning, itching, high temperature, rash so the hardware was removed 3 months later. She is now disabled and bedridden as her spine is too weak to support her. She is fed through a feeding tube in her stomach as her gut stopped functioning after the sixth spinal surgery. Her suffering was unnecessary as she had a known nickel allergy but was not tested prior to surgery. As it is extremely difficult to remove spinal instrumentation and to repeat surgery, it’s better to check the possibility of an allergic reaction prior to surgery but unfortunately, this is not common practice; even when information on material composition inserts, state: “If hypersensitivity to metal or allergies is suspected, it is recommended that the patient sensitivity be confirmed via a blood test prior to using any metal implants.”
Click HERE to see
Rebecca Dutton 23rd June 2023 Professor Shoenfeld’s Friday Mosaic of Autoimmunity International online Meeting.

Scoliosis – a link to Mercury Here
Rhesus Negative Blood Group Here
Collagen, Hypermobility and Scoliosis Here
Karen Fielding Case Study Here
Systemic Effects of Metal Exposure in Clinical Practice Here
Systemic Effects of Metal Exposure in Clinical Practice. Protecting patients and optimising outcomes.
Townsend Letter for Doctors & Patients
Publishes a print magazine about alternative medicine. It is written by researchers, health practitioners and patients. As a forum for the entire alternative medicine community, we present scientific information (pro and con) on a wide variety of alternative medicine topics. Here
Issels Treatment
This site describes a comprehensive immunotherapy for cancer. By following the ‘Publications’ link you will find the link to “Focus On Foci’, which is chapter 8 of Dr Issel’s book called ‘Cancer A Second Opinion’. This is CRITICAL reading if you are to gain an understanding about how dead teeth can impair your health. www.issels.com
Dr Wes Shankland Dr Shankland is one of the leading surgeons in the world treating NICO lessions. His page is one of the best descriptions of this process. Here
Dr Klinghardt is one of the world leaders in Neural medicine Here
The Swedish Association For the Electrically and VDT injured Here

The Weston A Price Foundation https://www.westonaprice.org/
The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific validation of traditional foodways. People seeking health today often condemn certain food groups — such as grains, dairy foods, meat, salt, fat, sauces, sweets and nightshade vegetables — but the Wise Traditions Diet is inclusive, not exclusive.
The Price-Pottinger Nutrition Foundation (PPNF) is a non-profit educational resource providing access to modern scientific validation of ancestral wisdom on nutrition, agriculture, and health for 57 years. Originally known as the Weston A. Price Memorial Foundation, we serve as the guardian for the precious archival material from the research of Weston A. Price, DDS and Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD, and most of the great nutrition pioneers of our time, as well as maintaining a library of over 10,000 historical and contemporary references Price-Pottenger : Home
Dr Pottinger’s Cats
The effects of nutrition and how what you eat affects your children and their children’s future generations.
This is a video of some incredible research by Dr Pottinger (1907-1967). Processed food is not good for your health.
The changes are seen for many generations.
The Price Pottinger Story.
This is the astonishing and amazing story of the great nutrition pioneers: Weston A. Price, DDS and Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., MD
The Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation (PPNF) is a non-profit educational resource providing access to modern scientific validation of ancestral wisdom on nutrition, agriculture, and health for 55 years.
Nutrition and Health – David Getoff
These are facts that you may never hear from our politically correct media or the books and periodicals which contradict one another with every new issue that hits the newstands. Preventive medicine does not mean diagnosing illnesses sooner or earlier, it means preventing them from occuring in the first place. Good health requires some work on your part, come learn how. http://DavidGetoff.com